Package org.apache.maven.model

Examples of org.apache.maven.model.InputLocation

    private PluginContainer parsePluginContainer( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        PluginContainer pluginContainer = new PluginContainer();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        pluginContainer.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );
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    private PluginExecution parsePluginExecution( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        PluginExecution pluginExecution = new PluginExecution();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        pluginExecution.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );

            if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
                checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "id", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                pluginExecution.setLocation( "id", _location );
                pluginExecution.setId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "phase", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                pluginExecution.setLocation( "phase", _location );
                pluginExecution.setPhase( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "goals", null, parsed ) )
                java.util.List goals = new java.util.ArrayList/*<String>*/();
                pluginExecution.setGoals( goals );
                InputLocation _locations;
                _locations = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                pluginExecution.setLocation( "goals", _locations );
                while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
                    if ( "goal".equals( parser.getName() ) )
                        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                        _locations.setLocation( Integer.valueOf( goals.size() ), _location );
                        goals.add( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
                        checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "inherited", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                pluginExecution.setLocation( "inherited", _location );
                pluginExecution.setInherited( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "configuration", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                pluginExecution.setLocation( "configuration", _location );
                pluginExecution.setConfiguration( parser ) );
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    private PluginManagement parsePluginManagement( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        PluginManagement pluginManagement = new PluginManagement();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        pluginManagement.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );
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    private Prerequisites parsePrerequisites( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        Prerequisites prerequisites = new Prerequisites();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        prerequisites.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );

            if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
                checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "maven", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                prerequisites.setLocation( "maven", _location );
                prerequisites.setMaven( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
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    private Profile parseProfile( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        Profile profile = new Profile();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        profile.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );

            if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
                checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "id", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                profile.setLocation( "id", _location );
                profile.setId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "activation", null, parsed ) )
                profile.setActivation( parseActivation( parser, strict, source ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "build", null, parsed ) )
                profile.setBuild( parseBuildBase( parser, strict, source ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "modules", null, parsed ) )
                java.util.List modules = new java.util.ArrayList/*<String>*/();
                profile.setModules( modules );
                InputLocation _locations;
                _locations = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                profile.setLocation( "modules", _locations );
                while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
                    if ( "module".equals( parser.getName() ) )
                        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                        _locations.setLocation( Integer.valueOf( modules.size() ), _location );
                        modules.add( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
                        checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "distributionManagement", null, parsed ) )
                profile.setDistributionManagement( parseDistributionManagement( parser, strict, source ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "properties", null, parsed ) )
                InputLocation _locations;
                _locations = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                profile.setLocation( "properties", _locations );
                while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
                    String key = parser.getName();
                    _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                    _locations.setLocation( key, _location );
                    String value = parser.nextText().trim();
                    profile.addProperty( key, value );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "dependencyManagement", null, parsed ) )
                profile.setDependencyManagement( parseDependencyManagement( parser, strict, source ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "dependencies", null, parsed ) )
                java.util.List dependencies = new java.util.ArrayList/*<Dependency>*/();
                profile.setDependencies( dependencies );
                while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
                    if ( "dependency".equals( parser.getName() ) )
                        dependencies.add( parseDependency( parser, strict, source ) );
                        checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "repositories", null, parsed ) )
                java.util.List repositories = new java.util.ArrayList/*<Repository>*/();
                profile.setRepositories( repositories );
                while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
                    if ( "repository".equals( parser.getName() ) )
                        repositories.add( parseRepository( parser, strict, source ) );
                        checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "pluginRepositories", null, parsed ) )
                java.util.List pluginRepositories = new java.util.ArrayList/*<Repository>*/();
                profile.setPluginRepositories( pluginRepositories );
                while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
                    if ( "pluginRepository".equals( parser.getName() ) )
                        pluginRepositories.add( parseRepository( parser, strict, source ) );
                        checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "reports", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                profile.setLocation( "reports", _location );
                profile.setReports( parser ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "reporting", null, parsed ) )
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    private Relocation parseRelocation( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        Relocation relocation = new Relocation();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        relocation.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );

