Package org.apache.maven.plugin.war.stub

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.war.stub.MavenProjectArtifactsStub

    public void testExplodedWarWithOutputFileNameMappingAndDuplicateDependencies()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        String testId = "ExplodedWarWithFileNameMappingAndDuplicateDependencies";
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        EJBArtifactStub ejbArtifact = new EJBArtifactStub( getBasedir() );
        EJBArtifactStub ejbArtifactDup = new EJBArtifactStub( getBasedir() );
        File ejbFile = ejbArtifact.getFile();

        // ejbArtifact has a hard coded file, only one assert is needed
        assertTrue( "ejb not found: " + ejbFile.getAbsolutePath(), ejbFile.exists() );

        // configure mojo
        ejbArtifact.setGroupId( "org.sample.ejb" );
        ejbArtifactDup.setGroupId( "org.dup.ejb" );
        project.addArtifact( ejbArtifact );
        project.addArtifact( ejbArtifactDup );
        mojo.setOutputFileNameMapping( "@{artifactId}@.@{extension}@" );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );

        // validate operation
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    public void testExplodedWar_WithSimpleExternalWARFile()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        WarArtifactStub warArtifact = new WarArtifactStub( getBasedir() );

        String testId = "ExplodedWar_WithSimpleExternalWARFile";
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        File workDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), "/war/work-" + testId );
        File simpleWarFile = warArtifact.getFile();

        assertTrue( "simple war not found: " + simpleWarFile.toString(), simpleWarFile.exists() );

        createDir( workDirectory );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( warArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "workDirectory", workDirectory );

        // validate operation - META-INF is automatically excluded so remove the file from the list
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    public void testExplodedWarMergeWarLocalFileOverride()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        WarArtifactStub warArtifact = new WarArtifactStub( getBasedir() );

        String testId = "testExplodedWarMergeWarLocalFileOverride";
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = getWebAppSource( testId );
        File simpleJSP = new File( webAppSource, "org/sample/company/test.jsp" );
        createFile( simpleJSP );

        File workDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), "/war/work-" + testId );
        createDir( workDirectory );

        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( warArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "workDirectory", workDirectory );

        // validate operation
        File expectedFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "/org/sample/company/test.jsp" );

        assertTrue( "file not found: " + expectedFile.toString(), expectedFile.exists() );
        assertEquals( "file incorrect", simpleJSP.toString(), FileUtils.fileRead( expectedFile ) );

        // check when the merged war file is newer - so set an old time on the local file
        long time = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd", Locale.US ).parse( "2005-1-1" ).getTime();
        simpleJSP.setLastModified( time );
        expectedFile.setLastModified( time );

        project.addArtifact( warArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "workDirectory", workDirectory );

        assertTrue( "file not found: " + expectedFile.toString(), expectedFile.exists() );
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    public void testExplodedWar_WithEJB()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        String testId = "ExplodedWar_WithEJB";
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        EJBArtifactStub ejbArtifact = new EJBArtifactStub( getBasedir() );
        File ejbFile = ejbArtifact.getFile();

        assertTrue( "ejb jar not found: " + ejbFile.toString(), ejbFile.exists() );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( ejbArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );

        // validate operation
        File expectedWebSourceFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp" );
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    public void testExplodedWarWithJar()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        String testId = "ExplodedWarWithJar";
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        ArtifactHandler artifactHandler = (ArtifactHandler) lookup( ArtifactHandler.ROLE, "jar" );
        ArtifactStub jarArtifact = new JarArtifactStub( getBasedir(), artifactHandler );
        File jarFile = jarArtifact.getFile();

        assertTrue( "jar not found: " + jarFile.toString(), jarFile.exists() );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( jarArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );

        // validate operation
        File expectedWebSourceFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp" );
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    public void testExplodedWar_WithEJBClient()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        String testId = "ExplodedWar_WithEJB";
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        EJBClientArtifactStub ejbArtifact = new EJBClientArtifactStub( getBasedir() );
        File ejbFile = ejbArtifact.getFile();

        assertTrue( "ejb jar not found: " + ejbFile.toString(), ejbFile.exists() );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( ejbArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );

        // validate operation
        File expectedWebSourceFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp" );
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    public void testExplodedWar_WithTLD()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        String testId = "ExplodedWar_WithTLD";
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        TLDArtifactStub tldArtifact = new TLDArtifactStub( getBasedir() );
        File tldFile = tldArtifact.getFile();

        assertTrue( "tld jar not found: " + tldFile.getAbsolutePath(), tldFile.exists() );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( tldArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );

        // validate operation
        File expectedWebSourceFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp" );
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    public void testExplodedWar_WithPAR()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        String testId = "ExplodedWar_WithPAR";
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        PARArtifactStub parartifact = new PARArtifactStub( getBasedir() );
        File parFile = parartifact.getFile();

        assertTrue( "par not found: " + parFile.getAbsolutePath(), parFile.exists() );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( parartifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );

        // validate operation
        File expectedWebSourceFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp" );
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    public void testExplodedWarWithAar()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        String testId = "ExplodedWarWithAar";
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        // Fake here since the aar artifact handler does not exist: no biggie
        ArtifactHandler artifactHandler = (ArtifactHandler) lookup( ArtifactHandler.ROLE, "jar" );
        ArtifactStub aarArtifact = new AarArtifactStub( getBasedir(), artifactHandler );
        File aarFile = aarArtifact.getFile();

        assertTrue( "jar not found: " + aarFile.toString(), aarFile.exists() );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( aarArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );

        // validate operation
        File expectedWebSourceFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp" );
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    public void testExplodedWarWithMar()
        throws Exception
        // setup test data
        String testId = "ExplodedWarWithMar";
        MavenProjectArtifactsStub project = new MavenProjectArtifactsStub();
        File webAppDirectory = new File( getTestDirectory(), testId );
        File webAppSource = createWebAppSource( testId );
        File classesDir = createClassesDir( testId, true );
        // Fake here since the mar artifact handler does not exist: no biggie
        ArtifactHandler artifactHandler = (ArtifactHandler) lookup( ArtifactHandler.ROLE, "jar" );
        ArtifactStub marArtifact = new MarArtifactStub( getBasedir(), artifactHandler );
        File marFile = marArtifact.getFile();

        assertTrue( "jar not found: " + marFile.toString(), marFile.exists() );

        // configure mojo
        project.addArtifact( marArtifact );
        this.configureMojo( mojo, new LinkedList(), classesDir, webAppSource, webAppDirectory, project );

        // validate operation
        File expectedWebSourceFile = new File( webAppDirectory, "pansit.jsp" );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.war.stub.MavenProjectArtifactsStub

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