Each KiWiResource has a 1:1 correspondance to a content item. Each KiWiResource is also directly related with a Sesame 2 resource in the knowledge base backend. The kiwi.sesame package contains appropriate adaptors for transforming Sesame 2 resources into KiWiResources.
Each KiWiResoure furthermore participates in exactly one knowledge space, where the RDF resource may have different identifiers for the users. This knowledge space defines the getTripleStore().of the node. For this reason, a Sesame 2 Value may correspond to several KiWiNodes in different knowledge spaces.
TODO: we could further simplify the data model by treating TextContent and MediaContent as literals that are in a certain relation with the resource ("kiwi:hasTextContent", "kiwi:hasMediaContent") and introducing the following new literal types: KiWiTextContentLiteral KiWiMediaContentLiteral KiWiStringContentLiteral The class hierarchy should be changed so that from KiWiNode -> KiWiLiteral and from KiWiNode -> KiWiResource there is joined subclass, and from there on single table currently existing functionality should be moved to ContentItemService @author Sebastian Schaffert