Package org.apache.maven.model

Examples of org.apache.maven.model.Model

                                              List remoteRepositories,
                                              boolean strict,
                                              boolean isSuperPom )
        throws ProjectBuildingException, ModelInterpolationException, InvalidRepositoryException
        Model model = project.getModel();

        List activeProfiles = project.getActiveProfiles();

        if ( activeProfiles == null )
            activeProfiles = new ArrayList();

        ProfileManager profileMgr = config == null ? null : config.getGlobalProfileManager();

        List injectedProfiles = injectActiveProfiles( profileMgr, model );

        activeProfiles.addAll( injectedProfiles );

        // We don't need all the project methods that are added over those in the model, but we do need basedir
        Map context = new HashMap();

        // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        Build build = model.getBuild();

        if ( projectDir != null )
            context.put( "basedir", projectDir.getAbsolutePath() );

            // MNG-1927, MNG-2124, MNG-3355:
            // If the build section is present and the project directory is non-null, we should make
            // sure interpolation of the directories below uses translated paths.
            // Afterward, we'll double back and translate any paths that weren't covered during interpolation via the
            // code below...
            context.put( "", pathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory( build.getDirectory(), projectDir ) );
            context.put( "build.outputDirectory", pathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory( build.getOutputDirectory(), projectDir ) );
            context.put( "build.testOutputDirectory", pathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory( build.getTestOutputDirectory(), projectDir ) );
            context.put( "build.sourceDirectory", pathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory( build.getSourceDirectory(), projectDir ) );
            context.put( "build.testSourceDirectory", pathTranslator.alignToBaseDirectory( build.getTestSourceDirectory(), projectDir ) );

        if ( !isSuperPom )
            Properties userProps = config.getUserProperties();
            if ( userProps != null )
                context.putAll( userProps );

        model = modelInterpolator.interpolate( model, context, strict );

        // second pass allows ${user.home} to work, if it needs to.
        // [MNG-2339] ensure the system properties are still interpolated for backwards compat, but the model values must win
        if ( config.getExecutionProperties() != null && !config.getExecutionProperties().isEmpty() )
            context.putAll( config.getExecutionProperties() );

        model = modelInterpolator.interpolate( model, context, strict );

        // MNG-3482: Make sure depMgmt is interpolated before merging.
        if ( !isSuperPom )
            mergeManagedDependencies( model, config.getLocalRepository(), remoteRepositories );

        // interpolation is before injection, because interpolation is off-limits in the injected variables
        modelDefaultsInjector.injectDefaults( model );

        MavenProject parentProject = project.getParent();

        Model originalModel = project.getOriginalModel();

        // We will return a different project object using the new model (hence the need to return a project, not just modify the parameter)
        project = new MavenProject( model );

        project.setOriginalModel( originalModel );
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                                          List parentSearchRepositories,
                                          Set aggregatedRemoteWagonRepositories,
                                          boolean strict )
        throws ProjectBuildingException, InvalidRepositoryException
        Model originalModel = ModelUtils.cloneModel( model );

        File projectDir = null;
        if ( projectDescriptor != null )
            projectDir = projectDescriptor.getAbsoluteFile().getParentFile();

        ProfileManager externalProfileManager = config.getGlobalProfileManager();
        ProfileManager profileManager;
        if ( externalProfileManager != null )
            profileManager = new DefaultProfileManager( container, externalProfileManager.getRequestProperties() );
            //TODO mkleint - use the (Container, Properties constructor to make system properties embeddable
            profileManager = new DefaultProfileManager( container );

        if ( externalProfileManager != null )
            profileManager.explicitlyActivate( externalProfileManager.getExplicitlyActivatedIds() );

            profileManager.explicitlyDeactivate( externalProfileManager.getExplicitlyDeactivatedIds() );

