Package org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning

Examples of org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion

                                //end hack

                                //MNG-2861: match version can return null
                                ArtifactVersion selectedVersion = resetArtifact.getVersionRange().matchVersion( resetArtifact.getAvailableVersions() );
                                if (selectedVersion != null)
                                  resetArtifact.selectVersion( selectedVersion.toString() );
                                  throw new OverConstrainedVersionException(" Unable to find a version in "+ resetArtifact.getAvailableVersions()+" to match the range "+ resetArtifact.getVersionRange(), resetArtifact);

                                fireEvent( ResolutionListener.SELECT_VERSION_FROM_RANGE, listeners, resetNodes[j] );

                    // Conflict Resolution
                    // TODO: use as conflict resolver(s), chain

                    // TODO: should this be part of mediation?
                    // previous one is more dominant
                    ResolutionNode nearest;
                    ResolutionNode farthest;
                    if ( previous.getDepth() <= node.getDepth() )
                        nearest = previous;
                        farthest = node;
                        nearest = node;
                        farthest = previous;

                    if ( checkScopeUpdate( farthest, nearest, listeners ) )
                        // if we need to update scope of nearest to use farthest scope, use the nearest version, but farthest scope
                        farthest.getArtifact().setVersion( nearest.getArtifact().getVersion() );
                        fireEvent( ResolutionListener.OMIT_FOR_NEARER, listeners, nearest, farthest.getArtifact() );
                        fireEvent( ResolutionListener.OMIT_FOR_NEARER, listeners, farthest, nearest.getArtifact() );
            previousNodes = new ArrayList();
            resolvedArtifacts.put( key, previousNodes );
        previousNodes.add( node );

        if ( node.isActive() )
            fireEvent( ResolutionListener.INCLUDE_ARTIFACT, listeners, node );

        // don't pull in the transitive deps of a system-scoped dependency.
        if ( node.isActive() && !Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( node.getArtifact().getScope() ) )
            fireEvent( ResolutionListener.PROCESS_CHILDREN, listeners, node );

            for ( Iterator i = node.getChildrenIterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                ResolutionNode child = (ResolutionNode);

                // We leave in optional ones, but don't pick up its dependencies
                if ( !child.isResolved() && ( !child.getArtifact().isOptional() || child.isChildOfRootNode() ) )
                    Artifact artifact = child.getArtifact();
                    List childRemoteRepositories = child.getRemoteRepositories();
                        Object childKey;
                            childKey = child.getKey();

                            if ( managedVersions.containsKey( childKey ) )
                                // If this child node is a managed dependency, ensure
                                // we are using the dependency management version
                                // of this child if applicable b/c we want to use the
                                // managed version's POM, *not* any other version's POM.
                                // We retrieve the POM below in the retrieval step.
                                manageArtifact( child, managedVersions, listeners );

                                // Also, we need to ensure that any exclusions it presents are
                                // added to the artifact before we retrieve the metadata
                                // for the artifact; otherwise we may end up with unwanted
                                // dependencies.
                                Artifact ma = (Artifact) managedVersions.get( childKey );
                                ArtifactFilter managedExclusionFilter = ma.getDependencyFilter();
                                if ( null != managedExclusionFilter )
                                    if ( null != artifact.getDependencyFilter() )
                                        AndArtifactFilter aaf = new AndArtifactFilter();
                                        aaf.add( artifact.getDependencyFilter() );
                                        aaf.add( managedExclusionFilter );
                                        artifact.setDependencyFilter( aaf );
                                        artifact.setDependencyFilter( managedExclusionFilter );

                            if ( artifact.getVersion() == null )
                                // set the recommended version
                                // TODO: maybe its better to just pass the range through to retrieval and use a transformation?
                                ArtifactVersion version;
                                if ( artifact.isSelectedVersionKnown() )
                                    version = artifact.getSelectedVersion();
                                    //go find the version
                                    List versions = artifact.getAvailableVersions();
                                    if ( versions == null )
                                        versions = source.retrieveAvailableVersions( artifact, localRepository,
                                                                                     childRemoteRepositories );
                                        artifact.setAvailableVersions( versions );