            if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
                checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "groupId", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                relocation.setLocation( "groupId", _location );
                relocation.setGroupId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "artifactId", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                relocation.setLocation( "artifactId", _location );
                relocation.setArtifactId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "version", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                relocation.setLocation( "version", _location );
                relocation.setVersion( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "message", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                relocation.setLocation( "message", _location );
                relocation.setMessage( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
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    private ReportPlugin parseReportPlugin( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        ReportPlugin reportPlugin = new ReportPlugin();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        reportPlugin.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );

            if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
                checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "groupId", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportPlugin.setLocation( "groupId", _location );
                reportPlugin.setGroupId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "artifactId", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportPlugin.setLocation( "artifactId", _location );
                reportPlugin.setArtifactId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "version", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportPlugin.setLocation( "version", _location );
                reportPlugin.setVersion( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "reportSets", null, parsed ) )
                java.util.List reportSets = new java.util.ArrayList/*<ReportSet>*/();
                reportPlugin.setReportSets( reportSets );
                while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
                    if ( "reportSet".equals( parser.getName() ) )
                        reportSets.add( parseReportSet( parser, strict, source ) );
                        checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "inherited", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportPlugin.setLocation( "inherited", _location );
                reportPlugin.setInherited( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "configuration", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportPlugin.setLocation( "configuration", _location );
                reportPlugin.setConfiguration( parser ) );
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    private ReportSet parseReportSet( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        ReportSet reportSet = new ReportSet();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        reportSet.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );

            if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
                checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "id", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportSet.setLocation( "id", _location );
                reportSet.setId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "reports", null, parsed ) )
                java.util.List reports = new java.util.ArrayList/*<String>*/();
                reportSet.setReports( reports );
                InputLocation _locations;
                _locations = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportSet.setLocation( "reports", _locations );
                while ( parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
                    if ( "report".equals( parser.getName() ) )
                        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                        _locations.setLocation( Integer.valueOf( reports.size() ), _location );
                        reports.add( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
                        checkUnknownElement( parser, strict );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "inherited", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportSet.setLocation( "inherited", _location );
                reportSet.setInherited( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "configuration", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reportSet.setLocation( "configuration", _location );
                reportSet.setConfiguration( parser ) );
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    private Reporting parseReporting( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        Reporting reporting = new Reporting();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        reporting.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );

            if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
                checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "excludeDefaults", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reporting.setLocation( "excludeDefaults", _location );
                reporting.setExcludeDefaults( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "outputDirectory", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                reporting.setLocation( "outputDirectory", _location );
                reporting.setOutputDirectory( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "plugins", null, parsed ) )
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    private Repository parseRepository( XmlPullParser parser, boolean strict, InputSource source )
        throws IOException, XmlPullParserException
        String tagName = parser.getName();
        Repository repository = new Repository();
        InputLocation _location;
        _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
        repository.setLocation( "", _location );
        for ( int i = parser.getAttributeCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
            String name = parser.getAttributeName( i );
            String value = parser.getAttributeValue( i );

            if ( name.indexOf( ':' ) >= 0 )
                // just ignore attributes with non-default namespace (for example: xmlns:xsi)
                checkUnknownAttribute( parser, name, tagName, strict );
        java.util.Set parsed = new java.util.HashSet();
        while ( ( strict ? parser.nextTag() : nextTag( parser ) ) == XmlPullParser.START_TAG )
            if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "releases", null, parsed ) )
                repository.setReleases( parseRepositoryPolicy( parser, strict, source ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "snapshots", null, parsed ) )
                repository.setSnapshots( parseRepositoryPolicy( parser, strict, source ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "id", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                repository.setLocation( "id", _location );
                repository.setId( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "name", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                repository.setLocation( "name", _location );
                repository.setName( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "url", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                repository.setLocation( "url", _location );
                repository.setUrl( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
            else if ( checkFieldWithDuplicate( parser, "layout", null, parsed ) )
                _location = new InputLocation( parser.getLineNumber(), parser.getColumnNumber(), source );
                repository.setLocation( "layout", _location );
                repository.setLayout( getTrimmedValue( parser.nextText() ) );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.model.InputLocation

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