Package org.apache.maven.scm

Examples of org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet

            List<ChangeSet> modifications = new ArrayList<ChangeSet>( gitChanges.size() );

            for ( ChangeEntry change : gitChanges )
                ChangeSet scmChange = new ChangeSet();

                scmChange.setAuthor( change.getAuthorName() );
                scmChange.setComment( change.getBody() );
                scmChange.setDate( change.getAuthorDate() );
                scmChange.setRevision( change.getCommitHash() );
                // X TODO scmChange.setFiles( change.get )

                modifications.add( scmChange );
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            if ( versions.isEmpty() || !files.isEmpty() )
                ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet( t.getWhen(), t.getComment(), t.getAuthor(), files );

                entries.add( changeSet );
                if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                    getLogger().debug( "All versions removed for " + t );


        // Anything left in the differencesMap represents a change from a higher stream
        // We don't have details on who or where these came from, but it is important to
        // detect these for CI tools like Continuum
        if ( !differencesMap.isEmpty() )
            List<ChangeFile> upstreamFiles = new ArrayList<ChangeFile>();
            for ( FileDifference difference : differencesMap.values() )
                if ( difference.getNewVersionSpec() != null )
                    upstreamFiles.add( new ChangeFile( difference.getNewFile().getPath(),
                                                       difference.getNewVersionSpec() ) );
                    // difference is a deletion
                    upstreamFiles.add( new ChangeFile( difference.getOldFile().getPath(), null ) );
            entries.add( new ChangeSet( endDate, "Upstream changes", "various", upstreamFiles ) );

        return new ChangeLogSet( entries, startDate, endDate );
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        if ( matcher.find() )
            // This is the only place this gets incremented.
            // It starts at -1, and on first execution is incremented to 0 - which is correct.
            ChangeSet currentChangeSet = entries.get( currentChangeSetIndex );

            // Init the file of files, so it is not null, but it can be empty!
            List<ChangeFile> files = new ArrayList<ChangeFile>();
            currentChangeSet.setFiles( files );

            String changesetAlias = 1 );
            String changeFlags = 2 );     // Not used.
            String author = 3 );
            String comment = 4 );

            if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                getLogger().debug( "  Parsing ChangeSet Line : " + line );
                getLogger().debug( "    changesetAlias : " + changesetAlias );
                getLogger().debug( "    changeFlags    : " + changeFlags );
                getLogger().debug( "    author         : " + author );
                getLogger().debug( "    comment        : " + comment );

            // Sanity check.
            if ( currentChangeSet.getRevision() != null && !currentChangeSet.getRevision().equals( changesetAlias ) )
                getLogger().warn( "Warning! The indexes appear to be out of sequence! "
                                      + "For currentChangeSetIndex = " + currentChangeSetIndex + ", we got '"
                                      + changesetAlias + "' and not '" + currentChangeSet.getRevision()
                                      + "' as expected." );

            comment = stripDelimiters( comment );
            currentChangeSet.setAuthor( author );
            currentChangeSet.setComment( comment );
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                getLogger().debug( "    date           : " + date );
                getLogger().debug( "    changesetDate  : " + changesetDate );

            ChangeSet currentChangeSet = entries.get( currentChangeSetIndex );
            currentChangeSet.setDate( changesetDate );
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        //      ---c- (1167) \GPDB\GPDBWeb\pom.xml
        //      ---c- (1165) \GPDB\pom.xml
        Matcher matcher = CHANGES_PATTERN.matcher( line );
        if ( matcher.find() )
            ChangeSet currentChangeSet = entries.get( currentChangeSetIndex );

            String changeFlags = 1 );     // Not used.
            String fileAlias = 2 );
            String file = 3 );

            if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                getLogger().debug( "  Parsing Changes Line : " + line );
                    "    changeFlags    : " + changeFlags + " Translated to : " + parseFileChangeState( changeFlags ) );
                getLogger().debug( "    filetAlias     : " + fileAlias );
                getLogger().debug( "    file           : " + file );

            ChangeFile changeFile = new ChangeFile( file );
            ScmFileStatus status = parseFileChangeState( changeFlags );
            changeFile.setAction( status );
            currentChangeSet.getFiles().add( changeFile );
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                    // Lets create our ChangeFile based on the information we've gathered so far
                    ChangeFile changeFile = new ChangeFile( memberName, revision );

                    // Check to see if we already have a ChangeSet grouping for this revision
                    ChangeSet changeSet = changeSetHash.get( cpid );
                    if ( null != changeSet )
                        // Set the date of the ChangeSet to the oldest entry
                        if ( changeSet.getDate().after( date ) )
                            changeSet.setDate( date );
                        // Add the new ChangeFile
                        changeSet.addFile( changeFile );
                        // Update the changeSetHash
                        changeSetHash.put( cpid, changeSet );
                    else // Create a new ChangeSet grouping and add the ChangeFile
                        List<ChangeFile> changeFileList = new ArrayList<ChangeFile>();
                        changeFileList.add( changeFile );
                        changeSet = new ChangeSet( date, comment, author, changeFileList );
                        // Update the changeSetHash with an initial entry for the cpid
                        changeSetHash.put( cpid, changeSet );
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                List<ChangeFile> changeFiles = new ArrayList<ChangeFile>( files.size() );
                for ( ScmFile scmFile : files )
                    changeFiles.add( new ChangeFile( scmFile.getPath() ) );
                ChangeSet dummyChangeSet = new ChangeSet( new Date(), comment, author, changeFiles );
                // different streams invalidates the change log, insert a dummy change instead.
                List<ChangeSet> changeSets = Collections.singletonList( dummyChangeSet );
                result.setChanges( changeSets );
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        // new changeset
        if ( line.startsWith( REVNO_TAG ) )
            //Init a new changeset
            currentChange = new ChangeSet();
            currentChange.setFiles( new ArrayList<ChangeFile>( 0 ) );
            logEntries.add( currentChange );

            // parse revision
            tmpLine = line.substring( REVNO_TAG.length() ).trim();
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        currentRevision = 1 );

        currentChange = new ChangeSet();

        currentChange.setRevision( currentRevision );

        status = STATUS_GET_AUTHOR;
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            List<ChangeSet> modifications = new ArrayList<ChangeSet>( gitChanges.size() );

            for ( ChangeEntry change : gitChanges )
                ChangeSet scmChange = new ChangeSet();

                scmChange.setAuthor( change.getAuthorName() );
                scmChange.setComment( change.getBody() );
                scmChange.setDate( change.getAuthorDate() );
                scmChange.setRevision( change.getCommitHash() );
                // X TODO scmChange.setFiles( change.get )

                modifications.add( scmChange );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeSet

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