                                    Collections.sort( versions );

                                    VersionRange versionRange = artifact.getVersionRange();

                                    version = versionRange.matchVersion( versions );

                                    if ( version == null )
                                        // Getting the dependency trail so it can be logged in the exception
                                        artifact.setDependencyTrail( node.getDependencyTrail() );

                                        if ( versions.isEmpty() )
                                            throw new OverConstrainedVersionException(
                                                "No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range " +
                                                    versionRange, artifact, childRemoteRepositories );

                                        throw new OverConstrainedVersionException( "Couldn't find a version in " +
                                            versions + " to match range " + versionRange, artifact,
                                            childRemoteRepositories );

                                //this is dangerous because artifact.getSelectedVersion() can
                                //return null. However it is ok here because we first check if the
                                //selected version is known. As currently coded we can't get a null here.
                                artifact.selectVersion( version.toString() );
                                fireEvent( ResolutionListener.SELECT_VERSION_FROM_RANGE, listeners, child );

                            Artifact relocated = source.retrieveRelocatedArtifact( artifact, localRepository, childRemoteRepositories );
                            if ( relocated != null && !artifact.equals( relocated ) )
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                if ( !groupId.equals( archetype.getGroupId() ) || !artifactId.equals( archetype.getArtifactId() ) )

                ArtifactVersion version = new DefaultArtifactVersion( archetype.getVersion() );

                // don't override the first catalog containing a defined version of the artifact
                if ( !archetypeVersionsMap.containsKey( version ) )
                    archetypeVersionsMap.put( version, archetype );

        if ( archetypeVersionsMap.size() == 1 )
            return archetypeVersionsMap.values().iterator().next();

        // let the user choose between available versions
        StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder( "Choose " + groupId + ":" + artifactId + " version: \n" );

        List<String> answers = new ArrayList<String>();
        Map<String, Archetype> answerMap = new HashMap<String, Archetype>();

        int counter = 1;
        String mapKey = null;

        for ( Map.Entry<ArtifactVersion, Archetype> entry : archetypeVersionsMap.entrySet() )
            ArtifactVersion version = entry.getKey();
            Archetype archetype = entry.getValue();

            mapKey = String.valueOf( counter );

            query.append( mapKey + ": " + version + "\n" );
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                        } else {
                            archive.addManifestEntry(Constants.BUNDLE_ACTIVATOR, ConfigurationActivator.class.getName());
                        archive.addManifestEntry(Constants.BUNDLE_NAME, project.getName());
                        archive.addManifestEntry(Constants.BUNDLE_VENDOR, project.getOrganization().getName());
                        ArtifactVersion version = project.getArtifact().getSelectedVersion();
                        String versionString = "" + version.getMajorVersion() + "." + version.getMinorVersion() + "." + version.getIncrementalVersion();
                        if (version.getQualifier() != null) {
                            versionString += "." + version.getQualifier();
                        archive.addManifestEntry(Constants.BUNDLE_VERSION, versionString);
                        archive.addManifestEntry(Constants.BUNDLE_MANIFESTVERSION, "2");
                        archive.addManifestEntry(Constants.BUNDLE_DESCRIPTION, project.getDescription());
                        // NB, no constant for this one
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        if ( this.testNgVersion != null )
            goals1.add( "-DtestNgVersion=" + testNgVersion );

            ArtifactVersion v = new DefaultArtifactVersion( testNgVersion );
                if ( VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec( "(,5.12.1)" ).containsVersion( v ) )
                    goals1.add( "-DtestNgClassifier=jdk15" );
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                    try {
                        if (artifact.getVersion() == null) {
                            // set the recommended version
                            // TODO: maybe its better to just pass the range
                            // through to retrieval and use a transformation?
                            ArtifactVersion version;
                            version = getArtifactVersion(localRepository, remoteRepositories, source, artifact);

                                    listeners, child);