        List activeProfiles;

            profileManager.addProfiles( model.getProfiles() );

            loadProjectExternalProfiles( profileManager, projectDir );

            activeProfiles = injectActiveProfiles( profileManager, model );
        catch ( ProfileActivationException e )
            String projectId = safeVersionlessKey( model.getGroupId(), model.getArtifactId() );

            throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId, "Failed to activate local (project-level) build profiles: " +
                e.getMessage(), e );

        if ( !model.getRepositories().isEmpty() )
            List respositories = buildArtifactRepositories( model );

            for ( Iterator it = respositories.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                ArtifactRepository repository = (ArtifactRepository);

                if ( !aggregatedRemoteWagonRepositories.contains( repository ) )
                    aggregatedRemoteWagonRepositories.add( repository );

        MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model );

        project.setFile( projectDescriptor );
        project.setActiveProfiles( activeProfiles );
        project.setOriginalModel( originalModel );

        lineage.addFirst( project );

        Parent parentModel = model.getParent();

        String projectId = safeVersionlessKey( model.getGroupId(), model.getArtifactId() );

        if ( parentModel != null )
            if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( parentModel.getGroupId() ) )
                throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId, "Missing groupId element from parent element" );
            else if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( parentModel.getArtifactId() ) )
                throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId, "Missing artifactId element from parent element" );
            else if ( parentModel.getGroupId().equals( model.getGroupId() ) &&
                parentModel.getArtifactId().equals( model.getArtifactId() ) )
                throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId,
                                                    "Parent element is a duplicate of " + "the current project " );
            else if ( StringUtils.isEmpty( parentModel.getVersion() ) )
                throw new ProjectBuildingException( projectId, "Missing version element from parent element" );

            // the only way this will have a value is if we find the parent on disk...
            File parentDescriptor = null;

            model = null;

            String parentKey =
                createCacheKey( parentModel.getGroupId(), parentModel.getArtifactId(), parentModel.getVersion() );
            MavenProject parentProject = (MavenProject) rawProjectCache.get( parentKey );

            if ( parentProject != null )
                model = ModelUtils.cloneModel( parentProject.getOriginalModel() );

                parentDescriptor = parentProject.getFile();

            String parentRelativePath = parentModel.getRelativePath();

            // if we can't find a cached model matching the parent spec, then let's try to look on disk using
            // <relativePath/>
            if ( ( model == null ) && ( projectDir != null ) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty( parentRelativePath ) )
                parentDescriptor = new File( projectDir, parentRelativePath );

                if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                    getLogger().debug( "Searching for parent-POM: " + parentModel.getId() + " of project: " +
                        project.getId() + " in relative path: " + parentRelativePath );

                if ( parentDescriptor.isDirectory() )
                    if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                        getLogger().debug( "Path specified in <relativePath/> (" + parentRelativePath +
                            ") is a directory. Searching for 'pom.xml' within this directory." );

                    parentDescriptor = new File( parentDescriptor, "pom.xml" );

                    if ( !parentDescriptor.exists() )
                        if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
                            getLogger().debug( "Parent-POM: " + parentModel.getId() + " for project: " +
                                project.getId() + " cannot be loaded from relative path: " + parentDescriptor +
                                "; path does not exist." );

                if ( parentDescriptor != null )
                        parentDescriptor = parentDescriptor.getCanonicalFile();
                    catch ( IOException e )
                        getLogger().debug( "Failed to canonicalize potential parent POM: \'" + parentDescriptor + "\'",
                                           e );

                        parentDescriptor = null;

                if ( ( parentDescriptor != null ) && parentDescriptor.exists() )
                    Model candidateParent = readModel( projectId, parentDescriptor, strict );

                    String candidateParentGroupId = candidateParent.getGroupId();
                    if ( ( candidateParentGroupId == null ) && ( candidateParent.getParent() != null ) )
                        candidateParentGroupId = candidateParent.getParent().getGroupId();

