Package org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.meridio

Examples of org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.meridio.RMDataSet

      * For completeness, we also call a method in the RM Web
      * Service API
      RMDataSet rmws = meridio_.getConfiguration();
      if (null == rmws)
        Logging.connectors.warn("Meridio: RM DataSet returned was null in 'check' method");
        return "Connection failed - null RM DataSet returned";
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          // Do path metadata
          if (pathAttributeName != null && pathAttributeName.length() > 0)
            if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
              Logging.connectors.debug("Meridio: Path attribute name is "+pathAttributeName);
            RMDataSet partList;
            int recordType = documentData.getDOCUMENTS()[0].getPROP_recordType();
            if (recordType == 0 || recordType == 4 || recordType == 19)
              partList = meridio_.getRecordPartList((int)docId, false, false);
              partList = meridio_.getDocumentPartList((int)docId);
            if (partList != null)
              if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
                Logging.connectors.debug("Meridio: Document '"+new Long(docId).toString()+"' has a part list with "+Integer.toString(partList.getRm2vPart().length)+" values");

              for (int k = 0; k < partList.getRm2vPart().length; k++)
              if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
                Logging.connectors.debug("Meridio: Document '"+new Long(docId).toString()+"' has no part list, so no path attribute");

          // Process acls.  If there are forced acls, use those, otherwise get them from Meridio.
          String [] allowAcls;
          String [] denyAcls;

          // forcedAcls will be null if security is off, or nonzero length if security is on but hard-wired
          if (forcedAcls != null && forcedAcls.length == 0)
            ACCESSCONTROL [] documentAcls = documentData.getACCESSCONTROL();
            ArrayList allowAclsArrayList = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList denyAclsArrayList = new ArrayList();

            // Allow a broken authority to disable all Meridio documents, even if the document is 'wide open', because
            // Meridio does not permit viewing of the document if the user does not exist (at least, I don't know of a way).

            if (documentAcls != null)
              for (int j = 0; j < documentAcls.length; j++)
                if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
                  "Object Id '" + documentAcls[j].getObjectId() + "' " +
                  "Object Type '" + documentAcls[j].getObjectType() + "' " +
                  "Permission '" + documentAcls[j].getPermission() + "' " +
                  "User Id '" + documentAcls[j].getUserId() + "' " +
                  "Group Id '" + documentAcls[j].getGroupId() + "'");

                if (documentAcls[j].getPermission() == 0// prohibit permission
                  if (documentAcls[j].getGroupId() > 0)
                    denyAclsArrayList.add("G" + documentAcls[j].getGroupId());
                  } else if (documentAcls[j].getUserId() > 0)
                    denyAclsArrayList.add("U" + documentAcls[j].getUserId());
                else                                       // read, amend or manage
                  if (documentAcls[j].getGroupId() > 0)
                    allowAclsArrayList.add("G" + documentAcls[j].getGroupId());
                  } else if (documentAcls[j].getUserId() > 0)
                    allowAclsArrayList.add("U" + documentAcls[j].getUserId());

            DOCUMENTS document = documentData.getDOCUMENTS()[0];

            if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
              Logging.connectors.debug("Document id '" + new Long(docId).toString() + "' is owned by owner id '" +
              document.getPROP_ownerId() + "' having the owner name '" +
              document.getPROP_ownerName() + "' Record Type is '" +
              document.getPROP_recordType() + "'");

            if (document.getPROP_recordType() == 4 ||
              document.getPROP_recordType() == 19)
              RMDataSet rmds = meridio_.getRecord((int)docId, false, false, false);
              Rm2vRecord record = rmds.getRm2vRecord()[0];

              if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
                Logging.connectors.debug("Record User Id Owner is '" + record.getOwnerID() +
                "' Record Group Owner Id is '" + record.getGroupOwnerID() + "'");
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      ArrayList meridioContainers = new ArrayList();

        RMDataSet ds = meridio_.getClassContents(classOrFolderId, false, false, false);
        if (ds == null)
          Logging.connectors.debug("No classes or folders in returned DataSet");
          return new MeridioClassContents [] {};

