// get the EPR of the entry resource so we can look it up
Element subEprXML = XmlUtils.getElement(resourceXML, WsnConstants.SUBSCRIPTION_EPR_QNAME);
EndpointReference subEPR = new EndpointReference(subEprXML);
// get properties of the subscription so we can add them back to
// the resource instance
Element consumerEprXML = XmlUtils.getElement(resourceXML, WsnConstants.CONSUMER_QNAME);
EndpointReference consumerEPR = new EndpointReference(consumerEprXML);
Element producerEprXML = XmlUtils.getElement(resourceXML, WsnConstants.PRODUCER_QNAME);
EndpointReference producerEPR = new EndpointReference(producerEprXML);
Element filterXML = XmlUtils.getElement(resourceXML, WsnConstants.FILTER_QNAME);
Filter filter = FilterFactory.getInstance().newInstance(filterXML);