Package org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning

Examples of org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange

        try {
            if (version == null) {
                version = Artifact.RELEASE_VERSION;

            VersionRange versionSpec = VersionRange
            artifact = artifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact(skin
                    .getGroupId(), skin.getArtifactId(), versionSpec, "jar",
                    null, null);
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            Dependency dependency = (Dependency);

            String groupId = dependency.getGroupId();
            String artifactId = dependency.getArtifactId();

            VersionRange versionRange;
            try {
                versionRange = VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec(dependency.getVersion());
            } catch (InvalidVersionSpecificationException e) {
                throw new MojoExecutionException("unable to parse version", e);
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            Dependency dependency = (Dependency);

            String groupId = dependency.getGroupId();
            String artifactId = dependency.getArtifactId();

            VersionRange versionRange;
            try {
                versionRange = VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec(dependency.getVersion());
            } catch (InvalidVersionSpecificationException e) {
                throw new MojoExecutionException("unable to parse version", e);
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            for (Iterator i = dependencyManagement.getDependencies().iterator(); i
                    .hasNext();) {
                Dependency d = (Dependency);

                try {
                    VersionRange versionRange = VersionRange
                    Artifact artifact = factory.createDependencyArtifact(d
                            .getGroupId(), d.getArtifactId(), versionRange, d
                            .getType(), d.getClassifier(), d.getScope());
                    map.put(d.getManagementKey(), artifact);
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                                artifact, localRepository,

            VersionRange versionRange = artifact.getVersionRange();

            version = versionRange.matchVersion(versions);

            if (version == null) {
                if (versions.isEmpty()) {
                    throw new OverConstrainedVersionException(
                            "No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range "
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                    List previousNodes) throws OverConstrainedVersionException {
        for (Iterator i = previousNodes.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            ResolutionNode previous = (ResolutionNode);
            if (previous.isActive()) {
                // Version mediation
                VersionRange previousRange = previous.getArtifact().getVersionRange();
                VersionRange currentRange = node.getArtifact().getVersionRange();
                // TODO: why do we force the version on it? what if they
                // don't match?
                if (previousRange == null) {
                    // version was already resolved
                } else if (currentRange == null) {
                    // version was already resolved
                } else {
                    // TODO: shouldn't need to double up on this work, only
                    // done for simplicity of handling recommended
                    // version but the restriction is identical
                    VersionRange newRange = previousRange.restrict(currentRange);
                    // TODO: ick. this forces the OCE that should have come
                    // from the previous call. It is still correct
                    if (newRange.isSelectedVersionKnown(previous.getArtifact())) {
                                listeners, node, previous.getArtifact(),
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        throws Exception

        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "jar", null );
        VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1" );
        release = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "one", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE, "jar", "sources", ah, false );
        artifacts.add( release );

        ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "war", null );
        vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
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    public void testTestJar()
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "test-jar", null );
        VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "test-jar", null, ah,
                                                 false );

        String name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false );
        String expectedResult = "two-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar";
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    public void testFileNameClassifier()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "jar", "sources" );
        VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "jar", "sources", ah,
                                                 false );

        String name = DependencyUtil.getFormattedFileName( artifact, false );
        String expectedResult = "two-1.1-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar";
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        // specifically testing the default operation that getFormattedFileName
        // returns
        // the actual name of the file if available unless remove version is
        // set.
        ArtifactHandler ah = new DefaultArtifactHandlerStub( "war", "sources" );
        VersionRange vr = VersionRange.createFromVersion( "1.1-SNAPSHOT" );
        Artifact artifact = new DefaultArtifact( "test", "two", vr, Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED, "war", "sources", ah,
                                                 false );
        File file = new File( "/target", "test-file-name.jar" );
        artifact.setFile( file );
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange

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