Package org.apache.maven.settings

Examples of org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy


    protected void configureProxyServerSettings() throws MojoExecutionException {

        Proxy proxy = mavenSession.getSettings().getActiveProxy();

        if (proxy != null) {

            getLog().info("Using proxy server configured in maven.");

            if (proxy.getHost() == null) {
                throw new MojoExecutionException("Proxy in settings.xml has no host");
            } else {
                System.setProperty("proxySet", "true");
                System.setProperty("proxyHost", proxy.getHost());
                System.setProperty("proxyPort", String.valueOf(proxy.getPort()));

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                            wagon.setTimeout( 1000 );
                            Settings settings = mavenSettingsBuilder.buildSettings();
                            ProxyInfo proxyInfo = null;
                            if ( settings != null && settings.getActiveProxy() != null )
                                Proxy settingsProxy = settings.getActiveProxy();

                                proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo();
                                proxyInfo.setHost( settingsProxy.getHost() );
                                proxyInfo.setType( settingsProxy.getProtocol() );
                                proxyInfo.setPort( settingsProxy.getPort() );
                                proxyInfo.setNonProxyHosts( settingsProxy.getNonProxyHosts() );
                                proxyInfo.setUserName( settingsProxy.getUsername() );
                                proxyInfo.setPassword( settingsProxy.getPassword() );                               
                            if ( proxyInfo != null )
                                wagon.connect( repository, wagonManager.getAuthenticationInfo( repository.getId() ), proxyInfo );
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    public void testProxy()
        throws Exception
        Settings settings = new Settings();
        Proxy proxy = new Proxy();

        // dummy proxy
        proxy.setActive( true );
        proxy.setHost( "" );
        proxy.setPort( 80 );
        proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
        proxy.setUsername( "toto" );
        proxy.setPassword( "toto" );
        proxy.setNonProxyHosts( "|*" );
        settings.addProxy( proxy );

        File testPom = new File( getBasedir(), "src/test/resources/unit/proxy-test/proxy-test-plugin-config.xml" );
        JavadocReport mojo = (JavadocReport) lookupMojo( "javadoc", testPom );
        assertNotNull( mojo );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "settings", settings );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "remoteRepositories", mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );

        File commandLine = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/proxy-test/target/site/apidocs/javadoc." + ( SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS ? "bat" : "sh" ) );
        assertTrue( FileUtils.fileExists( commandLine.getAbsolutePath() ) );
        String readed = readFile( commandLine );
        assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxySet=true" ) );
        assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyHost=" ) );
        assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=80" ) );
        assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyUser=\\\"toto\\\"" ) );
        assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\\\"toto\\\"" ) );
        assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=\\\"|*\\\"" ) );

        File options = new File( getBasedir(), "target/test/unit/proxy-test/target/site/apidocs/options" );
        assertTrue( FileUtils.fileExists( options.getAbsolutePath() ) );
        String optionsContent = readFile( options );
        // NO -link expected
        assertFalse( optionsContent.contains( "-link" ) );

        // real proxy
        ProxyServer proxyServer = null;
        AuthAsyncProxyServlet proxyServlet = null;
            proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet();
            proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );

            settings = new Settings();
            proxy = new Proxy();
            proxy.setActive( true );
            proxy.setHost( proxyServer.getHostName() );
            proxy.setPort( proxyServer.getPort() );
            proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
            settings.addProxy( proxy );

            mojo = (JavadocReport) lookupMojo( "javadoc", testPom );
            setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "settings", settings );
            setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "remoteRepositories", mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
            readed = readFile( commandLine );
            assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxySet=true" ) );
            assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyHost=" + proxyServer.getHostName() ) );
            assertTrue( readed.contains( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPort=" + proxyServer.getPort() ) );

            optionsContent = readFile( options );
            // -link expected
// TODO: This got disabled for now!
// This test fails since the last commit but I actually think it only ever worked by accident.
// It did rely on a commons-logging-1.0.4.pom which got resolved by a test which did run previously.
// But after updating to commons-logging.1.1.1 there is no pre-resolved artifact available in
// target/local-repo anymore, thus the javadoc link info cannot get built and the test fails
// I'll for now just disable this line of code, because the test as far as I can see _never_
// did go upstream. The remoteRepository list used is always empty!.
//            assertTrue( optionsContent.contains( "-link ''" ) );
            if ( proxyServer != null )

        // auth proxy
        Map<String, String> authentications = new HashMap<String, String>();
        authentications.put( "foo", "bar" );
            proxyServlet = new AuthAsyncProxyServlet( authentications );
            proxyServer = new ProxyServer( proxyServlet );

            settings = new Settings();
            proxy = new Proxy();
            proxy.setActive( true );
            proxy.setHost( proxyServer.getHostName() );
            proxy.setPort( proxyServer.getPort() );
            proxy.setProtocol( "http" );
            proxy.setUsername( "foo" );
            proxy.setPassword( "bar" );
            settings.addProxy( proxy );

            mojo = (JavadocReport) lookupMojo( "javadoc", testPom );
            setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "settings", settings );
            setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "remoteRepositories", mojo.project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories() );
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        if ( settings == null )
            return cmdLine;

