public void fillInputData( InputData inputData )
throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException, AuthorizationException
Resource resource = inputData.getResource();
String repositoryUrl = getRepository().getUrl();
String url = repositoryUrl + ( repositoryUrl.endsWith( "/" ) ? "" : "/" ) + resource.getName();
getMethod = new HttpGet( url );
long timestamp = resource.getLastModified();
if ( timestamp > 0 )
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat( "EEE, dd-MMM-yy HH:mm:ss zzz", Locale.US );
fmt.setTimeZone( GMT_TIME_ZONE );
Header hdr = new BasicHeader( "If-Modified-Since", fmt.format( new Date( timestamp ) ) );
fireTransferDebug( "sending ==> " + hdr + "(" + timestamp + ")" );
getMethod.addHeader( hdr );
HttpResponse response;
int statusCode;
response = execute( getMethod );
catch ( IOException e )
fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );
throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( HttpException e )
fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );
throw new TransferFailedException( e.getMessage(), e );
statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
String reasonPhrase = ", ReasonPhrase:" + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase() + ".";
fireTransferDebug( url + " - Status code: " + statusCode + reasonPhrase );
// TODO [BP]: according to httpclient docs, really should swallow the output on error. verify if that is
// required
switch ( statusCode )
case HttpStatus.SC_OK:
case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_MODIFIED:
// return, leaving last modified set to original value so getIfNewer should return unmodified
case SC_NULL:
TransferFailedException e =
new TransferFailedException( "Failed to transfer file: " + url + reasonPhrase );
fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );
throw e;
case HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN:
throw new AuthorizationException( "Access denied to: " + url + reasonPhrase );
case HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED:
throw new AuthorizationException( "Not authorized" + reasonPhrase );
throw new AuthorizationException( "Not authorized by proxy" + reasonPhrase );
case HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND:
throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException( "File: " + url + reasonPhrase );
// add more entries here
cleanupGetTransfer( resource );
TransferFailedException e = new TransferFailedException(
"Failed to transfer file: " + url + ". Return code is: " + statusCode + reasonPhrase );
fireTransferError( resource, e, TransferEvent.REQUEST_GET );
throw e;
InputStream is;
Header contentLengthHeader = response.getFirstHeader( "Content-Length" );
if ( contentLengthHeader != null )
long contentLength = Integer.valueOf( contentLengthHeader.getValue() ).intValue();
resource.setContentLength( contentLength );
catch ( NumberFormatException e )
"error parsing content length header '" + contentLengthHeader.getValue() + "' " + e );
Header lastModifiedHeader = response.getFirstHeader( "Last-Modified" );
long lastModified = 0;
if ( lastModifiedHeader != null )
lastModified = DateUtils.parseDate( lastModifiedHeader.getValue() ).getTime();
resource.setLastModified( lastModified );
catch ( DateParseException e )
fireTransferDebug( "Unable to parse last modified header" );