// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Check out the project
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ScmResult result;
String scmUserName = ContinuumBuildAgentUtil.getString( context, ContinuumBuildAgentUtil.KEY_SCM_USERNAME, "" );
String scmPassword = ContinuumBuildAgentUtil.getString( context, ContinuumBuildAgentUtil.KEY_SCM_PASSWORD, "" );
ContinuumScmConfiguration config =
createScmConfiguration( project, workingDirectory, scmUserName, scmPassword );
String tag = config.getTag();
getLogger().info( "Checking out project: '" + project.getName() + "', id: '" + project.getId() + "' " +
"to '" + workingDirectory + "'" + ( tag != null ? " with branch/tag " + tag + "." : "." ) );
CheckOutScmResult checkoutResult = scm.checkout( config );
//if ( StringUtils.isNotEmpty( checkoutResult.getRelativePathProjectDirectory() ) )
// context.put( AbstractContinuumAction.KEY_PROJECT_RELATIVE_PATH,
// checkoutResult.getRelativePathProjectDirectory() );
if ( !checkoutResult.isSuccess() )
// TODO: is it more appropriate to return this in the converted result so that it can be presented to
// the user?
String msg = "Error while checking out the code for project: '" + project.getName() + "', id: '" +
project.getId() + "' to '" + workingDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "'" +
( tag != null ? " with branch/tag " + tag + "." : "." );
getLogger().warn( msg );
getLogger().warn( "Command output: " + checkoutResult.getCommandOutput() );
getLogger().warn( "Provider message: " + checkoutResult.getProviderMessage() );
getLogger().info( "Checked out " + checkoutResult.getCheckedOutFiles().size() + " files." );
result = convertScmResult( checkoutResult );
catch ( ScmRepositoryException e )
result = new ScmResult();
result.setSuccess( false );
result.setProviderMessage( e.getMessage() + ": " + getValidationMessages( e ) );
getLogger().error( e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( NoSuchScmProviderException e )
// TODO: this is not making it back into a result of any kind - log it at least. Same is probably the case for ScmException
result = new ScmResult();
result.setSuccess( false );
result.setProviderMessage( e.getMessage() );
getLogger().error( e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( ScmException e )
result = new ScmResult();
result.setSuccess( false );
result.setException( ContinuumBuildAgentUtil.throwableMessagesToString( e ) );
getLogger().error( e.getMessage(), e );
catch ( Throwable t )
// TODO: do we want this here, or should it be to the logs?
// TODO: what throwables do we really get here that we can cope with?
result = new ScmResult();
result.setSuccess( false );
result.setException( ContinuumBuildAgentUtil.throwableMessagesToString( t ) );
getLogger().error( t.getMessage(), t );
context.put( ContinuumBuildAgentUtil.KEY_CHECKOUT_SCM_RESULT, result );