List previousNodes = (List) resolvedArtifacts.get( key );
if ( previousNodes != null )
for ( Iterator i = previousNodes.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
ResolutionNode previous = (ResolutionNode);
if ( previous.isActive() )
// Version mediation
VersionRange previousRange = previous.getArtifact().getVersionRange();
VersionRange currentRange = node.getArtifact().getVersionRange();
// TODO: why do we force the version on it? what if they don't match?
if ( previousRange == null )
// version was already resolved
node.getArtifact().setVersion( previous.getArtifact().getVersion() );
else if ( currentRange == null )
// version was already resolved
previous.getArtifact().setVersion( node.getArtifact().getVersion() );
// TODO: shouldn't need to double up on this work, only done for simplicity of handling recommended
// version but the restriction is identical
VersionRange newRange = previousRange.restrict( currentRange );
// TODO: ick. this forces the OCE that should have come from the previous call. It is still correct
if ( newRange.isSelectedVersionKnown( previous.getArtifact() ) )
fireEvent( ResolutionListener.RESTRICT_RANGE, listeners, node, previous.getArtifact(),
newRange );
previous.getArtifact().setVersionRange( newRange );
node.getArtifact().setVersionRange( currentRange.restrict( previousRange ) );
//Select an appropriate available version from the (now restricted) range
//Note this version was selected before to get the appropriate POM
//But it was reset by the call to setVersionRange on restricting the version
ResolutionNode[] resetNodes = {previous, node};
for ( int j = 0; j < 2; j++ )
Artifact resetArtifact = resetNodes[j].getArtifact();
if ( resetArtifact.getVersion() == null && resetArtifact.getVersionRange() != null &&
resetArtifact.getAvailableVersions() != null )
resetArtifact.selectVersion( resetArtifact.getVersionRange().matchVersion(
resetArtifact.getAvailableVersions() ).toString() );
fireEvent( ResolutionListener.SELECT_VERSION_FROM_RANGE, listeners, resetNodes[j] );
// Conflict Resolution
// TODO: use as conflict resolver(s), chain
// TODO: should this be part of mediation?
// previous one is more dominant
if ( previous.getDepth() <= node.getDepth() )
checkScopeUpdate( node, previous, listeners );
checkScopeUpdate( previous, node, listeners );
if ( previous.getDepth() <= node.getDepth() )
// previous was nearer
fireEvent( ResolutionListener.OMIT_FOR_NEARER, listeners, node, previous.getArtifact() );
node = previous;
fireEvent( ResolutionListener.OMIT_FOR_NEARER, listeners, previous, node.getArtifact() );
previousNodes = new ArrayList();
resolvedArtifacts.put( key, previousNodes );
previousNodes.add( node );
if ( node.isActive() )
fireEvent( ResolutionListener.INCLUDE_ARTIFACT, listeners, node );
// don't pull in the transitive deps of a system-scoped dependency.
if ( node.isActive() && !Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( node.getArtifact().getScope() ) )
fireEvent( ResolutionListener.PROCESS_CHILDREN, listeners, node );
for ( Iterator i = node.getChildrenIterator(); i.hasNext(); )
ResolutionNode child = (ResolutionNode);
// We leave in optional ones, but don't pick up its dependencies
if ( !child.isResolved() && ( !child.getArtifact().isOptional() || child.isChildOfRootNode() ) )
Artifact artifact = child.getArtifact();
if ( artifact.getVersion() == null )
// set the recommended version
// TODO: maybe its better to just pass the range through to retrieval and use a transformation?
ArtifactVersion version;
if ( !artifact.isSelectedVersionKnown() )
List versions = artifact.getAvailableVersions();
if ( versions == null )
versions = source.retrieveAvailableVersions( artifact, localRepository,
remoteRepositories );
artifact.setAvailableVersions( versions );
VersionRange versionRange = artifact.getVersionRange();
version = versionRange.matchVersion( versions );
if ( version == null )
if ( versions.isEmpty() )
throw new OverConstrainedVersionException(
"No versions are present in the repository for the artifact with a range " +
versionRange, artifact, remoteRepositories );
throw new OverConstrainedVersionException( "Couldn't find a version in " +
versions + " to match range " + versionRange, artifact,
remoteRepositories );
version = artifact.getSelectedVersion();
artifact.selectVersion( version.toString() );
fireEvent( ResolutionListener.SELECT_VERSION_FROM_RANGE, listeners, child );
ResolutionGroup rGroup = source.retrieve( artifact, localRepository, remoteRepositories );
//TODO might be better to have source.retreive() throw a specific exception for this situation
//and catch here rather than have it return null
if ( rGroup == null )
//relocated dependency artifact is declared excluded, no need to add and recurse further
child.addDependencies( rGroup.getArtifacts(), rGroup.getResolutionRepositories(), filter );
catch ( CyclicDependencyException e )
// would like to throw this, but we have crappy stuff in the repo
fireEvent( ResolutionListener.OMIT_FOR_CYCLE, listeners,
new ResolutionNode( e.getArtifact(), remoteRepositories, child ) );
catch ( ArtifactMetadataRetrievalException e )
artifact.setDependencyTrail( node.getDependencyTrail() );
throw new ArtifactResolutionException(