Package org.apache.myfaces.portlet.faces.util

Examples of org.apache.myfaces.portlet.faces.util.QueryString$Parameter

  public String encodeActionURL(String url)
    String viewId = null, path = null;
    QueryString queryStr = null;
    int queryStart = -1;

    if (url.startsWith("#") || isExternalURL(url) || isDirectLink(url))
      return url;

    // url might contain DirectLink=false parameter -- spec says remove if
    // it does.
    url = removeDirectLink(url);

    // Now determine the target viewId

    // First: split URL into path and query string
    // Hold onto QueryString for later processing
    queryStart = url.indexOf('?');

    if (queryStart != -1)
      // Get the query string
      queryStr = new QueryString(url.substring(queryStart + 1), "UTF8");
      path = url.substring(0, queryStart);
      path = url;
      // construct an empty queryString to hold the viewId
      queryStr = new QueryString("UTF8");
    // Determine the viewId by inspecting the URL
    if (!isRelativePath(path))
      viewId = getViewIdFromPath(path);
      viewId = getViewIdFromRelativePath(path);

    if (viewId == null)
      throw new FacesException("encodeActionURL:  unable to recognize viewId");
    // put the viewId in the QueryStr.
    queryStr.addParameter(ACTION_ID_PARAMETER_NAME, viewId);

    if (mPhase == Bridge.PortletPhase.RENDER_PHASE)
    { // render - write
      // the viewId into
      // the response
      // (interaction
      // state)
      RenderResponse renderResponse = (RenderResponse) getResponse();
      PortletURL actionURL = renderResponse.createActionURL();

      // Add parameters so they don't get lost
      Enumeration<String> list = queryStr.getParameterNames();
      while (list.hasMoreElements())
        String param = list.nextElement().toString();
        if (param.equals(Bridge.PORTLET_MODE_PARAMETER))
            actionURL.setPortletMode(new PortletMode(queryStr.getParameter(param)));
          catch (Exception e)
            ; // do nothing -- just ignore
        else if (param.equals(Bridge.PORTLET_WINDOWSTATE_PARAMETER))
            actionURL.setWindowState(new WindowState(queryStr.getParameter(param)));
          catch (Exception e)
            ; // do nothing -- just ignore
        else if (param.equals(Bridge.PORTLET_SECURE_PARAMETER))
          catch (Exception e)
            ; // do nothing -- just ignore
          actionURL.setParameter(param, queryStr.getParameter(param));

      // TODO hack to workaround double encoding problem
      url = actionURL.toString();
      url = url.replaceAll("\\&amp\\;", "&");
    { // action - write the viewId to navigational state
      ActionResponse actionResponse = (ActionResponse) getResponse();

      // set request params into navigational states
      Enumeration<String> list = queryStr.getParameterNames();
      while (list.hasMoreElements())
        String param = list.nextElement();
        if (param.equals(Bridge.PORTLET_MODE_PARAMETER))
            actionResponse.setPortletMode(new PortletMode(queryStr.getParameter(param)));
          catch (Exception e)
            //TODO: Ignoring is probably dangerous here as it means that we are
            //      EITHER using exceptions for flow control (which is extreemly
            //      inefficient) or we should log a message saying what the issue
            //      is.  According to the Javadocs an exception is thrown here if the
            //      portlet mode is not allowed or if sendRedirect has already been
            //      called.  In either case we should log an information type message
            //      here.
            ; // do nothing -- just ignore
        else if (param.equals(Bridge.PORTLET_WINDOWSTATE_PARAMETER))
            actionResponse.setWindowState(new WindowState(queryStr.getParameter(param)));
          catch (Exception e)
            ; // do nothing -- just ignore
        else if (param.equals(Bridge.PORTLET_SECURE_PARAMETER))
          ; // ignore -- do nothing as can't encode into an actionResponse
          actionResponse.setRenderParameter(param, queryStr.getParameter(param));
    // Because we want to support translating a redirect that occurs
    // during a render as an in place navigation AND we can't reverse
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    // Redirects to a view are dealt (elsewhere) as navigations --
    // encode this information for later use by the bridge controller.
    // Other links are redirected.
    // First look to see if this is an already encoded
    QueryString params = (QueryString) getRequestMap().get(ENCODED_ACTION_URL_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX.concat(url));
    if (params != null)
      // Because we want to support translating a redirect that occurs
      // during a render as an in place navigation AND we can't reverse
      // engineer the URL from the actionURL, we stash the original URL on
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    // Some viewId may have query string, so handle that here
    // (e.g., TaskFlow has the following viewId:
    // /adf.task-flow?_document=/WEB-INF/task-flow.xml&_id=task1

