// remove the file
url = url.substring( 0, url.lastIndexOf( '/' ) );
ScmRepository scmRepository = getScmRepository( url );
fireGetStarted( resource, destination );
// TODO: limitations:
// - destination filename must match that in the repository - should allow the "-d" CVS equiv to be passed
// in
// - we don't get granular exceptions from SCM (ie, auth, not found)
// - need to make it non-recursive to save time
// - exists() check doesn't test if it is in SCM already
File scmFile = new File( checkoutDirectory, resourceName );
File basedir = scmFile.getParentFile();
ScmProvider scmProvider = getScmProvider( scmRepository.getProvider() );
String reservedScmFile = scmProvider.getScmSpecificFilename();
if ( reservedScmFile != null && new File( basedir, reservedScmFile ).exists() )