Package org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin

Examples of org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.CheckInScmResult

     * Convenience method to check in files to the repository
    protected CheckInScmResult checkIn( File workingDirectory, ScmRepository repository )
        throws Exception
        CheckInScmResult result = getScmManager().getProviderByUrl( getScmUrl() )
            .checkIn( repository, new ScmFileSet( workingDirectory ), (ScmVersion) null, "Initial Checkin" );

        assertTrue( "Check result was successful, output: " + result.getCommandOutput(), result.isSuccess() );

        return result;
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        // pause a couple seconds... [SCM-244]
        Thread.sleep( 2000 );

        //Make a change to the readme.txt and commit the change
        ScmTestCase.makeFile( getWorkingCopy(), "/readme.txt", "changed readme.txt" );
        CheckInScmResult checkInResult = provider.checkIn( getScmRepository(), fileSet, COMMIT_MSG );
        assertTrue( "Unable to checkin changes to the repository", checkInResult.isSuccess() );

        result = provider.changeLog( getScmRepository(), fileSet, (ScmVersion) null, null );
        assertTrue( result.getProviderMessage(), result.isSuccess() );
        assertEquals( 2, result.getChangeLog().getChangeSets().size() );
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    private void commit( File workingDirectory, ScmRepository repository )
        throws Exception
        CheckInScmResult result = getScmManager().checkIn( repository, new ScmFileSet( workingDirectory ), "No msg" );

        assertTrue( "Check result was successful, output: " + result.getCommandOutput(), result.isSuccess() );

        List<ScmFile> committedFiles = result.getCheckedInFiles();

            "Expected 3 files in the committed files list:\n  " + StringUtils.join( committedFiles.iterator(), "\n  " ),
            3, committedFiles.size() );
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            FileUtils.fileWrite( messageFile.getAbsolutePath(), message );
        catch ( IOException ex )
            return new CheckInScmResult( null, "Error while making a temporary file for the commit message: "
                + ex.getMessage(), null, false );

        Commandline cl = createCommandLine( (SvnScmProviderRepository) repo, fileSet, messageFile );

        SvnCheckInConsumer consumer = new SvnCheckInConsumer( getLogger(), fileSet.getBasedir() );

        CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer stderr = new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer();

        if ( getLogger().isInfoEnabled() )
            getLogger().info( "Executing: " + SvnCommandLineUtils.cryptPassword( cl ) );
            getLogger().info( "Working directory: " + cl.getWorkingDirectory().getAbsolutePath() );

        int exitCode;

            exitCode = SvnCommandLineUtils.execute( cl, consumer, stderr, getLogger() );
        catch ( CommandLineException ex )
            throw new ScmException( "Error while executing command.", ex );
                FileUtils.forceDelete( messageFile );
            catch ( IOException ex )
                // ignore

        if ( exitCode != 0 )
            return new CheckInScmResult( cl.toString(), "The svn command failed.", stderr.getOutput(), false );

        return new CheckInScmResult( cl.toString(), consumer.getCheckedInFiles(), Integer.toString( consumer.getRevision() ) );
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                    getLogger().debug( "VSS returns error: [" + error + "] return code: [" + exitCode + "]" );
                if ( error.indexOf( "A writable copy of" ) < 0 )
                    return new CheckInScmResult( cl.toString(), "The vss command failed.", error, false );
                // print out the writable copy for manual handling
                if ( getLogger().isWarnEnabled() )
                    getLogger().warn( error );

        return new CheckInScmResult( sb.toString(), new ArrayList<ScmFile>() );
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        String message = "";

        CheckInScmResult result =
            scmManager.checkIn( scmRepository, new ScmFileSet( workingDirectory ), version, message );

        if ( !result.isSuccess() )
            showError( result );


        List<ScmFile> checkedInFiles = result.getCheckedInFiles();

        System.out.println( "Checked in these files: " );

        for ( ScmFile file : checkedInFiles )
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        catch ( IOException ex )
            throw new ScmException( "Error while checking in the files.", ex );

        return new CheckInScmResult( null, checkedInFiles );
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            int exitCode = StarteamCommandLineUtils.executeCommandline( cl, consumer, stderr, getLogger() );

            if ( exitCode != 0 )
                return new CheckInScmResult( cl.toString(), "The starteam command failed.", stderr.getOutput(), false );
            //update only interested files already on the local disk
            for ( int i = 0; i < checkInFiles.size(); ++i )
                ScmFileSet checkInFile = new ScmFileSet( fileSet.getBasedir(), (File) checkInFiles.get( i ) );

                Commandline cl = createCommandLine( repository, checkInFile, message, version, issueType, issueValue );

                int exitCode = StarteamCommandLineUtils.executeCommandline( cl, consumer, stderr, getLogger() );

                if ( exitCode != 0 )
                    return new CheckInScmResult( cl.toString(), "The starteam command failed.", stderr.getOutput(),
                                                 false );

        return new CheckInScmResult( null, consumer.getCheckedInFiles() );

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        setScmSpecificFilename( "" );
        setAddScmResult( new AddScmResult( "", Collections.<ScmFile>emptyList() ) );
        setBranchScmResult( new BranchScmResult( "", Collections.<ScmFile>emptyList() ) );
        setChangeLogScmResult( new ChangeLogScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setCheckInScmResult( new CheckInScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setCheckOutScmResult( new CheckOutScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setDiffScmResult( new DiffScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setEditScmResult( new EditScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setExportScmResult( new ExportScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
        setRemoveScmResult( new RemoveScmResult( "", "", "", true ) );
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        ScmFileSet scmFileSet = new ScmFileSet( workingDirectory, new File( "pom.xml" ) );
        AddScmResult addResult = getScmManager().add( scmRepository, scmFileSet );
        assertResultIsSuccess( addResult );

        CheckInScmResult checkInScmResult = getScmManager().checkIn( scmRepository, scmFileSet, "commit" );
        assertResultIsSuccess( checkInScmResult );
        assertEquals( 1, checkInScmResult.getCheckedInFiles().size() );
        assertEquals( "pom.xml", checkInScmResult.getCheckedInFiles().get( 0 ).getPath() );

        checkOutScmResult = checkoutRepo( scmRepository );
        assertResultIsSuccess( checkOutScmResult );
        assertEquals( 1, checkOutScmResult.getCheckedOutFiles().size() );
        assertEquals( "pom.xml", checkOutScmResult.getCheckedOutFiles().get( 0 ).getPath() );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.CheckInScmResult

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