                    String candidateParentVersion = candidateParent.getVersion();
                    if ( ( candidateParentVersion == null ) && ( candidateParent.getParent() != null ) )
                        candidateParentVersion = candidateParent.getParent().getVersion();

                    if ( parentModel.getGroupId().equals( candidateParentGroupId ) &&
                        parentModel.getArtifactId().equals( candidateParent.getArtifactId() ) &&
                        parentModel.getVersion().equals( candidateParentVersion ) )
                        model = candidateParent;

                        getLogger().debug( "Using parent-POM from the project hierarchy at: \'" +
                            parentModel.getRelativePath() + "\' for project: " + project.getId() );
                        getLogger().debug( "Invalid parent-POM referenced by relative path '" +
                            parentModel.getRelativePath() + "' in parent specification in " + project.getId() + ":" +
                            "\n  Specified: " + parentModel.getId() + "\n  Found:     " + candidateParent.getId() );
                else if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
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                factory.createProjectArtifact( artifact.getGroupId(), artifact.getArtifactId(), artifact.getVersion(),
                                               artifact.getScope() );

            ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repository = findArtifactInRepositories( repositoryIds, pomArtifact );

            Model project = null;
            if ( !Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( artifact.getScope() ) && repository != null )
                File basedir = new File( repository.getLocation() );

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    public void testShouldInterpretChildPathAdjustmentBasedOnModulePaths()
        throws IOException
        Model parentModel = new Model();
        parentModel.addModule( "../child" );

        MavenProject parentProject = new MavenProject( parentModel );

        Model childModel = new Model();
        childModel.setArtifactId( "artifact" );

        MavenProject childProject = new MavenProject( childModel );

        File childFile = new File( System.getProperty( "" ), "maven-project-tests" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "/child/pom.xml" );
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        parent.setGroupId( "test-group" );
        parent.setVersion( "1000" );
        parent.setArtifactId( "test-artifact" );

        Model model = new Model();

        model.setParent( parent );
        model.setArtifactId( "real-artifact" );

        MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model );

        assertEquals( "groupId proto-inheritance failed.", "test-group", project.getGroupId() );
        assertEquals( "artifactId is masked.", "real-artifact", project.getArtifactId() );
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    public void testGetModulePathAdjustment()
        throws IOException
        Model moduleModel = new Model();

        MavenProject module = new MavenProject( moduleModel );
        module.setFile( new File( "module-dir/pom.xml" ) );

        Model parentModel = new Model();
        parentModel.addModule( "../module-dir" );

        MavenProject parent = new MavenProject( parentModel );
        parent.setFile( new File( "parent-dir/pom.xml" ) );

        String pathAdjustment = parent.getModulePathAdjustment( module );
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        // MRM-1411
        req.setModelResolver( new RepositoryModelResolver( basedir, pathTranslator, wagonFactory, remoteRepositories,
                                                           networkProxies, repositoryConfiguration ) );
        req.setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL );

        Model model;
            model = req ).getEffectiveModel();
        catch ( ModelBuildingException e )
            String msg = "The artifact's POM file '" + file + "' was invalid: " + e.getMessage();

            List<ModelProblem> modelProblems = e.getProblems();
            for( ModelProblem problem : modelProblems )
                // MRM-1411, related to MRM-1335
                // this means that the problem was that the parent wasn't resolved!
                if( problem.getException() instanceof FileNotFoundException && e.getModelId() != null &&
                    !e.getModelId().equals( problem.getModelId() ) )
                    log.warn( "The artifact's parent POM file '" + file + "' cannot be resolved. " +
                        "Using defaults for project version metadata.." );

                    ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
                    metadata.setId( projectVersion );

                    MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
                    facet.setGroupId( namespace );
                    facet.setArtifactId( projectId );
                    facet.setPackaging( "jar" );
                    metadata.addFacet( facet );

