public Object getObjectById( Class<?> clazz, Object id, String fetchGroup )
throws ObjectNotFoundException, ArchivaDatabaseException
if ( id == null )
throw new ObjectNotFoundException( "Unable to get object '" + clazz.getName() + "' from jdo using null id." );
PersistenceManager pm = getPersistenceManager();
Transaction tx = pm.currentTransaction();
if ( fetchGroup != null )
pm.getFetchPlan().addGroup( fetchGroup );
Object objectId = null;
if ( id instanceof CompoundKey )
objectId = pm.newObjectIdInstance( clazz, id.toString() );
objectId = pm.newObjectIdInstance( clazz, id );
Object object = pm.getObjectById( objectId );
object = pm.detachCopy( object );
return object;
catch ( JDOObjectNotFoundException e )
throw new ObjectNotFoundException( "Unable to find Database Object [" + id + "] of type " + clazz.getName()
+ " using " + ( ( fetchGroup == null ) ? "no fetch-group" : "a fetch-group of [" + fetchGroup + "]" ),
e, id );
catch ( JDOException e )