getLogger().debug( "Skipping workspace to basis stream promote " + v );
ChangeFile f =
new ChangeFile( v.getElementName(), v.getVirtualSpec() + " (" + v.getRealSpec() + ")" );
files.add( f );
if ( versions.isEmpty() || !files.isEmpty() )
ChangeSet changeSet = new ChangeSet( t.getWhen(), t.getComment(), t.getAuthor(), files );
entries.add( changeSet );
if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
getLogger().debug( "All versions removed for " + t );
// Anything left in the differencesMap represents a change from a higher stream
// We don't have details on who or where these came from, but it is important to
// detect these for CI tools like Continuum
if ( !differencesMap.isEmpty() )
List<ChangeFile> upstreamFiles = new ArrayList<ChangeFile>();
for ( FileDifference difference : differencesMap.values() )
if ( difference.getNewVersionSpec() != null )
upstreamFiles.add( new ChangeFile( difference.getNewFile().getPath(),
difference.getNewVersionSpec() ) );
// difference is a deletion
upstreamFiles.add( new ChangeFile( difference.getOldFile().getPath(), null ) );
entries.add( new ChangeSet( endDate, "Upstream changes", "various", upstreamFiles ) );