                    String errMsg = "Error in resolving artifact's parent POM file. " + problem.getException().getMessage();
                    RepositoryProblemFacet repoProblemFacet = new RepositoryProblemFacet();
                    repoProblemFacet.setRepositoryId( repoId );
                    repoProblemFacet.setId( repoId );
                    repoProblemFacet.setMessage( errMsg );
                    repoProblemFacet.setProblem( errMsg );
                    repoProblemFacet.setProject( projectId );
                    repoProblemFacet.setVersion( projectVersion );
                    repoProblemFacet.setNamespace( namespace );
                    metadata.addFacet( repoProblemFacet );
                    return metadata;

            throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "invalid-pom", msg, e );

        // Check if the POM is in the correct location
        boolean correctGroupId = namespace.equals( model.getGroupId() );
        boolean correctArtifactId = projectId.equals( model.getArtifactId() );
        boolean correctVersion = projectVersion.equals( model.getVersion() );
        if ( !correctGroupId || !correctArtifactId || !correctVersion )
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder( "Incorrect POM coordinates in '" + file + "':" );
            if ( !correctGroupId )
                message.append( "\nIncorrect group ID: " ).append( model.getGroupId() );
            if ( !correctArtifactId )
                message.append( "\nIncorrect artifact ID: " ).append( model.getArtifactId() );
            if ( !correctVersion )
                message.append( "\nIncorrect version: " ).append( model.getVersion() );

            throw new RepositoryStorageMetadataInvalidException( "mislocated-pom", message.toString() );

        ProjectVersionMetadata metadata = new ProjectVersionMetadata();
        metadata.setCiManagement( convertCiManagement( model.getCiManagement() ) );
        metadata.setDescription( model.getDescription() );
        metadata.setId( projectVersion );
        metadata.setIssueManagement( convertIssueManagement( model.getIssueManagement() ) );
        metadata.setLicenses( convertLicenses( model.getLicenses() ) );
        metadata.setMailingLists( convertMailingLists( model.getMailingLists() ) );
        metadata.setDependencies( convertDependencies( model.getDependencies() ) );
        metadata.setName( model.getName() );
        metadata.setOrganization( convertOrganization( model.getOrganization() ) );
        metadata.setScm( convertScm( model.getScm() ) );
        metadata.setUrl( model.getUrl() );

        MavenProjectFacet facet = new MavenProjectFacet();
        facet.setGroupId( model.getGroupId() != null ? model.getGroupId() : model.getParent().getGroupId() );
        facet.setArtifactId( model.getArtifactId() );
        facet.setPackaging( model.getPackaging() );
        if ( model.getParent() != null )
            MavenProjectParent parent = new MavenProjectParent();
            parent.setGroupId( model.getParent().getGroupId() );
            parent.setArtifactId( model.getParent().getArtifactId() );
            parent.setVersion( model.getParent().getVersion() );
            facet.setParent( parent );
        metadata.addFacet( facet );

        return metadata;
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                        networkProxies.put( proxyConnector.getTargetRepoId(), proxy );

            Model model = buildProject( new RepositoryModelResolver( basedir, pathTranslator, wagonFactory, remoteRepositories,
                                         networkProxies, repository ), groupId, artifactId, version );

            Map managedVersions = createManagedVersionMap( model );

            Set<Artifact> dependencyArtifacts = createArtifacts( model, null );
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    private Map moduleAdjustments;

    public MavenProject()
        Model model = new Model();
        model.setGroupId( EMPTY_PROJECT_GROUP_ID );
        model.setArtifactId( EMPTY_PROJECT_ARTIFACT_ID );
        model.setVersion( EMPTY_PROJECT_VERSION );
        this.setModel( model );
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        throws Exception
        String var = "${var}";
        String key = var + " with version: ${project.version}";

        Model model = new Model();
        model.setVersion( "1" );

        MavenProject project = new MavenProject( model );

        ExpressionEvaluator ee = createExpressionEvaluator( project, null, new Properties() );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.model.Model

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