
Examples of

            catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
                throw new VerificationException( e );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new VerificationException( e );

        return lines;
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            throw e;
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new VerificationException( e );
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            File f = new File( args );

            if ( f.exists() && !f.delete() )
                throw new VerificationException( "Error removing file - delete failed" );
        else if ( "rmdir".equals( cmd ) )
            System.out.println( "Removing directory: " + args );

                File f = new File( args );

                FileUtils.deleteDirectory( f );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new VerificationException( "Error removing directory - delete failed" );
        else if ( "svn".equals( cmd ) )
            launchSubversion( line, getBasedir() );
            throw new VerificationException( "unknown command: " + cmd );
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            if ( ret > 0 )
                System.err.println( "Exit code: " + ret );

                throw new VerificationException();
        catch ( CommandLineException e )
            throw new VerificationException( e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new VerificationException( e );
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                if ( is == null )
                    if ( wanted )
                        throw new VerificationException( "Expected JAR resource was not found: " + line );
                    if ( !wanted )
                        throw new VerificationException( "Unwanted JAR resource was found: " + line );
            catch ( MalformedURLException e )
                throw new VerificationException( "Error looking for JAR resource", e );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new VerificationException( "Error looking for JAR resource", e );
                if ( is != null )
                    catch ( IOException e )
                        System.err.println( "WARN: error closing stream: " + e );
            File expectedFile = new File( line );

            // NOTE: On Windows, a path with a leading (back-)slash is relative to the current drive
            if ( !expectedFile.isAbsolute() && !expectedFile.getPath().startsWith( File.separator ) )
                expectedFile = new File( getBasedir(), line );

            if ( line.indexOf( '*' ) > -1 )
                File parent = expectedFile.getParentFile();

                if ( !parent.exists() )
                    if ( wanted )
                        throw new VerificationException( "Expected file pattern was not found: "
                            + expectedFile.getPath() );
                    String shortNamePattern = expectedFile.getName().replaceAll( "\\*", ".*" );

                    String[] candidates = parent.list();

                    boolean found = false;

                    if ( candidates != null )
                        for ( int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++ )
                            if ( candidates[i].matches( shortNamePattern ) )
                                found = true;

                    if ( !found && wanted )
                        throw new VerificationException( "Expected file pattern was not found: "
                            + expectedFile.getPath() );
                    else if ( found && !wanted )
                        throw new VerificationException( "Unwanted file pattern was found: " + expectedFile.getPath() );
                if ( !expectedFile.exists() )
                    if ( wanted )
                        throw new VerificationException( "Expected file was not found: " + expectedFile.getPath() );
                    if ( !wanted )
                        throw new VerificationException( "Unwanted file was found: " + expectedFile.getPath() );
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    public void executeGoals( List<String> goals, Map<String, String> envVars )
        throws VerificationException
        if ( goals.size() == 0 )
            throw new VerificationException( "No goals specified" );

        List<String> allGoals = new ArrayList<String>();

        if ( autoclean )
             * NOTE: Neither test lifecycle binding nor prefix resolution here but call the goal directly.
            allGoals.add( "org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:clean" );

        allGoals.addAll( goals );

        Commandline cli = null;
        int ret;

        File logFile = new File( getBasedir(), getLogFileName() );
            cli = createCommandLine();

            for ( Iterator<String> i = envVars.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                String key =;

                cli.addEnvironment( key, envVars.get( key ) );

                 * What was the point of this? It doesn't work on windows. try { FileUtils.fileWrite( "/tmp/foo.txt",
                 * "setting envar[ " + key + " = " + envVars.get( key ) ); } catch ( IOException e ) {
                 * e.printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates. }

                // System.out.println();

            if ( envVars.get( "JAVA_HOME" ) == null )
                cli.addEnvironment( "JAVA_HOME", System.getProperty( "java.home" ) );

            cli.addEnvironment( "MAVEN_TERMINATE_CMD", "on" );

            cli.setWorkingDirectory( getBasedir() );

            for ( Iterator<String> it = cliOptions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                String key = String.valueOf( );

                String resolvedArg = resolveCommandLineArg( key );

                cli.createArgument().setLine( resolvedArg );

            cli.createArgument().setValue( "-e" );

            cli.createArgument().setValue( "--batch-mode" );

            if ( this.mavenDebug )
                cli.createArgument().setValue( "--debug" );

            for ( Iterator<String> i = systemProperties.stringPropertyNames().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                String key = (String);
                String value = systemProperties.getProperty( key );
                cli.createArgument().setValue( "-D" + key + "=" + value );

             * NOTE: Unless explicitly requested by the caller, the forked builds should use the current local
             * repository. Otherwise, the forked builds would in principle leave the sandbox environment which has been
             * setup for the current build. In particular, using "maven.repo.local" will make sure the forked builds use
             * the same local repo as the parent build even if a custom user settings is provided.
            boolean useMavenRepoLocal =
                Boolean.valueOf( verifierProperties.getProperty( "use.mavenRepoLocal", "true" ) ).booleanValue();

            if ( useMavenRepoLocal )
                cli.createArgument().setValue( "-Dmaven.repo.local=" + localRepo );

            for ( Iterator<String> i = allGoals.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                cli.createArgument().setValue( );

            // System.out.println( "Command: " + Commandline.toString( cli.getCommandline() ) );

            ret = runCommandLine( cli, logFile );
        catch ( CommandLineException e )
            throw new VerificationException( "Failed to execute Maven: " + cli, e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new VerificationException( e );

        if ( ret > 0 )
            System.err.println( "Exit code: " + ret );

            throw new VerificationException( "Exit code was non-zero: " + ret + "; command line and log = \n" + cli
                + "\n" + getLogContents( logFile, 75 ) );
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            log = File.createTempFile( "maven", "log" );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new VerificationException( "Error creating temp file", e );

            runCommandLine( cmd, log );
        catch ( CommandLineException e )
            throw new VerificationException( "Error running commandline " + cmd.toString(), e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            throw new VerificationException( "IO Error communicating with commandline " + cmd.toString(), e );

        String version = null;

        List<String> logLines = loadFile( log, false );

        for ( Iterator<String> it = logLines.iterator(); version == null && it.hasNext(); )
            String line =;

            final String MAVEN_VERSION = "Maven version: ";

            // look out for "Maven version: 3.0-SNAPSHOT built on unknown"
            if ( line.regionMatches( true, 0, MAVEN_VERSION, 0, MAVEN_VERSION.length() ) )
                version = line.substring( MAVEN_VERSION.length() ).trim();
                if ( version.indexOf( ' ' ) >= 0 )
                    version = version.substring( 0, version.indexOf( ' ' ) );

            final String NEW_MAVEN_VERSION = "Apache Maven ";

            // look out for "Apache Maven 2.1.0-M2-SNAPSHOT (rXXXXXX; date)"
            if ( line.regionMatches( true, 0, NEW_MAVEN_VERSION, 0, NEW_MAVEN_VERSION.length() ) )
                version = line.substring( NEW_MAVEN_VERSION.length() ).trim();
                if ( version.indexOf( ' ' ) >= 0 )
                    version = version.substring( 0, version.indexOf( ' ' ) );

        if ( version == null )
            throw new VerificationException(
                                             "Illegal maven output: String 'Maven version: ' not found in the following output:\n"
                                                 + StringUtils.join( logLines.iterator(), "\n" ) );
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