Package org.apache.maven.scm.repository

Examples of org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepositoryException

        String[] tokens = StringUtils.split( rest, String.valueOf( delimiter ) );

        if ( tokens.length < 2 )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( "Invalid SCM URL: The url has to be on the form: " + VSS_URL_FORMAT );
            vssDir = tokens[0];
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                    String tmp = scmSpecificUrl.substring( i1 + 1, lastDelimiter );
                    port = Integer.parseInt( tmp );
                catch ( NumberFormatException ex )
                    throw new ScmRepositoryException( "The port has to be a number." );
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            host = tokens[0];

            if ( tokens[1].indexOf( '/' ) == -1 )
                throw new ScmRepositoryException(
                    "Invalid SCM URL: The url has to be on the form: " + STARTEAM_URL_FORMAT );

            int at = tokens[1].indexOf( '/' );

            port = new Integer( tokens[1].substring( 0, at ) ).intValue();

            path = tokens[1].substring( at );
            throw new ScmRepositoryException(
                "Invalid SCM URL: The url has to be on the form: " + STARTEAM_URL_FORMAT );

            return new StarteamScmProviderRepository( user, password, host, port, path );
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException(
                "Invalid SCM URL: The url has to be on the form: " + STARTEAM_URL_FORMAT );
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        ScmUrlParserResult result = parseScmUrl( scmSpecificUrl, delimiter );

        if ( result.getMessages().size() > 0 )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( "The scm url is invalid.", result.getMessages() );

        return result.getRepository();
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    public ScmProviderRepository makeProviderScmRepository( File path )
        throws ScmRepositoryException, UnknownRepositoryStructure
        if ( path == null || !path.isDirectory() )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( path.getAbsolutePath() + " isn't a valid directory." );

        File cvsDirectory = new File( path, "CVS" );

        if ( !cvsDirectory.exists() )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( path.getAbsolutePath() + " isn't a cvs checkout directory." );

        File cvsRootFile = new File( cvsDirectory, "Root" );

        File moduleFile = new File( cvsDirectory, "Repository" );

        String cvsRoot;

        String module;

            cvsRoot = FileUtils.fileRead( cvsRootFile ).trim().substring( 1 );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( "Can't read " + cvsRootFile.getAbsolutePath() );
            module = FileUtils.fileRead( moduleFile ).trim();
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( "Can't read " + moduleFile.getAbsolutePath() );

        return makeProviderScmRepository( cvsRoot + ":" + module, ':' );
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            URI tfsUri = URI.create( tfsUrl );
            String scheme = tfsUri.getScheme();
            getLogger().info( "Scheme - " + scheme );
            if ( scheme == null || !( scheme.equalsIgnoreCase( "http" ) || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase( "https" ) ) )
                throw new ScmRepositoryException( "TFS Url \"" + tfsUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. "
                    + "The TFS Url syntax is " + TFS_URL_FORMAT );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( "TFS Url \"" + tfsUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The TFS Url syntax is "
                + TFS_URL_FORMAT );

        String username = null;
        String password = null;
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            ScmUrlParserResult result = parseScmUrl( scmSpecificUrl, delimiter );
            if ( result.messages.size() > 0 )
                throw new ScmRepositoryException( "The scm url " + scmSpecificUrl + " is invalid.", result.messages );
            return result.repository;
        catch ( ScmException e )
            // XXX We should allow throwing of SCMException.
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( "Error creating the scm repository", e );
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            throw new NullPointerException( "Path argument is null" );

        if ( !path.isDirectory() )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( path.getAbsolutePath() + " isn't a valid directory." );

        if ( !new File( path, ".git" ).exists() )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( path.getAbsolutePath() + " isn't a git checkout directory." );

            return makeProviderScmRepository( getRepositoryURL( path ), ':' );
        catch ( ScmException e )
            // XXX We should allow throwing of SCMException.
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( "Error creating the scm repository", e );
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            URI jazzUri = URI.create( jazzUrl );
            String scheme = jazzUri.getScheme();
            getLogger().debug( "Scheme - " + scheme );
            if ( scheme == null || !( scheme.equalsIgnoreCase( "http" ) || scheme.equalsIgnoreCase( "https" ) ) )
                throw new ScmRepositoryException(
                    "Jazz Url \"" + jazzUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is " + JAZZ_URL_FORMAT );
        catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException(
                "Jazz Url \"" + jazzUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is " + JAZZ_URL_FORMAT );

        // At this point, jazzUrl is guaranteed to start with either http:// or https://
        // Further process the jazzUrl to extract the server name and port.
        String hostname = null;
        int port = 0;

        if ( havePort )
            // jazzUrlAndWorkspace should be: http[s]://server_name:port/contextRoot:repositoryWorkspace
            // jazzUrl should be            : http[s]://server_name:port/contextRoot
            int protocolIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf( ":" ) + 3;     // The +3 accounts for the "://"
            int portIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf( ":", protocolIndex + 1 );
            hostname = jazzUrl.substring( protocolIndex, portIndex );
            int pathIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf( "/", portIndex + 1 );
            String portNo = jazzUrl.substring( portIndex + 1, pathIndex );
                port = Integer.parseInt( portNo );
            catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
                throw new ScmRepositoryException(
                    "Jazz Url \"" + jazzUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is " + JAZZ_URL_FORMAT );
            // jazzUrlAndWorkspace should be: http[s]://server_name/contextRoot:repositoryWorkspace
            // jazzUrl should be            : http[s]://server_name/contextRoot
            // So we will set port to zero.
            int protocolIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf( ":" ) + 3;     // The +3 accounts for the "://"
            int pathIndex = jazzUrl.indexOf( "/", protocolIndex + 1 );
            if ( ( protocolIndex != -1 ) && ( pathIndex != -1 ) )
                hostname = jazzUrl.substring( protocolIndex, pathIndex );
                throw new ScmRepositoryException(
                    "Jazz Url \"" + jazzUrl + "\" is not a valid URL. The Jazz Url syntax is " + JAZZ_URL_FORMAT );

        getLogger().debug( "Creating JazzScmProviderRepository with the following values:" );
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        String[] tokens = StringUtils.split( rest, String.valueOf( delimiter ) );

        if ( tokens.length < 2 )
            throw new ScmRepositoryException( "Invalid SCM URL: The url has to be on the form: " + VSS_URL_FORMAT );
            vssDir = tokens[0];
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.scm.repository.ScmRepositoryException

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