    int queryStart = viewId.indexOf('?');
    QueryString queryStr = null;

    if (queryStart != -1)
      // parse the query string and add the parameters to internal maps
      // delay the creation of ParameterMap and ParameterValuesMap until
      // they are needed/called by the client
      queryStr = new QueryString(viewId.substring(queryStart + 1), "UTF8");

      // TODO: Constants
      mInternalRequestParameterMap = new HashMap<String, String>(5);
      mInternalRequestParameterValuesMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(5);

      Enumeration<String> list = queryStr.getParameterNames();
      while (list.hasMoreElements())
        String param = list.nextElement();
        mInternalRequestParameterMap.put(param, queryStr.getParameter(param));
        mInternalRequestParameterValuesMap.put(param, new String[]
            { queryStr.getParameter(param) });

      viewId = viewId.substring(0, queryStart);
      log("PortletExternalContextImpl.getViewId: special viewId: " + viewId);
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  private String replaceResourceQueryStringMarkers(String s, boolean hasBackLink,
                                                   boolean hasViewLink)
    String path = null;
    QueryString queryStr = null;
    int queryStart = -1;

    // First: split URL into path and query string
    // Hold onto QueryString for later processing
    queryStart = s.indexOf('?');

    // references aren't in the querystring so nothing to do
    if (queryStart == -1)
      return s;

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    queryStr = new QueryString(s.substring(queryStart + 1), "UTF8");
    path = s.substring(0, queryStart);

    if (hasBackLink)
      Enumeration<String> list = queryStr.getParameterNames();
      while (list.hasMoreElements())
        String param = list.nextElement().toString();
        if (hasBackLink && param.equals(Bridge.BACK_LINK))
            // Set backlink as parameter using value as param name
          catch (Exception e)
            ; // do nothing -- just ignore
    // Now make sure the parameters are removed
    catch (Exception e)
      ; // do nothing -- just ignore

    // Now put the string back together
    String qs = queryStr.toString();
    if (qs.length() > 0)
      s = path + "?" + qs;
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  private boolean isTokenLink(String token, String url)
    int queryStart = url.indexOf('?');
    QueryString queryStr = null;
    String tokenParam = null;

    if (queryStart != -1)
      queryStr = new QueryString(url.substring(queryStart + 1), "UTF8");
      tokenParam = queryStr.getParameter(token);
      return Boolean.parseBoolean(tokenParam);

    return false;
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  private String removeTokenLink(String token, String url)
    int queryStart = url.indexOf('?');
    QueryString queryStr = null;

    if (queryStart != -1)
      queryStr = new QueryString(url.substring(queryStart + 1), "UTF8");
      String query = queryStr.toString();
      if (query != null && query.length() != 0)
        url = url.substring(0, queryStart + 1) + query;
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    // Redirects to a view are dealt (elsewhere) as navigations --
    // encode this information for later use by the bridge controller.
    // Other links are redirected.
    // First look to see if this is an already encoded
    QueryString params = (QueryString) getRequestMap().get(ENCODED_ACTION_URL_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX.concat(url.replace(".", "*")));
    if (params != null)
      // Because we want to support translating a redirect that occurs
      // during a render as an in place navigation AND we can't reverse
      // engineer the URL from the actionURL, we stash the original URL on
      // a request attribute, keyed with the generated URL.  If this generated
      // url is passed to redirect() we can get the original url back and
      // process based on it.
      // In Portlet 1.0 we can't redirect to nonFaces target during render
      // Check for this case and throw an exception
      // A NonFaces target is any that doesn't have a Faces ViewId
      // encoded in it.
      if (getPortletPhase() == Bridge.PortletPhase.RENDER_PHASE)
        String target = params.getParameter(JSF_TARGET_VIEWID_RENDER_PARAMETER);
        if (target == null)
          throw new IllegalStateException("Can't redirect during render to a NonFaces target: " + target);
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    // Some viewId may have query string, so handle that here
    // (e.g., TaskFlow has the following viewId:
    // /adf.task-flow?_document=/WEB-INF/task-flow.xml&_id=task1

