// this step, we will pass in the MBeanServer so that sessions can be
// registered on the MBeanServer.
ImageServerIoHandler handler = new ImageServerIoHandler( mBeanServer );
// This socket acceptor will handle incoming connections
NioSocketAcceptor acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor();
// create a JMX-aware bean that wraps a MINA IoService object. In this
// case, a NioSocketAcceptor.
IoServiceMBean acceptorMBean = new IoServiceMBean( acceptor );
// create a JMX ObjectName. This has to be in a specific format.
ObjectName acceptorName = new ObjectName( acceptor.getClass().getPackage().getName() +
":type=acceptor,name=" + acceptor.getClass().getSimpleName());
// register the bean on the MBeanServer. Without this line, no JMX will happen for
// this acceptor.
mBeanServer.registerMBean( acceptorMBean, acceptorName );
// add an IoFilter . This class is responsible for converting the incoming and
// outgoing raw data to ImageRequest and ImageResponse objects
ProtocolCodecFilter protocolFilter = new ProtocolCodecFilter(new ImageCodecFactory(false));
// create a JMX-aware bean that wraps a MINA IoFilter object. In this
// case, a ProtocolCodecFilter
IoFilterMBean protocolFilterMBean = new IoFilterMBean( protocolFilter );
// create a JMX ObjectName.
ObjectName protocolFilterName = new ObjectName( protocolFilter.getClass().getPackage().getName() +
":type=protocolfilter,name=" + protocolFilter.getClass().getSimpleName() );
// register the bean on the MBeanServer. Without this line, no JMX will happen for
// this filter.
mBeanServer.registerMBean( protocolFilterMBean, protocolFilterName );
// add the protocolFilter to the acceptor, otherwise no filtering of data will happen
acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("protocol", protocolFilter);
// get a reference to the filter chain from the acceptor
DefaultIoFilterChainBuilder filterChainBuilder = acceptor.getFilterChain();
// add an ExecutorFilter to the filter chain. The preferred order is to put the executor filter
// after any protocol filters due to the fact that protocol codecs are generally CPU-bound
// which is the same as I/O filters.
filterChainBuilder.addLast("threadPool", new ExecutorFilter(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()));
// set this NioSocketAcceptor's handler to the ImageServerHandler
// Bind to the specified address. This kicks off the listening for
// incoming connections
acceptor.bind(new InetSocketAddress(PORT));
System.out.println("Step 3 server is listenig at port " + PORT);