Package org.apache.maven.index

Examples of org.apache.maven.index.FlatSearchResponse

        //    Occur.SHOULD );

        FlatSearchRequest flatSearchRequest =
            new FlatSearchRequest( q, indexer.getIndexingContexts().get( repositoryConfig.getId() ) );

        FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( flatSearchRequest );

        assertTrue( new File( repositoryConfig.getLocation(), ".indexer" ).exists() );
        assertFalse( new File( repositoryConfig.getLocation(), ".index" ).exists() );

        // should return 1 hit
        assertEquals( 1, response.getTotalHitsCount() );

        // remove added artifact from index
        task = new ArtifactIndexingTask( repositoryConfig, artifactFile, ArtifactIndexingTask.Action.DELETE,
                                         getIndexingContext() );
        indexingExecutor.executeTask( task );

        task = new ArtifactIndexingTask( repositoryConfig, artifactFile, ArtifactIndexingTask.Action.FINISH,
                                         getIndexingContext() );
        indexingExecutor.executeTask( task );

        q = new BooleanQuery();
        q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.GROUP_ID, new SourcedSearchExpression( "org.apache.archiva" ) ),
               Occur.SHOULD );
        q.add( indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.ARTIFACT_ID,
                                       new SourcedSearchExpression( "archiva-index-methods-jar-test" ) ),
               Occur.SHOULD );

        assertTrue( new File( repositoryConfig.getLocation(), ".indexer" ).exists() );
        assertFalse( new File( repositoryConfig.getLocation(), ".index" ).exists() );

        flatSearchRequest = new FlatSearchRequest( q, getIndexingContext() );

        response = indexer.searchFlat( flatSearchRequest );
        // artifact should have been removed from the index!
        assertEquals( 0, response.getTotalHitsCount() );//.totalHits );

        // TODO: test it was removed from the packaged index also
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            indexer.constructQuery( MAVEN.ARTIFACT_ID, new StringSearchExpression( "archiva-index-methods-jar-test" ) ),
            Occur.SHOULD );

        FlatSearchRequest request = new FlatSearchRequest( q, getIndexingContext() );
        FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( request );

        Set<ArtifactInfo> results = response.getResults();

        ArtifactInfo artifactInfo = results.iterator().next();
        assertEquals( "org.apache.archiva", artifactInfo.groupId );
        assertEquals( "archiva-index-methods-jar-test", artifactInfo.artifactId );
        assertEquals( "test-repo", artifactInfo.repository );

        assertEquals( 1, response.getTotalHits() );
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            FlatSearchRequest request = new FlatSearchRequest( q );
            request.setContexts( getIndexingContexts( indexingContextIds ) );

            FlatSearchResponse response = indexer.searchFlat( request );

            if ( response == null || response.getTotalHits() == 0 )
                SearchResults results = new SearchResults();
                results.setLimits( limits );
                return results;
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.index.FlatSearchResponse

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