chainBuilders.add( chainBuilder );
SocketAcceptor acceptor = getSocketAcceptor( transport );
// Now, configure the acceptor
// Disable the disconnection of the clients on unbind
acceptor.setCloseOnDeactivation( false );
// No Nagle's algorithm
acceptor.getSessionConfig().setTcpNoDelay( true );
// Inject the chain
acceptor.setFilterChainBuilder( chainBuilder );
// Inject the protocol handler
acceptor.setHandler( getHandler() );
( ( AbstractSocketSessionConfig ) acceptor.getSessionConfig() ).setReadBufferSize( 64 * 1024 );
( ( AbstractSocketSessionConfig ) acceptor.getSessionConfig() ).setSendBufferSize( 64 * 1024 );
// Bind to the configured address
// We are done !
started = true;
if ( LOG.isInfoEnabled() )