Package org.apache.maven.model

Examples of org.apache.maven.model.Parent

            result.addMessage( "Packaging '" + model.getPackaging() + "' is invalid. Aggregator projects " +
                    "require 'pom' as packaging." );
        Parent parent = model.getParent();
        if ( parent != null )
            if ( parent.getGroupId().equals( model.getGroupId() ) &&
                    parent.getArtifactId().equals( model.getArtifactId() ) )
                result.addMessage( "The parent element cannot have the same ID as the project." );
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        project.setActiveProfiles( activeProfiles );
        project.setOriginalModel( originalModel );

        lineage.addFirst( project );

        Parent parentModel = model.getParent();

        String projectId = safeVersionlessKey( model.getGroupId(), model.getArtifactId() );

        if ( parentModel != null )
            if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( parentModel.getGroupId() ) )
                throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId, "Missing groupId element from parent element" );
            else if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( parentModel.getArtifactId() ) )
                throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId, "Missing artifactId element from parent element" );
            else if ( parentModel.getGroupId().equals( model.getGroupId() ) &&
                parentModel.getArtifactId().equals( model.getArtifactId() ) )
                throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId,
                                                    "Parent element is a duplicate of " + "the current project " );
            else if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( parentModel.getVersion() ) )
                throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId, "Missing version element from parent element" );

            // the only way this will have a value is if we find the parent on disk...
            File parentDescriptor = null;

            model = null;

            String parentKey =
                createCacheKey( parentModel.getGroupId(), parentModel.getArtifactId(), parentModel.getVersion() );
            MavenProject parentProject = (MavenProject) rawProjectCache.get( parentKey );

            if ( parentProject != null )
                model = ModelUtils.cloneModel( parentProject.getOriginalModel() );

                parentDescriptor = parentProject.getFile();

            String parentRelativePath = parentModel.getRelativePath();

            // if we can't find a cached model matching the parent spec, then let's try to look on disk using
            // <relativePath/>
            if ( ( model == null ) && ( projectDir != null ) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( parentRelativePath ) )
                parentDescriptor = new File( projectDir, parentRelativePath );

                if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                    getLogger().debug( "Searching for parent-POM: " + parentModel.getId() + " of project: " +
                        project.getId() + " in relative path: " + parentRelativePath );

                if ( parentDescriptor.isDirectory() )
                    if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                        getLogger().debug( "Path specified in <relativePath/> (" + parentRelativePath +
                            ") is a directory. Searching for 'pom.xml' within this directory." );

                    parentDescriptor = new File( parentDescriptor, "pom.xml" );

                    if ( !parentDescriptor.exists() )
                        if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                            getLogger().debug( "Parent-POM: " + parentModel.getId() + " for project: " +
                                project.getId() + " cannot be loaded from relative path: " + parentDescriptor +
                                "; path does not exist." );

                if ( parentDescriptor != null )
                        parentDescriptor = parentDescriptor.getCanonicalFile();
                    catch ( IOException e )
                        getLogger().debug( "Failed to canonicalize potential parent POM: \'" + parentDescriptor + "\'",
                                           e );

                        parentDescriptor = null;

                if ( ( parentDescriptor != null ) && parentDescriptor.exists() )
                    Model candidateParent = readModel( projectId, parentDescriptor, strict );

                    String candidateParentGroupId = candidateParent.getGroupId();
                    if ( ( candidateParentGroupId == null ) && ( candidateParent.getParent() != null ) )
                        candidateParentGroupId = candidateParent.getParent().getGroupId();

                    String candidateParentVersion = candidateParent.getVersion();
                    if ( ( candidateParentVersion == null ) && ( candidateParent.getParent() != null ) )
                        candidateParentVersion = candidateParent.getParent().getVersion();

                    if ( parentModel.getGroupId().equals( candidateParentGroupId ) &&
                        parentModel.getArtifactId().equals( candidateParent.getArtifactId() ) &&
                        parentModel.getVersion().equals( candidateParentVersion ) )
                        model = candidateParent;

                        getLogger().debug( "Using parent-POM from the project hierarchy at: \'" +
                            parentModel.getRelativePath() + "\' for project: " + project.getId() );
                        getLogger().debug( "Invalid parent-POM referenced by relative path '" +
                            parentModel.getRelativePath() + "' in parent specification in " + project.getId() + ":" +
                            "\n  Specified: " + parentModel.getId() + "\n  Found:     " + candidateParent.getId() );
                else if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                        "Parent-POM: " + parentModel.getId() + " not found in relative path: " + parentRelativePath );

            Artifact parentArtifact = null;

            // only resolve the parent model from the repository system if we didn't find it on disk...
            if ( model == null )
                // MNG-2302: parent's File was being populated incorrectly when parent is loaded from repo.
                // keep this in line with other POMs loaded from the repository...the file should be null.
                parentDescriptor = null;

                //!! (**)
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
                // Do we have the necessary information to actually find the parent
                // POMs here?? I don't think so ... Say only one remote repository is
                // specified and that is ibiblio then this model that we just read doesn't
                // have any repository information ... I think we might have to inherit
                // as we go in order to do this.
                // ----------------------------------------------------------------------

