final String basePath = currentProject.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath();
Set pathSet = new LinkedHashSet();
for ( Iterator i = getMavenResources( currentProject, test ).iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
Resource resource = ( Resource );
final String sourcePath = resource.getDirectory();
final String targetPath = resource.getTargetPath();
// ignore empty or non-local resources
if ( new File( sourcePath ).exists() && ( ( targetPath == null ) || ( targetPath.indexOf( ".." ) < 0 ) ) )
DirectoryScanner scanner = new DirectoryScanner();
scanner.setBasedir( sourcePath );
if ( resource.getIncludes() != null && !resource.getIncludes().isEmpty() )
scanner.setIncludes( ( String[] ) resource.getIncludes().toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY ) );
scanner.setIncludes( DEFAULT_INCLUDES );
if ( resource.getExcludes() != null && !resource.getExcludes().isEmpty() )
scanner.setExcludes( ( String[] ) resource.getExcludes().toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY ) );
List includedFiles = Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedFiles() );
for ( Iterator j = includedFiles.iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
String name = ( String );
String path = sourcePath + '/' + name;
// make relative to project
if ( path.startsWith( basePath ) )
if ( path.length() == basePath.length() )
path = ".";
path = path.substring( basePath.length() + 1 );
// replace windows backslash with a slash
// this is a workaround for a problem with bnd 0.0.189
if ( File.separatorChar != '/' )
name = name.replace( File.separatorChar, '/' );
path = path.replace( File.separatorChar, '/' );
// copy to correct place
path = name + '=' + path;
if ( targetPath != null )
path = targetPath + '/' + path;
// use Bnd filtering?
if ( resource.isFiltering() )
path = '{' + path + '}';
pathSet.add( path );