                        ResolutionGroup rGroup = source.retrieve(artifact,
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            ArtifactRepository localRepository,
            List remoteRepositories,
            ArtifactMetadataSource source,
            Artifact artifact) throws OverConstrainedVersionException,
            ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException {
        ArtifactVersion version;
        if (!artifact.isSelectedVersionKnown()) {
            List versions = artifact.getAvailableVersions();
            if (versions == null) {
                versions = source.retrieveAvailableVersions(
                        artifact, localRepository,
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                                    // end hack

                                    // MNG-2861: match version can return null
                                    ArtifactVersion selectedVersion =
                                        resetArtifact.getVersionRange().matchVersion( resetArtifact.getAvailableVersions() );
                                    if ( selectedVersion != null )
                                        resetArtifact.selectVersion( selectedVersion.toString() );
                                        throw new OverConstrainedVersionException( " Unable to find a version in "
                                            + resetArtifact.getAvailableVersions() + " to match the range "
                                            + resetArtifact.getVersionRange(), resetArtifact );

                                    fireEvent( ResolutionListener.SELECT_VERSION_FROM_RANGE, listeners, resetNodes[j] );

                        // Conflict Resolution
                        ResolutionNode resolved = null;
                        for ( Iterator j = conflictResolvers.iterator(); ( resolved == null ) && j.hasNext(); )
                            ConflictResolver conflictResolver = (ConflictResolver);

                            resolved = conflictResolver.resolveConflict( previous, node );

                        if ( resolved == null )
                            // TODO: add better exception that can detail the two conflicting artifacts
                            ArtifactResolutionException are =
                                new ArtifactResolutionException( "Cannot resolve artifact version conflict between "
                                    + previous.getArtifact().getVersion() + " and " + node.getArtifact().getVersion(),
                                                                 previous.getArtifact() );
                            result.addVersionRangeViolation( are );

                        if ( ( resolved != previous ) && ( resolved != node ) )
                            // TODO: add better exception
                            result.addVersionRangeViolation( new ArtifactResolutionException(
                                                                                              "Conflict resolver returned unknown resolution node: ",
                                                                                              resolved.getArtifact() ) );

                        // TODO: should this be part of mediation?
                        // previous one is more dominant
                        ResolutionNode nearest;
                        ResolutionNode farthest;

                        if ( resolved == previous )
                            nearest = previous;
                            farthest = node;
                            nearest = node;
                            farthest = previous;

                        if ( checkScopeUpdate( farthest, nearest, listeners ) )
                            // if we need to update artifactScope of nearest to use farthest artifactScope, use the
                            // nearest version, but farthest artifactScope
                            farthest.getArtifact().setVersion( nearest.getArtifact().getVersion() );
                            fireEvent( ResolutionListener.OMIT_FOR_NEARER, listeners, nearest, farthest.getArtifact() );
                            fireEvent( ResolutionListener.OMIT_FOR_NEARER, listeners, farthest, nearest.getArtifact() );
                catch ( OverConstrainedVersionException e )
                    result.addVersionRangeViolation( e );
            previousNodes = new ArrayList<ResolutionNode>();

            resolvedArtifacts.put( key, previousNodes );
        previousNodes.add( node );

        if ( node.isActive() )
            fireEvent( ResolutionListener.INCLUDE_ARTIFACT, listeners, node );

        // don't pull in the transitive deps of a system-scoped dependency.
        if ( node.isActive() && !Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( node.getArtifact().getScope() ) )
            fireEvent( ResolutionListener.PROCESS_CHILDREN, listeners, node );

            Artifact parentArtifact = node.getArtifact();

            for ( Iterator i = node.getChildrenIterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                ResolutionNode child = (ResolutionNode);


                    // We leave in optional ones, but don't pick up its dependencies
                    if ( !child.isResolved() && ( !child.getArtifact().isOptional() || child.isChildOfRootNode() ) )
                        Artifact artifact = child.getArtifact();
                        artifact.setDependencyTrail( node.getDependencyTrail() );
                        List<ArtifactRepository> childRemoteRepositories = child.getRemoteRepositories();

