// 1) the expected inferred triple exists (must be (ex:a ex:transitive ex:c) )
// 2) the inferred triple is properly justified (based on rule2 and on the triple contained in the transaction data)
List<Statement> inferred = Iterations.asList(con.getStatements(a,property,c, true));
Assert.assertEquals("number of inferred triples differs from expected result",1,inferred.size());
KiWiTriple triple = (KiWiTriple)inferred.get(0);
List<Justification> justifications = Iterations.asList(rcon.listJustificationsForTriple(triple));
Assert.assertEquals("number of justifications for triple differs from expected result",1,justifications.size());
Justification j = justifications.get(0);
Assert.assertEquals("number of supporting triples differs from expected result",2,j.getSupportingTriples().size());