private void importDependencyManagement( Model model, ModelBuildingRequest request,
DefaultModelProblemCollector problems, Collection<String> importIds )
DependencyManagement depMngt = model.getDependencyManagement();
if ( depMngt == null )
String importing = model.getGroupId() + ':' + model.getArtifactId() + ':' + model.getVersion();
importIds.add( importing );
ModelResolver modelResolver = request.getModelResolver();
ModelBuildingRequest importRequest = null;
List<DependencyManagement> importMngts = null;
for ( Iterator<Dependency> it = depMngt.getDependencies().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
Dependency dependency = it.next();
if ( !"pom".equals( dependency.getType() ) || !"import".equals( dependency.getScope() ) )
String groupId = dependency.getGroupId();
String artifactId = dependency.getArtifactId();
String version = dependency.getVersion();
if ( groupId == null || groupId.length() <= 0 )
problems.add( new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE )
.setMessage( "'dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency.groupId' for "
+ dependency.getManagementKey() + " is missing." )
.setLocation( dependency.getLocation( "" ) ) );
if ( artifactId == null || artifactId.length() <= 0 )
problems.add( new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE )
.setMessage( "'dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency.artifactId' for "
+ dependency.getManagementKey() + " is missing." )
.setLocation( dependency.getLocation( "" ) ) );
if ( version == null || version.length() <= 0 )
problems.add( new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE )
.setMessage( "'dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency.version' for "
+ dependency.getManagementKey() + " is missing." )
.setLocation( dependency.getLocation( "" ) ) );
String imported = groupId + ':' + artifactId + ':' + version;
if ( importIds.contains( imported ) )
String message = "The dependencies of type=pom and with scope=import form a cycle: ";
for ( String modelId : importIds )
message += modelId + " -> ";
message += imported;
problems.add( new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE ).setMessage( message ) );
DependencyManagement importMngt =
getCache( request.getModelCache(), groupId, artifactId, version, ModelCacheTag.IMPORT );
if ( importMngt == null )
if ( modelResolver == null )
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no model resolver provided, cannot resolve import POM "
+ ModelProblemUtils.toId( groupId, artifactId, version ) + " for POM "
+ ModelProblemUtils.toSourceHint( model ) );
ModelSource importSource;
importSource = modelResolver.resolveModel( groupId, artifactId, version );
catch ( UnresolvableModelException e )
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder( 256 );
buffer.append( "Non-resolvable import POM" );
if ( !containsCoordinates( e.getMessage(), groupId, artifactId, version ) )
buffer.append( " " ).append( ModelProblemUtils.toId( groupId, artifactId, version ) );
buffer.append( ": " ).append( e.getMessage() );
problems.add( new ModelProblemCollectorRequest( Severity.ERROR, Version.BASE )
.setMessage( buffer.toString() )
.setLocation( dependency.getLocation( "" ) )
.setException( e ) );
if ( importRequest == null )
importRequest = new DefaultModelBuildingRequest();
importRequest.setValidationLevel( ModelBuildingRequest.VALIDATION_LEVEL_MINIMAL );
importRequest.setModelCache( request.getModelCache() );
importRequest.setSystemProperties( request.getSystemProperties() );
importRequest.setUserProperties( request.getUserProperties() );
importRequest.setLocationTracking( request.isLocationTracking() );
importRequest.setModelSource( importSource );
importRequest.setModelResolver( modelResolver.newCopy() );
ModelBuildingResult importResult;
importResult = build( importRequest );
catch ( ModelBuildingException e )
problems.addAll( e.getProblems() );
problems.addAll( importResult.getProblems() );
Model importModel = importResult.getEffectiveModel();
importMngt = importModel.getDependencyManagement();
if ( importMngt == null )
importMngt = new DependencyManagement();
putCache( request.getModelCache(), groupId, artifactId, version, ModelCacheTag.IMPORT, importMngt );