                // we must add the repository this POM was found in too, by chance it may be located where the parent is
                // we can't query the parent to ask where it is :)
                List remoteRepositories = new ArrayList( aggregatedRemoteWagonRepositories );
                remoteRepositories.addAll( parentSearchRepositories );

                if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                    getLogger().debug( "Retrieving parent-POM: " + parentModel.getId() + " for project: " +
                        project.getId() + " from the repository." );

                parentArtifact = artifactFactory.createParentArtifact( parentModel.getGroupId(),
                                                                       parentModel.getVersion() );

                    model = findModelFromRepository( parentArtifact, remoteRepositories, config.getLocalRepository(), false );
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     * @param model The POM to extract missing artifact coordinates from, must not be <code>null</code>.
    private void processModel( Model model )
        Parent parent = model.getParent();

        if ( this.groupId == null )
            this.groupId = model.getGroupId();
            if ( this.groupId == null && parent != null )
                this.groupId = parent.getGroupId();
        if ( this.artifactId == null )
            this.artifactId = model.getArtifactId();
        if ( this.version == null )
            this.version = model.getVersion();
            if ( this.version == null && parent != null )
                this.version = parent.getVersion();
        if ( this.packaging == null )
            this.packaging = model.getPackaging();
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    private void copyParentPoms( File pomFile, ArtifactRepository testRepository )
        throws MojoExecutionException
        Model model = PomUtils.loadPom( pomFile );
        Parent parent = model.getParent();
        if ( parent != null )
            copyParentPoms( parent.getGroupId(), parent.getArtifactId(), parent.getVersion(), testRepository );
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      MavenFacet mvn = getFaceted().getFacet(MavenFacet.class);
      Model pom = mvn.getModel();
      String version = pom.getVersion();
      if (version == null)
         Parent parent = pom.getParent();
         if (parent != null)
            version = parent.getVersion();
      return version;
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      String groupId = pom.getGroupId();

      // If groupId is null, try to grab the parent's groupId
      if (groupId == null)
         Parent parent = pom.getParent();
         if (parent != null)
            groupId = parent.getGroupId();
      return groupId;
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      String groupId = pom.getGroupId();

      // If groupId is null, try to grab the parent's groupId
      if (groupId == null)
         Parent parent = pom.getParent();
         if (parent != null)
            groupId = parent.getGroupId();
      return groupId;
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            MavenFacet projectMavenFacet = project.getFacet(MavenFacet.class);
            Model pom = projectMavenFacet.getModel();

            Parent projectParent = new Parent();

            String version = resolveVersion(parentPom);

            // Calculate parent relative path
            Path parentPomPath = Paths.get(parentMavenFacet.getModelResource().getFullyQualifiedName());
            Path childPath = Paths.get(project.getRoot().getFullyQualifiedName());
            Path relativePath = childPath.relativize(parentPomPath).normalize();


            // Reuse GroupId and version from parent
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                     description = "absolute location of a project to use as this project's direct parent",
                     required = false) final Resource<?> path,
            final PipeOut out)
      MavenCoreFacet mvn = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class);
      Parent parent = null;
      if (gav != null)
         Assert.notNull(gav.getArtifactId(), "ArtifactId must not be null [" + gav.toCoordinates() + "]");
         Assert.notNull(gav.getGroupId(), "GroupId must not be null [" + gav.toCoordinates() + "]");
         Assert.notNull(gav.getVersion(), "Version must not be null [" + gav.toCoordinates() + "]");

         parent = new Parent();

         if (relativePath != null)

         Model pom = mvn.getPOM();
      else if ((path != null) && factory.containsProject(path.reify(DirectoryResource.class)))
         Project parentProject = factory.findProject(path.reify(DirectoryResource.class));
         MavenCoreFacet parentCore = parentProject.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class);

         parent = new Parent();

         if (relativePath != null)

         Model pom = mvn.getPOM();
      else if (relativePath != null)
         PathspecParser parser = new PathspecParser(resources, shell.getCurrentProject().getProjectRoot(), relativePath);
         List<Resource<?>> resolvedResources = parser.resolve();
         if (!resolvedResources.isEmpty()
                  && factory.containsProject(resolvedResources.get(0).reify(DirectoryResource.class)))
            Project parentProject = factory.findProject(resolvedResources.get(0).reify(DirectoryResource.class));
            MavenCoreFacet parentCore = parentProject.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class);

            parent = new Parent();

            Model pom = mvn.getPOM();
            out.print(ShellColor.RED, "***ERROR***");
            out.println(" relative path did not resolve to a Project [" + relativePath + "]");
         out.print(ShellColor.RED, "***ERROR***");
         out.println(" you must specify a path to or dependency id of the parent project.");

      if (parent != null)
         String parentId = parent.getGroupId() + ":" + parent.getArtifactId() + ":"
                  + parent.getVersion() + " ("
                  + (parent.getRelativePath() == null ? " " : parent.getRelativePath() + ")");

         out.println("Set parent [ " + parentId + " ]");
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   public void removeParent(final PipeOut out)
      MavenCoreFacet mvn = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class);

      Model pom = mvn.getPOM();
      Parent parent = pom.getParent();

      if (parent != null)
         String parentId = parent.getGroupId() + ":" + parent.getArtifactId() + ":"
                  + parent.getVersion() + " ("
                  + (parent.getRelativePath() == null ? " " : parent.getRelativePath() + ")");

         if (shell.promptBoolean("Are you sure you want to remove all parent information from this project? [ "
                  + parentId + "]", false))
            out.println("Removed parent [ " + parentId + " ]");
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.model.Parent

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