Package org.apache.maven.reporting

Examples of org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport

        if ( cacheFile != null )
            assertTrue( "Test cache file exists", new File( cacheFile ).exists() );

        MavenReport reportMojo = (MavenReport) mojo;
        File outputDir = reportMojo.getReportOutputDirectory();

        Boolean rss = (Boolean) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "enableRSS" );
        if ( rss.booleanValue() )
            File rssFile = new File( outputDir, "checkstyle.rss" );
            assertTrue( "Test rss file exists", rssFile.exists() );

        File useFile = (File) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "useFile" );
        if ( useFile != null )
            assertTrue( "Test useFile exists", useFile.exists() );

        String filename = reportMojo.getOutputName() + ".html";
        File outputHtml = new File( outputDir, filename );

        renderer( mojo, outputHtml );

        assertTrue( outputHtml.getAbsolutePath() + " not generated!", outputHtml.exists() );
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        if ( cacheFile != null )
            assertTrue( "Test cache file exists", new File( cacheFile ).exists() );

        MavenReport reportMojo = (MavenReport) mojo;
        File outputDir = reportMojo.getReportOutputDirectory();

        Boolean rss = (Boolean) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "enableRSS" );
        if ( rss.booleanValue() )
            File rssFile = new File( outputDir, "checkstyle.rss" );
            assertTrue( "Test rss file exists", rssFile.exists() );

        File useFile = (File) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "useFile" );
        if ( useFile != null )
            assertTrue( "Test useFile exists", useFile.exists() );

        String filename = reportMojo.getOutputName() + ".html";
        File outputHtml = new File( outputDir, filename );

        renderer( mojo, outputHtml );

        assertTrue( outputHtml.getAbsolutePath() + " not generated!", outputHtml.exists() );
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        Mojo mojo =
            lookupMojo( "cobertura", PlexusTestCase.getBasedir() + "/src/test/plugin-configs/report-plugin-config.xml" );

        setMojoPluginClasspath( mojo );

        MavenReport reportMojo = (MavenReport) mojo;

        assertTrue( "Should be able to generate a report", reportMojo.canGenerateReport() );

        assertTrue( "Should be an externale report", reportMojo.isExternalReport() );


        File outputHtml = new File( reportMojo.getReportOutputDirectory(), reportMojo.getOutputName() + ".html" );

        assertTrue( "Test for generated html file", outputHtml.exists() );
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            lookupMojo( "cobertura", PlexusTestCase.getBasedir() +
                "/src/test/plugin-configs/report-empty-src-plugin-config.xml" );

        setMojoPluginClasspath( mojo );

        MavenReport reportMojo = (MavenReport) mojo;

        assertFalse( "Should not be able to generate a report", reportMojo.canGenerateReport() );
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        if ( cacheFile != null )
            assertTrue( "Test cache file exists", new File( cacheFile ).exists() );

        MavenReport reportMojo = mojo;
        File outputDir = reportMojo.getReportOutputDirectory();

        Boolean rss = (Boolean) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "enableRSS" );
        if (rss)
            File rssFile = new File( outputDir, "checkstyle.rss" );
            assertTrue( "Test rss file exists", rssFile.exists() );

        File useFile = (File) getVariableValueFromObject( mojo, "useFile" );
        if ( useFile != null )
            assertTrue( "Test useFile exists", useFile.exists() );

        String filename = reportMojo.getOutputName() + ".html";
        File outputHtml = new File( outputDir, filename );

        renderer( mojo, outputHtml );

        assertTrue( outputHtml.getAbsolutePath() + " not generated!", outputHtml.exists() );
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                MojoExecution reportExecution = new MojoExecution( mojoDescriptor, id );

                    MavenReport reportMojo = pluginManager.getReport( project, reportExecution, session );

                    // Comes back null if it was a plugin, not a report - these are mojos in the reporting plugins that are not reports
                    if ( reportMojo != null )
                        reports.add( reportMojo );
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                                                                mojoDescriptor.getParameterMap().keySet() ) );

            MavenReport mavenReport =
                getConfiguredMavenReport( mojoExecution, pluginDescriptor, mavenReportExecutorRequest );

            MavenReportExecution mavenReportExecution =
                new MavenReportExecution( report.getGoal(), mojoExecution.getPlugin(), mavenReport,
                                          pluginDescriptor.getClassRealm() );
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        List<MavenReportExecution> filtered = new ArrayList<MavenReportExecution>( reports );

        Map<String, MavenReport> reportsByOutputName = new LinkedHashMap<String, MavenReport>();
        for ( MavenReportExecution mavenReportExecution : filtered )
            MavenReport report = mavenReportExecution.getMavenReport();

            String outputName = report.getOutputName() + ".html";

            // Always add the report to the menu, see MSITE-150
            reportsByOutputName.put( report.getOutputName(), report );

            if ( documents.containsKey( outputName ) )
                String displayLanguage = locale.getDisplayLanguage( Locale.ENGLISH );

                getLog().info( "Skipped \"" + report.getName( locale ) + "\" report, file \"" + outputName
                                   + "\" already exists for the " + displayLanguage + " version." );
                reports.remove( mavenReportExecution );
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            MenuItem item =;

            if ( item.getRef() != null )
                MavenReport report = reportsByOutputName.get( item.getRef() );

                if ( report != null )
                    if ( item.getName() == null )
                        item.setName( report.getName( locale ) );

                    if ( item.getHref() == null || item.getHref().length() == 0 )
                        item.setHref( report.getOutputName() + ".html" );
                    getLog().warn( "Unrecognised reference: '" + item.getRef() + "'" );
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        File outputDir = getOutputDirectory( locale );

        // For external reports
        for ( MavenReportExecution mavenReportExecution : reports )
            MavenReport report = mavenReportExecution.getMavenReport();
            report.setReportOutputDirectory( outputDir );

        siteRenderer.render( documents.values(), context, outputDir );

        if ( generateSitemap )
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.reporting.MavenReport

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