Package org.apache.maven.plugin.issues

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.issues.Issue

        ims.getIssueTypeMap().put( "Epic", IssueType.ADD);
        ims.getIssueTypeMap().put( "Defect", IssueType.FIX);
        ims.getIssueTypeMap().put( "Error", IssueType.FIX);
        IssueAdapter adapter = new IssueAdapter( ims );

        Issue issue = createIssue( "TST-1", "Story" );
        Action action = adapter.createAction( issue );
        assertEquals( "add", action.getType() );

        issue = createIssue( "TST-2", "Epic" );
        action = adapter.createAction( issue );
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        assertEquals( "update", action.getType() );

    private Issue createIssue( String key, String type )
        Issue issue = new Issue();
        issue.setKey( key );
        issue.setType( type );
        issue.setAssignee( "A User" );
        issue.setSummary( "The title of this issue" );
        return issue;
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        issueList = new ArrayList<Issue>(  );
        for ( int ix = 0; ix < issuesNode.size(); ix++ )
            JsonNode issueNode = issuesNode.get( ix );
            assert issueNode.isObject();
            Issue issue = new Issue();
            JsonNode val;

            val = issueNode.get( "id" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setId( val.asText() );

            val = issueNode.get( "key" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setKey( val.asText() );
                issue.setLink( String.format( "%s/browse/%s", jiraUrl, val.asText()) );

            // much of what we want is in here.
            JsonNode fieldsNode = issueNode.get( "fields" );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "assignee" );
            processAssignee( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "created" );
            processCreated( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "comment" );
            processComments( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "fixVersions" );
            processFixVersions( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "priority" );
            processPriority( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "reporter" );
            processReporter( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "resolution" );
            processResolution( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "status" );
            processStatus( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "summary" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setSummary( val.asText() );

            val = issueNode.get( "title" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setTitle( val.asText() );

            val = issueNode.get( "updated" );
            processUpdated( issue, val );
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    /** The username for authentication into a private Trac installation. */
    private String tracUser;

    private Issue createIssue( Object[] ticketObj )
        Issue issue = new Issue();

        issue.setId( String.valueOf( ticketObj[0] ) );

        issue.setKey( String.valueOf( ticketObj[0] ) );

        issue.setLink( getUrl() + "/ticket/" + String.valueOf( ticketObj[0] ) );

        issue.setCreated( parseDate( String.valueOf( ticketObj[1] ) ) );

        issue.setUpdated( parseDate( String.valueOf( ticketObj[2] ) ) );

        Map attributes = (Map) ticketObj[3];

        issue.setType( (String) attributes.get( "type" ) );

        issue.setSummary( (String) attributes.get( "summary" ) );

        issue.setStatus( (String) attributes.get( "status" ) );

        issue.setResolution( (String) attributes.get( "resolution" ) );

        issue.setAssignee( (String) attributes.get( "owner" ) );

        issue.addFixVersion( (String) attributes.get( "milestone" ) );

        issue.setPriority( (String) attributes.get( "priority" ) );

        issue.setReporter( (String) attributes.get( "reporter" ) );

        issue.addComponent( (String) attributes.get( "component" ) );

        return issue;
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        issueList = new ArrayList<Issue>(  );
        for ( int ix = 0; ix < issuesNode.size(); ix++ )
            JsonNode issueNode = issuesNode.get( ix );
            assert issueNode.isObject();
            Issue issue = new Issue();
            JsonNode val;

            val = issueNode.get( "id" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setId( val.asText() );

            val = issueNode.get( "key" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setKey( val.asText() );
                issue.setLink( String.format( "%s/browse/%s", jiraUrl, val.asText() ) );