        Rm2vClass [] classes  = ds.getRm2vClass();
        Rm2vFolder [] folders = ds.getRm2vFolder();

        for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
          if (classes[i].getHomePage() == null ||
            classes[i].getHomePage().length() == 0) // Not a federated link
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      * For completeness, we also call a method in the RM Web
      * Service API
      RMDataSet rmws = meridio_.getConfiguration();
      if (null == rmws)
        Logging.connectors.warn("Meridio: RM DataSet returned was null in 'check' method");
        return "Connection failed - null RM DataSet returned";
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          // Do path metadata
          if (pathAttributeName != null && pathAttributeName.length() > 0)
            if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
              Logging.connectors.debug("Meridio: Path attribute name is "+pathAttributeName);
            RMDataSet partList;
            int recordType = documentData.getDOCUMENTS()[0].getPROP_recordType();
            if (recordType == 0 || recordType == 4 || recordType == 19)
              partList = meridio_.getRecordPartList((int)docId, false, false);
              partList = meridio_.getDocumentPartList((int)docId);
            if (partList != null)
              if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
                Logging.connectors.debug("Meridio: Document '"+new Long(docId).toString()+"' has a part list with "+Integer.toString(partList.getRm2vPart().length)+" values");

              for (int k = 0; k < partList.getRm2vPart().length; k++)
              if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
                Logging.connectors.debug("Meridio: Document '"+new Long(docId).toString()+"' has no part list, so no path attribute");

          // Process acls.  If there are forced acls, use those, otherwise get them from Meridio.
          String [] allowAcls;
          String [] denyAcls;

          // forcedAcls will be null if security is off, or nonzero length if security is on but hard-wired
          if (forcedAcls != null && forcedAcls.length == 0)
            ACCESSCONTROL [] documentAcls = documentData.getACCESSCONTROL();
            ArrayList allowAclsArrayList = new ArrayList();
            ArrayList denyAclsArrayList = new ArrayList();

            // Allow a broken authority to disable all Meridio documents, even if the document is 'wide open', because
            // Meridio does not permit viewing of the document if the user does not exist (at least, I don't know of a way).

            if (documentAcls != null)
              for (int j = 0; j < documentAcls.length; j++)
                if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
                  "Object Id '" + documentAcls[j].getObjectId() + "' " +
                  "Object Type '" + documentAcls[j].getObjectType() + "' " +
                  "Permission '" + documentAcls[j].getPermission() + "' " +
                  "User Id '" + documentAcls[j].getUserId() + "' " +
                  "Group Id '" + documentAcls[j].getGroupId() + "'");

                if (documentAcls[j].getPermission() == 0// prohibit permission
                  if (documentAcls[j].getGroupId() > 0)
                    denyAclsArrayList.add("G" + documentAcls[j].getGroupId());
                  } else if (documentAcls[j].getUserId() > 0)
                    denyAclsArrayList.add("U" + documentAcls[j].getUserId());
                else                                       // read, amend or manage
                  if (documentAcls[j].getGroupId() > 0)
                    allowAclsArrayList.add("G" + documentAcls[j].getGroupId());
                  } else if (documentAcls[j].getUserId() > 0)
                    allowAclsArrayList.add("U" + documentAcls[j].getUserId());

            DOCUMENTS document = documentData.getDOCUMENTS()[0];

            if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
              Logging.connectors.debug("Document id '" + new Long(docId).toString() + "' is owned by owner id '" +
              document.getPROP_ownerId() + "' having the owner name '" +
              document.getPROP_ownerName() + "' Record Type is '" +
              document.getPROP_recordType() + "'");

            if (document.getPROP_recordType() == 4 ||
              document.getPROP_recordType() == 19)
              RMDataSet rmds = meridio_.getRecord((int)docId, false, false, false);
              Rm2vRecord record = rmds.getRm2vRecord()[0];

              if (Logging.connectors.isDebugEnabled())
                Logging.connectors.debug("Record User Id Owner is '" + record.getOwnerID() +
                "' Record Group Owner Id is '" + record.getGroupOwnerID() + "'");
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      ArrayList meridioContainers = new ArrayList();

        RMDataSet ds = meridio_.getClassContents(classOrFolderId, false, false, false);
        if (ds == null)
          Logging.connectors.debug("No classes or folders in returned DataSet");
          return new MeridioClassContents [] {};

        Rm2vClass [] classes  = ds.getRm2vClass();
        Rm2vFolder [] folders = ds.getRm2vFolder();

        for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
          if (classes[i].getHomePage() == null ||
            classes[i].getHomePage().length() == 0) // Not a federated link
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Related Classes of org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.connectors.meridio.RMDataSet

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