Package org.apache.maven.plugin.ejb.stub

Examples of org.apache.maven.plugin.ejb.stub.MavenProjectResourcesStub

    public void testClientJarDefaultInclusionsExclusions()
        throws Exception

        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "includes-excludes-client" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithDefaultSettings( project );

        // put this on the target output dir
        project.addFile( "META-INF/ejb-jar.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppBean.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppCMP.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppSession.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppStub.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.TRUE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "2.1" );

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        throws Exception
        final LinkedList inclusions = new LinkedList();
        inclusions.add( "**/*Include.class" );

        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "client-includes" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithSettings( project, inclusions, new LinkedList(), null );

        // put this on the target output dir
        project.addFile( "META-INF/ejb-jar.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppInclude.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppExclude.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.TRUE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "2.1" );

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        final LinkedList exclusions = new LinkedList();
        exclusions.add( "**/*Exclude.class" );

        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "client-excludes" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithSettings( project, new LinkedList(), exclusions, null );

        // put this on the target output dir
        project.addFile( "META-INF/ejb-jar.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppInclude.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppExclude.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.TRUE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "2.1" );

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        throws Exception
        final LinkedList exclusions = new LinkedList();
        exclusions.add( "**/*Exclude.class" );

        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "main-excludes" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithSettings( project, new LinkedList(), new LinkedList(), exclusions );

        // put this on the target output dir
        project.addFile( "META-INF/ejb-jar.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppInclude.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppExclude.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.TRUE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "2.1" );

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        throws Exception
        final LinkedList inclusions = new LinkedList();
        inclusions.add( "org/sample/ejb/*.class" );

        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "client-includes-subpackage" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithSettings( project, inclusions, new LinkedList(), null );

        // put this on the target output dir
        project.addFile( "META-INF/ejb-jar.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/App.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/impl/AppImpl.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.TRUE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "2.1" );

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        final LinkedList exclusions = new LinkedList();
        exclusions.add( "org/sample/ejb/**" );

        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "client-excludes-emptypackage" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithSettings( project, new LinkedList(), exclusions, null );

        // put this on the target output dir
        project.addFile( "META-INF/ejb-jar.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb/AppOne.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );
        project.addFile( "org/sample/ejb2/AppTwo.class", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.TRUE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "2.1" );

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     * @throws Exception if any exception occurs
    public void testEjbComplianceVersionTwoDotOneWithoutDescriptor()
        throws Exception
        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "compliance-nodescriptor-2.1" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithDefaultSettings( project );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.FALSE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "2.1" );

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    public void testEjbComplianceVersionThreeWithDescriptor()
        throws Exception

        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "compliance-descriptor-3" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithDefaultSettings( project );

        // put this on the target dir
        project.addFile( "META-INF/ejb-jar.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.OUTPUT_FILE );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.FALSE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "3.0" );

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     * @throws Exception if any exception occurs
    public void testEjbCompliance_3_0_WithoutDescriptor()
        throws Exception
        final MavenProjectResourcesStub project = createTestProject( "compliance-nodescriptor-3" );
        final EjbMojo mojo = lookupMojoWithDefaultSettings( project );

        // put this on the root dir
        project.addFile( "pom.xml", MavenProjectResourcesStub.ROOT_FILE );

        // start creating the environment

        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "generateClient", Boolean.FALSE );
        setVariableValueToObject( mojo, "ejbVersion", "3.0" );

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    protected MavenProjectResourcesStub createTestProject( final String testName )
        throws Exception
        // this will automatically create the isolated
        // test environment
        return new MavenProjectResourcesStub( testName );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.ejb.stub.MavenProjectResourcesStub

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