                        MetadataResolutionRequest metadataRequest =
                            new DefaultMetadataResolutionRequest( request );
                        metadataRequest.setArtifact( artifact );
                        metadataRequest.setRemoteRepositories( childRemoteRepositories );

                            ResolutionGroup rGroup;

                            Object childKey;
                                childKey = child.getKey();

                                if ( managedVersions.containsKey( childKey ) )
                                    // If this child node is a managed dependency, ensure
                                    // we are using the dependency management version
                                    // of this child if applicable b/c we want to use the
                                    // managed version's POM, *not* any other version's POM.
                                    // We retrieve the POM below in the retrieval step.
                                    manageArtifact( child, managedVersions, listeners );

                                    // Also, we need to ensure that any exclusions it presents are
                                    // added to the artifact before we retrive the metadata
                                    // for the artifact; otherwise we may end up with unwanted
                                    // dependencies.
                                    Artifact ma = managedVersions.get( childKey );
                                    ArtifactFilter managedExclusionFilter = ma.getDependencyFilter();
                                    if ( null != managedExclusionFilter )
                                        if ( null != artifact.getDependencyFilter() )
                                            AndArtifactFilter aaf = new AndArtifactFilter();
                                            aaf.add( artifact.getDependencyFilter() );
                                            aaf.add( managedExclusionFilter );
                                            artifact.setDependencyFilter( aaf );
                                            artifact.setDependencyFilter( managedExclusionFilter );

                                if ( artifact.getVersion() == null )
                                    // set the recommended version
                                    // TODO: maybe its better to just pass the range through to retrieval and use a
                                    // transformation?
                                    ArtifactVersion version;
                                    if ( !artifact.isSelectedVersionKnown() )
                                        List<ArtifactVersion> versions = artifact.getAvailableVersions();
                                        if ( versions == null )
                                            versions = source.retrieveAvailableVersions( metadataRequest );
                                            artifact.setAvailableVersions( versions );

                                        Collections.sort( versions );

                                        VersionRange versionRange = artifact.getVersionRange();

                                        version = versionRange.matchVersion( versions );

                                        if ( version == null )
                                            if ( versions.isEmpty() )
                                                throw new OverConstrainedVersionException(
                                                                                           "No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range "
                                                                                               + versionRange,
                                                                                           childRemoteRepositories );

                                            throw new OverConstrainedVersionException( "Couldn't find a version in "
                                                + versions + " to match range " + versionRange, artifact,
                                                childRemoteRepositories );
                                        version = artifact.getSelectedVersion();

                                    artifact.selectVersion( version.toString() );
                                    fireEvent( ResolutionListener.SELECT_VERSION_FROM_RANGE, listeners, child );

                                rGroup = source.retrieve( metadataRequest );

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    public ResolutionNode resolveConflict( ResolutionNode node1, ResolutionNode node2 )
            ArtifactVersion version1 = node1.getArtifact().getSelectedVersion();
            ArtifactVersion version2 = node2.getArtifact().getSelectedVersion();

            return version1.compareTo( version2 ) > 0 ? node1 : node2;
        catch ( OverConstrainedVersionException exception )
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    public ResolutionNode resolveConflict( ResolutionNode node1, ResolutionNode node2 )
            ArtifactVersion version1 = node1.getArtifact().getSelectedVersion();
            ArtifactVersion version2 = node2.getArtifact().getSelectedVersion();

            return version1.compareTo( version2 ) <= 0 ? node1 : node2;
        catch ( OverConstrainedVersionException exception )
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     * @param theVersion   the version to be checked.
     * @return true if the version is contained by the range.
    public static boolean containsVersion( VersionRange allowedRange, ArtifactVersion theVersion )
        ArtifactVersion recommendedVersion = allowedRange.getRecommendedVersion();
        if ( recommendedVersion == null )
            @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
            List<Restriction> restrictions = allowedRange.getRestrictions();
            for ( Restriction restriction : restrictions )
                if ( restriction.containsVersion( theVersion ) )
                    return true;

        // only singular versions ever have a recommendedVersion
        return recommendedVersion.compareTo( theVersion ) <= 0;
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Related Classes of org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion

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