    int queryStart = viewId.indexOf('?');
    QueryString queryStr = null;

    if (queryStart != -1)
      // parse the query string and add the parameters to internal maps
      // delay the creation of ParameterMap and ParameterValuesMap until
      // they are needed/called by the client
      queryStr = new QueryString(viewId.substring(queryStart + 1), "UTF8");

      // TODO: Constants
      // We store these into a temporary Map until a client calls the corresponding
      // ExternalContext public api to get the request parameter map(s).  In those
      // methods we use these temp maps to build the overall Map that is returned.
      // This roundabout technique is used to delay accessing request parameters until the
      // client first requests them.
      mTempExtraRequestParameterMap = new HashMap<String, String>(5);
      mTempExtraRequestParameterValuesMap = new HashMap<String, String[]>(5);
      // Clear any existing Request ParameterMap to ensure reconstruction
      // with these new extra entries.
      mRequestParameterMap = null;
      mRequestParameterValuesMap = null;

      Enumeration<String> list = queryStr.getParameterNames();
      while (list.hasMoreElements())
        String param = list.nextElement();
        mTempExtraRequestParameterMap.put(param, queryStr.getParameter(param));
        // Now deal with the multiValue case
        Enumeration<String> e = queryStr.getParameterValues(param);
        ArrayList<String> l = new ArrayList(5);
        while (e.hasMoreElements())
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    return viewId;

  private void updateViewChainAttribute(String mode, String viewId, boolean modeChanged)
    QueryString qs = new QueryString("UTF8");
    // always encode the mode in the viewId as this is used for mode transitions
    qs.setParameter(Bridge.PORTLET_MODE_PARAMETER, mode);
    if (!modeChanged)
        // Build a QueryString from the request's render parameters so can preserve
      // with the viewId
      Map m = getRequestParameterValuesMap();
      if (!m.isEmpty())
        Set <Map.Entry<String, String[]>> set = m.entrySet();
        Iterator <Map.Entry<String,String[]>> i = set.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) 
          Map.Entry<String,String[]> e =;
          // only add if not a viewId or viewState parameter
          if (!e.getKey().equals(JSF_TARGET_VIEWID_RENDER_PARAMETER)
          && !e.getKey().equals(ResponseStateManager.VIEW_STATE_PARAM))
            for (String s : e.getValue())
              qs.addParameter(e.getKey(), s);
    String toAppend = qs.toString();
    StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(viewId.length() + toAppend.length() + 1);
    viewId = sb.append(viewId).append("?").append(toAppend).toString();
    // Now add to the appropriate session attribute based on Mode
    Map sessionMap = getSessionMap();
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  private String replaceResourceQueryStringMarkers(String s, boolean hasBackLink,
                                                   boolean hasViewLink)
    String path = null;
    QueryString queryStr = null;
    int queryStart = -1;

    // First: split URL into path and query string
    // Hold onto QueryString for later processing
    queryStart = s.indexOf('?');

    // references aren't in the querystring so nothing to do
    if (queryStart == -1)
      return s;

    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

    queryStr = new QueryString(s.substring(queryStart + 1), "UTF8");
    path = s.substring(0, queryStart);

    if (hasBackLink)
      Enumeration<String> list = queryStr.getParameterNames();
      while (list.hasMoreElements())
        String param = list.nextElement().toString();
        if (hasBackLink && param.equals(Bridge.BACK_LINK))
            // Set backlink as parameter using value as param name
          catch (Exception e)
            ; // do nothing -- just ignore
    // Now make sure the parameters are removed
    catch (Exception e)
      ; // do nothing -- just ignore

    // Now put the string back together
    String qs = queryStr.toString();
    if (qs.length() > 0)
      s = path + "?" + qs;
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Related Classes of org.apache.myfaces.portlet.faces.util.QueryString$Parameter

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