assertEquals( "Incorrect number of unprocessed artifacts detected. No new artifacts should have been found.", 0,
unprocessedResultList.size() );
// check correctness of new stats
List<RepositoryContentStatistics> results =
(List<RepositoryContentStatistics>) dao.query( new MostRecentRepositoryScanStatistics( TEST_REPO_ID ) );
RepositoryContentStatistics newStats = results.get( 0 );
assertEquals( 0, newStats.getNewFileCount() );
assertEquals( TEST_REPO_ID, newStats.getRepositoryId() );
assertEquals( 31, newStats.getTotalFileCount() );
// TODO: can't test these as they weren't stored in the database
// assertEquals( 8, newStats.getTotalArtifactCount() );
// assertEquals( 3, newStats.getTotalGroupCount() );
// assertEquals( 5, newStats.getTotalProjectCount() );
assertEquals( 14159, newStats.getTotalSize() );
File newArtifactGroup = new File( repoDir, "org/apache/archiva" );
FileUtils.copyDirectoryStructure( new File( getBasedir(), "target/test-classes/test-repo/org/apache/archiva" ),
newArtifactGroup );
// update last modified date
new File( newArtifactGroup, "archiva-index-methods-jar-test/1.0/pom.xml" ).setLastModified(
Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + 1000 );
new File( newArtifactGroup,
"archiva-index-methods-jar-test/1.0/archiva-index-methods-jar-test-1.0.jar" ).setLastModified(
Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis() + 1000 );
assertTrue( newArtifactGroup.exists() );
taskExecutor.executeTask( repoTask );
unprocessedResultList = adao.queryArtifacts( new ArtifactsProcessedConstraint( false ) );
assertNotNull( unprocessedResultList );
assertEquals( "Incorrect number of unprocessed artifacts detected. One new artifact should have been found.", 1,
unprocessedResultList.size() );
// check correctness of new stats
results =
(List<RepositoryContentStatistics>) dao.query( new MostRecentRepositoryScanStatistics( TEST_REPO_ID ) );
RepositoryContentStatistics updatedStats = results.get( 0 );
assertEquals( 2, updatedStats.getNewFileCount() );
assertEquals( TEST_REPO_ID, updatedStats.getRepositoryId() );
assertEquals( 33, updatedStats.getTotalFileCount() );
// TODO: can't test these as they weren't stored in the database