Package org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.stubs

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.stubs.DefaultArtifactHandlerStub

    public Artifact createArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, VersionRange versionRange, String scope,
                                    String type, String classifier, boolean optional )
        throws IOException
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( type, classifier );

        Artifact artifact =
            new DefaultArtifact( groupId, artifactId, versionRange, scope, type, classifier, ah, optional );

        // i have no idea why this needs to be done manually when isSnapshot is able to figure it out.
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    public Artifact createArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, VersionRange versionRange, String scope,
                                    String type, String classifier, boolean optional )
        throws IOException
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( type, classifier );

        Artifact artifact =
            new DefaultArtifact( groupId, artifactId, versionRange, scope, type, classifier, ah, optional );

        // i have no idea why this needs to be done manually when isSnapshot is able to figure it out.
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    protected void setUp()
        throws Exception

        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "jar", null );
        VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1" );
        release = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "one", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, "jar", "sources", ah, false );
        artifacts.add( release );

        ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "war", null );
        vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        snap = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "war", null, ah, false );
        artifacts.add( snap );

        ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "war", null );
        vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        snapResolvedVersion = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "three", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "war", null, ah, false );
        snapResolvedVersion.setResolvedVersion( "1.1-20121003.035531-117" );
        artifacts.add( snapResolvedVersion );

        ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "war", null );
        vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        sources = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "sources", "sources", ah, false );

        // pick random output location
        Random a = new Random();
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        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );

    public void testTestJar()
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "test-jar", null );
        VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "test-jar", null, ah,
                                                 false );

        String name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false );
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    public void testFileNameClassifier()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "jar", "sources" );
        VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "jar", "sources", ah,
                                                 false );

        String name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false );
        String expectedResult = "two-1.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );

        name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, true );
        expectedResult = "two-sources.jar";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );
        name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName(artifact, false, false, false, true);
        expectedResult = "two-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );
        ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "war", null );
        artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "war", "", ah, false );
        name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, true );
        expectedResult = "two.war";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );
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        // specifically testing the default operation that getFormattedFileName
        // returns
        // the actual name of the file if available unless remove version is
        // set.
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "war", "sources" );
        VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "war", "sources", ah,
                                                 false );
        File file = new File( "/target", "test-file-name.jar" );
        artifact.setFile( file );

        String name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false );
        String expectedResult = "two-1.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.war";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );

        name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false, false, false, true );
        expectedResult = "two-1.1-SNAPSHOT.war";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );
        name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, true );
        expectedResult = "two-sources.war";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );
        artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "war", "", ah, false );
        name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, true );
        expectedResult = "two.war";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );

        // test that we pickup the correct extension in the file name if set.
        ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "jar", null );
        artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "war", "", ah, false );
        name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, true );
        expectedResult = "two.jar";
        assertEquals( expectedResult, name );
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    public Artifact getArtifact()
        if ( artifact == null )
            ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "jar", null );

            VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.0" );
            Artifact art = new DefaultArtifact( "group", "artifact", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, "jar", null, ah, false );
            setArtifact( art );
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    public Artifact createArtifact( String groupId, String artifactId, VersionRange versionRange, String scope,
                                    String type, String classifier, boolean optional )
        throws IOException
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( type, classifier );

        Artifact artifact =
            new DefaultArtifact( groupId, artifactId, versionRange, scope, type, classifier, ah, optional );

        // i have no idea why this needs to be done manually when isSnapshot is able to figure it out.
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    setVariableValueToObject(project, "model", model);
    setVariableValueToObject(project, "file", pom);
    Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact(model.getGroupId(),
        VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec("SNAPSHOT"), null, "aar",
        null, (new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub("aar", null)));
    setVariableValueToObject(project, "artifact", artifact);
    // Create and set Mojo properties.
    Mojo mojo = lookupMojo(goal, pom);
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.testing.stubs.DefaultArtifactHandlerStub

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