            // much of what we want is in here.
            JsonNode fieldsNode = issueNode.get( "fields" );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "assignee" );
            processAssignee( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "created" );
            processCreated( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "comment" );
            processComments( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "components" );
            processComponents( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "fixVersions" );
            processFixVersions( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "issuetype" );
            processIssueType( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "priority" );
            processPriority( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "reporter" );
            processReporter( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "resolution" );
            processResolution( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "status" );
            processStatus( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "summary" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setSummary( val.asText() );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "title" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setTitle( val.asText() );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "updated" );
            processUpdated( issue, val );
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        this.githubRepo = urlPathParts[1];

    private Issue createIssue( org.eclipse.egit.github.core.Issue githubIssue )
        Issue issue = new Issue();

        issue.setId( String.valueOf( githubIssue.getNumber() ) );

        issue.setLink( this.githubIssueURL + githubIssue.getNumber() );

        issue.setCreated( githubIssue.getCreatedAt() );

        issue.setUpdated( githubIssue.getUpdatedAt() );

        if ( githubIssue.getAssignee() != null )
            if ( githubIssue.getAssignee().getName() != null )
                issue.setAssignee( githubIssue.getAssignee().getName() );
                issue.setAssignee( githubIssue.getAssignee().getLogin() );

        issue.setTitle( githubIssue.getTitle() );

        issue.setSummary( githubIssue.getTitle() );

        if ( githubIssue.getMilestone() != null )
            issue.addFixVersion( githubIssue.getMilestone().getTitle() );

        issue.setReporter( githubIssue.getUser().getLogin() );

        if ( githubIssue.getClosedAt() != null )
            issue.setStatus( "closed" );
            issue.setStatus( "open" );

        List<Label> labels = githubIssue.getLabels();
        if ( labels != null && !labels.isEmpty() )
            issue.setType( labels.get( 0 ).getName() );

        return issue;
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    public void startElement( String namespaceURI, String sName, String qName, Attributes attrs )
        throws SAXException
        if ( qName.equals( "item" ) )
            issue = new Issue();

            currentParent = "item";
        else if ( qName.equals( "key" ) )
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    /** The username for authentication into a private Trac installation. */
    private String tracUser;

    private Issue createIssue( Object[] ticketObj )
        Issue issue = new Issue();

        issue.setId( String.valueOf( ticketObj[0] ) );

        issue.setKey( String.valueOf( ticketObj[0] ) );

        issue.setLink( getUrl() + "/ticket/" + String.valueOf( ticketObj[0] ) );

        issue.setCreated( parseDate( String.valueOf( ticketObj[1] ) ) );

        issue.setUpdated( parseDate( String.valueOf( ticketObj[2] ) ) );

        Map attributes = (Map) ticketObj[3];

        issue.setType( (String) attributes.get( "type" ) );

        issue.setSummary( (String) attributes.get( "summary" ) );

        issue.setStatus( (String) attributes.get( "status" ) );

        issue.setResolution( (String) attributes.get( "resolution" ) );

        issue.setAssignee( (String) attributes.get( "owner" ) );

        issue.addFixVersion( (String) attributes.get( "milestone" ) );

        issue.setPriority( (String) attributes.get( "priority" ) );

        issue.setReporter( (String) attributes.get( "reporter" ) );

        issue.addComponent( (String) attributes.get( "component" ) );

        return issue;
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        issueList = new ArrayList<Issue>(  );
        for ( int ix = 0; ix < issuesNode.size(); ix++ )
            JsonNode issueNode = issuesNode.get( ix );
            assert issueNode.isObject();
            Issue issue = new Issue();
            JsonNode val;

            val = issueNode.get( "id" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setId( val.asText() );

            val = issueNode.get( "key" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setKey( val.asText() );
                issue.setLink( String.format( "%s/browse/%s", jiraUrl, val.asText() ) );

            // much of what we want is in here.
            JsonNode fieldsNode = issueNode.get( "fields" );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "assignee" );
            processAssignee( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "created" );
            processCreated( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "comment" );
            processComments( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "components" );
            processComponents( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "fixVersions" );
            processFixVersions( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "issuetype" );
            processIssueType( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "priority" );
            processPriority( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "reporter" );
            processReporter( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "resolution" );
            processResolution( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "status" );
            processStatus( issue, val );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "summary" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setSummary( val.asText() );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "title" );
            if ( val != null )
                issue.setTitle( val.asText() );

            val = fieldsNode.get( "updated" );
            processUpdated( issue, val );
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    public void testDefaultIssueTypeMapping()
        IssueAdapter adapter = new IssueAdapter( new JIRAIssueManagmentSystem() );

        Issue issue = createIssue( "TST-1", "New Feature" );
        Action action = adapter.createAction( issue );
        assertEquals( "add", action.getType() );

        issue = createIssue( "TST-2", "Bug" );
        action = adapter.createAction( issue );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.issues.Issue

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