Package org.apache.maven.scm

Examples of org.apache.maven.scm.ScmResult

        if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
            getLogger().debug( "checkout command end successfully ..." );

        return new CheckOutScmResult( files, new ScmResult( "multiple commandline", "OK", "OK", true ) );
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            cmd.add( HgCommandConstants.LIMIT_OPTION );
            cmd.add( Integer.toString( limit ) );

        HgChangeLogConsumer consumer = new HgChangeLogConsumer( getLogger(), datePattern );
        ScmResult result = HgUtils.execute( consumer, getLogger(), fileSet.getBasedir(), cmd.toArray( new String[ cmd.size() ] ) );

        List<ChangeSet> logEntries = consumer.getModifications();
        ChangeLogSet changeLogSet = new ChangeLogSet( logEntries, startDate, endDate );
        return new ChangeLogScmResult( changeLogSet, result );
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        String[] cmd = new String[]{ HgCommandConstants.LOG_CMD, HgCommandConstants.TEMPLATE_OPTION,
            HgCommandConstants.NO_MERGES_OPTION, HgCommandConstants.REVISION_OPTION, revisionInterval.toString() };
        HgChangeLogConsumer consumer = new HgChangeLogConsumer( getLogger(), datePattern );
        ScmResult result = HgUtils.execute( consumer, getLogger(), fileSet.getBasedir(), cmd );

        List<ChangeSet> logEntries = consumer.getModifications();
        Date startDate = null;
        Date endDate = null;
        if ( !logEntries.isEmpty() )
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            ScmRepository repository = getScmRepository();

            this.prepareOutputDirectory( getCheckoutDirectory() );
            ScmResult result = null;
            ScmFileSet fileSet = new ScmFileSet( getCheckoutDirectory().getAbsoluteFile() );
            if ( useExport )
                result = getScmManager().export( repository,fileSet, getScmVersion( scmVersionType, scmVersion ) );
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            for ( Iterator<Member> it = projectMembers.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                Member siMember =;
                scmFileList.add( new ScmFile( siMember.getTargetFilePath(), ScmFileStatus.UNKNOWN ) );
            result = new ListScmResult( scmFileList, new ScmResult( "si viewproject", "", "", true ) );

        catch ( APIException aex )
            ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler( aex );
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        getLogger().info( "Attempting to display scm file information for file: " + filename );
        if ( null == filename || filename.length() == 0 )
            throw new ScmException( "A single filename is required to execute the fileinfo command!" );
        ScmResult result;
        IntegrityScmProviderRepository iRepo = (IntegrityScmProviderRepository) repository;
        APISession api = iRepo.getAPISession();
        Commandline shell = new Commandline();
        shell.setWorkingDirectory( workingDirectory );
        shell.setExecutable( "si" );
        shell.createArg().setValue( "memberinfo" );
        shell.createArg().setValue( "--hostname=" + api.getHostName() );
        shell.createArg().setValue( "--port=" + api.getPort() );
        shell.createArg().setValue( "--user=" + api.getUserName() );
        shell.createArg().setValue( '"' + filename + '"' );
        IntegrityFileInfoConsumer shellConsumer = new IntegrityFileInfoConsumer( getLogger() );

            getLogger().debug( "Executing: " + shell.getCommandline() );
            int exitCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( shell, shellConsumer,
                                                                new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer() );
            boolean success = ( exitCode == 128 ? false : true );
            result = new ScmResult( shell.getCommandline().toString(), "", "Exit Code: " + exitCode, success );

        catch ( CommandLineException cle )
            getLogger().error( "Command Line Exception: " + cle.getMessage() );
            result = new ScmResult( shell.getCommandline().toString(), cle.getMessage(), "", false );

        return result;
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        if ( null == filename || filename.length() == 0 )
            throw new ScmException( "A single filename is required to execute the unlock command!" );

        ScmResult result;
        IntegrityScmProviderRepository iRepo = (IntegrityScmProviderRepository) repository;
            Sandbox siSandbox = iRepo.getSandbox();
            File memberFile = new File( workingDirectory.getAbsoluteFile() + File.separator + filename );
            Response res = siSandbox.unlock( memberFile, filename );
            int exitCode = res.getExitCode();
            boolean success = ( exitCode == 0 ? true : false );
            result = new ScmResult( res.getCommandString(), "", "Exit Code: " + exitCode, success );
        catch ( APIException aex )
            ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler( aex );
            getLogger().error( "MKS API Exception: " + eh.getMessage() );
            getLogger().info( eh.getCommand() + " exited with return code " + eh.getExitCode() );
            result = new ScmResult( eh.getCommand(), eh.getMessage(), "Exit Code: " + eh.getExitCode(), false );

        return result;
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            createdDirs.add( new ScmFile( subProject, ScmFileStatus.ADDED ) );
            int exitCode = res.getExitCode();
            boolean success = ( exitCode == 0 ? true : false );
            getLogger().info( "Successfully created subproject " + subProject );
            result = new MkdirScmResult( createdDirs,
                                         new ScmResult( res.getCommandString(), "", "Exit Code: " + exitCode,
                                                        success ) );
        catch ( APIException aex )
            ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler( aex );
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        ChangeLogScmResult result;
        IntegrityScmProviderRepository iRepo = (IntegrityScmProviderRepository) repository;
            result = new ChangeLogScmResult( iRepo.getSandbox().getChangeLog( startDate, endDate ),
                                             new ScmResult( "si rlog", "", "", true ) );
        catch ( APIException aex )
            ExceptionHandler eh = new ExceptionHandler( aex );
            getLogger().error( "MKS API Exception: " + eh.getMessage() );
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            getLogger().debug( "Executing: " + shell.getCommandline() );
            int exitCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( shell, shellConsumer,
                                                                new CommandLineUtils.StringStreamConsumer() );
            boolean success = ( exitCode == 128 ? false : true );
            ScmResult scmResult =
                new ScmResult( shell.getCommandline().toString(), "", "Exit Code: " + exitCode, success );
            return new BlameScmResult( shellConsumer.getBlameList(), scmResult );
        catch ( CommandLineException cle )
            getLogger().error( "Command Line Exception: " + cle.getMessage() );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.scm.ScmResult

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