throw new MojoExecutionException( "Error reading assemblies: " + e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( final InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException e )
throw new MojoFailureException( assemblyReader, e.getMessage(), "Mojo configuration is invalid: "
+ e.getMessage() );
// TODO: include dependencies marked for distribution under certain formats
// TODO: how, might we plug this into an installer, such as NSIS?
boolean warnedAboutMainProjectArtifact = false;
for ( final Iterator<Assembly> assemblyIterator = assemblies.iterator(); assemblyIterator.hasNext(); )
final Assembly assembly = assemblyIterator.next();
final String fullName = AssemblyFormatUtils.getDistributionName( assembly, this );
List<String> effectiveFormats = formats;
if ( effectiveFormats == null || effectiveFormats.size() == 0 )
effectiveFormats = assembly.getFormats();
if ( effectiveFormats == null || effectiveFormats.size() == 0 )
throw new MojoFailureException( "No formats specified in the execution parameters or the assembly descriptor.");
for ( final String format : effectiveFormats )
final File destFile = assemblyArchiver.createArchive( assembly, fullName, format, this );
final MavenProject project = getProject();
final String classifier = getClassifier();
final String type = project.getArtifact()
if ( attach && destFile.isFile() )
if ( isAssemblyIdAppended() )
projectHelper.attachArtifact( project, format, assembly.getId(), destFile );
else if ( classifier != null )
projectHelper.attachArtifact( project, format, classifier, destFile );
else if ( !"pom".equals( type ) && format.equals( type ) )
if ( !warnedAboutMainProjectArtifact )
final StringBuffer message = new StringBuffer();
message.append( "Configuration options: 'appendAssemblyId' is set to false, and 'classifier' is missing." );
message.append( "\nInstead of attaching the assembly file: " )
.append( destFile )
.append( ", it will become the file for main project artifact." );
message.append( "\nNOTE: If multiple descriptors or descriptor-formats are provided for this project, the value of this file will be non-deterministic!" );
getLog().warn( message );
warnedAboutMainProjectArtifact = true;
final File existingFile = project.getArtifact()
if ( ( existingFile != null ) && existingFile.exists() )
getLog().warn( "Replacing pre-existing project main-artifact file: " + existingFile
+ "\nwith assembly file: " + destFile );
.setFile( destFile );
projectHelper.attachArtifact( project, format, null, destFile );
else if ( attach )
getLog().warn( "Assembly file: "
+ destFile
+ " is not a regular file (it may be a directory). It cannot be attached to the project build for installation or deployment." );
catch ( final ArchiveCreationException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Failed to create assembly: " + e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( final AssemblyFormattingException e )
throw new MojoExecutionException( "Failed to create assembly: " + e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( final InvalidAssemblerConfigurationException e )
throw new MojoFailureException( assembly, "Assembly is incorrectly configured: " + assembly.getId(),
"Assembly: " + assembly.getId() + " is not configured correctly: "
+ e.getMessage() );