        Proxy activeProxy = settings.getActiveProxy();
        if ( activeProxy != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getHost() )
            && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getUsername() )
            && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getPassword() ) )
            String pass = "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"" + activeProxy.getPassword() + "\"";
            String hidepass =
                "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"" + StringUtils.repeat( "*", activeProxy.getPassword().length() ) + "\"";

            return StringUtils.replace( cmdLine, pass, hidepass );

        return cmdLine;
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        httpClient.getParams().setParameter( HttpMethodParams.USER_AGENT,
                                             "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)" );

        if ( settings != null && settings.getActiveProxy() != null )
            Proxy activeProxy = settings.getActiveProxy();

            ProxyInfo proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo();
            proxyInfo.setNonProxyHosts( activeProxy.getNonProxyHosts() );

            if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getHost() )
                 && ( url == null || !ProxyUtils.validateNonProxyHosts( proxyInfo, url.getHost() ) ) )
                httpClient.getHostConfiguration().setProxy( activeProxy.getHost(), activeProxy.getPort() );

                if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getUsername() ) && activeProxy.getPassword() != null )
                    Credentials credentials =
                        new UsernamePasswordCredentials( activeProxy.getUsername(), activeProxy.getPassword() );

                    httpClient.getState().setProxyCredentials( AuthScope.ANY, credentials );
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        if ( settings == null || settings.getActiveProxy() == null )

        Proxy activeProxy = settings.getActiveProxy();
        String protocol = StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getProtocol() ) ? activeProxy.getProtocol() + "." : "";

        if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getHost() ) )
            cmd.createArg().setValue( "-J-D" + protocol + "proxySet=true" );
            cmd.createArg().setValue( "-J-D" + protocol + "proxyHost=" + activeProxy.getHost() );

            if ( activeProxy.getPort() > 0 )
                cmd.createArg().setValue( "-J-D" + protocol + "proxyPort=" + activeProxy.getPort() );

            if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getNonProxyHosts() ) )
                    "-J-D" + protocol + "nonProxyHosts=\"" + activeProxy.getNonProxyHosts() + "\"" );

            if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getUsername() ) )
                cmd.createArg().setValue( "-J-Dhttp.proxyUser=\"" + activeProxy.getUsername() + "\"" );

                if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( activeProxy.getPassword() ) )
                    cmd.createArg().setValue( "-J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=\"" + activeProxy.getPassword() + "\"" );
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        if ( settings == null || settings.getActiveProxy() == null )
            return null;

        Proxy settingsProxy = settings.getActiveProxy();

        ProxyInfo proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo();
        proxyInfo.setHost( settingsProxy.getHost() );
        proxyInfo.setType( settingsProxy.getProtocol() );
        proxyInfo.setPort( settingsProxy.getPort() );
        proxyInfo.setNonProxyHosts( settingsProxy.getNonProxyHosts() );
        proxyInfo.setUserName( settingsProxy.getUsername() );
        proxyInfo.setPassword( settingsProxy.getPassword() );

        return proxyInfo;
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                IOUtil.close( in );

        Proxy proxy = settings.getActiveProxy();
        if ( proxy != null )
            if ( "http".equals( scheme ) || "https".equals( scheme ) || "ftp".equals( scheme ) )
                scheme += ".";
                scheme = "";

            String host = proxy.getHost();
            if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( host ) )
                Properties p = System.getProperties();
                p.setProperty( scheme + "proxySet", "true" );
                p.setProperty( scheme + "proxyHost", host );
                p.setProperty( scheme + "proxyPort", String.valueOf( proxy.getPort() ) );
                if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( proxy.getNonProxyHosts() ) )
                    p.setProperty( scheme + "nonProxyHosts", proxy.getNonProxyHosts() );

                final String userName = proxy.getUsername();
                if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( userName ) )
                    final String pwd = StringUtils.isEmpty( proxy.getPassword() ) ? "" : proxy.getPassword();
                    Authenticator.setDefault( new Authenticator()
                        /** {@inheritDoc} */
                        protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication()
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     * @param client  the HttpClient
    private void determineProxy( String jiraUrl, HttpClient client )
        // see whether there is any proxy defined in maven
        Proxy proxy = null;

        getProxyInfo( jiraUrl );

        if ( proxyHost != null )
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    protected void getProxyInfo( String jiraUrl )
        // see whether there is any proxy defined in maven
        Proxy proxy = null;

        if ( project == null )
            getLog().error( "No project set. No proxy info available." );


        if ( settings != null )
            proxy = settings.getActiveProxy();

        if ( proxy != null )

            ProxyInfo proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo();
            proxyInfo.setNonProxyHosts( proxy.getNonProxyHosts() );

            // Get the host out of the JIRA URL
            URL url = null;
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy

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