Package org.apache.mailet

Examples of org.apache.mailet.MailetException

            getMailetContext().sendMail(getMailetContext().getPostmaster(), members, message);

            //Kill the old message
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new MailetException("Error creating listserv message", ioe);
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     * Initialize the mailet
    public void init() throws MessagingException {
        if (getInitParameter("table") == null) {
            throw new MailetException("Table location not specified for JDBCVirtualUserTable");

        String tableURL = getInitParameter("table");

        String datasourceName = tableURL.substring(5);
        int pos = datasourceName.indexOf("/");
        String tableName = datasourceName.substring(pos + 1);
        datasourceName = datasourceName.substring(0, pos);
        Connection conn = null;

        try {
            ComponentManager componentManager = (ComponentManager)getMailetContext().getAttribute(Constants.AVALON_COMPONENT_MANAGER);
            // Get the DataSourceSelector service
            DataSourceSelector datasources = (DataSourceSelector)componentManager.lookup(DataSourceSelector.ROLE);
            // Get the data-source required.
            datasource = (DataSourceComponent);

            conn = datasource.getConnection();

            // Check if the required table exists. If not, complain.
            DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = conn.getMetaData();
            // Need to ask in the case that identifiers are stored, ask the DatabaseMetaInfo.
            // Try UPPER, lower, and MixedCase, to see if the table is there.
            if (!(theJDBCUtil.tableExists(dbMetaData, tableName))) {
                StringBuffer exceptionBuffer =
                                              new StringBuffer(128)
                                              .append("Could not find table '")
                                              .append("' in datasource '")
                throw new MailetException(exceptionBuffer.toString());

            //Build the query
            query = getInitParameter("sqlquery");
            if (query == null) {
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            StringBuffer exceptionBuffer =
                new StringBuffer(128)
                        .append("Could not load matcher (")
            throw new MailetException(exceptionBuffer.toString(), e);
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            StringBuffer exceptionBuffer =
                new StringBuffer(128)
                        .append("Could not load mailet (")
            throw new MailetException(exceptionBuffer.toString(), e);
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            reply.setHeader(RFC2822Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, multipart.getContentType());
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new MailetException("Unable to create multipart body");

        //Create the list of recipients in our MailAddress format
        Set recipients = new HashSet();
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    public void init() throws MailetException {
        isDebug = (getInitParameter("debug") == null) ? false : new Boolean(getInitParameter("debug")).booleanValue();
        processor = getInitParameter("processor");
        if (processor == null) {
            throw new MailetException("processor parameter is required");
        noticeText = getInitParameter("notice");
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     * Initialize the mailet
    public void init() throws MessagingException {
        if (getInitParameter("data_source") == null) {
            throw new MailetException("data_source not specified for JDBCListserv");
        if (getInitParameter("listserv_id") == null) {
            throw new MailetException("listserv_id not specified for JDBCListserv");
        if (getInitParameter("listserv_table") == null) {
            throw new MailetException("listserv_table not specified for JDBCListserv");
        if (getInitParameter("members_table") == null) {
            throw new MailetException("members_table not specified for JDBCListserv");

        String datasourceName = getInitParameter("data_source");
        listservID = getInitParameter("listserv_id");
        listservTable = getInitParameter("listserv_table");
        membersTable = getInitParameter("members_table");

        if (getInitParameter("cache_settings") != null) {
            try {
                cacheSettings = new Boolean(getInitParameter("cache_settings")).booleanValue();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                //ignore error

        Connection conn = null;

        try {
            ComponentManager componentManager = (ComponentManager)getMailetContext().getAttribute(Constants.AVALON_COMPONENT_MANAGER);
            // Get the DataSourceSelector service
            DataSourceSelector datasources = (DataSourceSelector)componentManager.lookup(DataSourceSelector.ROLE);
            // Get the data-source required.
            datasource = (DataSourceComponent);

            conn = datasource.getConnection();

            // Check if the required listserv table exists. If not, complain.
            DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = conn.getMetaData();
            // Need to ask in the case that identifiers are stored, ask the DatabaseMetaInfo.
            // Try UPPER, lower, and MixedCase, to see if the table is there.
            if (!(theJDBCUtil.tableExists(dbMetaData, listservTable)))  {
                StringBuffer exceptionBuffer =
                    new StringBuffer(128)
                            .append("Could not find table '")
                            .append("' in datasource '")
                throw new MailetException(exceptionBuffer.toString());

            // Check if the required members table exists. If not, complain.
            // Need to ask in the case that identifiers are stored, ask the DatabaseMetaInfo.
            // Try UPPER, lower, and MixedCase, to see if the table is there.
            if (!( theJDBCUtil.tableExists(dbMetaData, membersTable)))  {
                StringBuffer exceptionBuffer =
                    new StringBuffer(128)
                            .append("Could not find table '")
                            .append("' in datasource '")
                throw new MailetException(exceptionBuffer.toString());

            StringBuffer queryBuffer =
                new StringBuffer(256)
                        .append("SELECT members_only, attachments_allowed, reply_to_list, subject_prefix, list_address FROM ")
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                StringBuffer exceptionBuffer =
                    new StringBuffer(64)
                            .append("Could not find listserv record for '")
                throw new MailetException(exceptionBuffer.toString());
            membersOnly = rs.getBoolean("members_only");
            attachmentsAllowed = rs.getBoolean("attachments_allowed");
            replyToList = rs.getBoolean("reply_to_list");
            subjectPrefix = rs.getString("subject_prefix");
            String address = rs.getString("list_address");
            if (address == null) {
                listservAddress = null;
            } else {
                try {
                    listservAddress = new MailAddress(address);
                } catch (ParseException pe) {
                    //log and ignore
                    StringBuffer logBuffer =
                        new StringBuffer(128)
                                .append("invalid listserv address '")
                                .append("' for listserv '")
                    listservAddress = null;
        } catch (SQLException sqle) {
            throw new MailetException("Problem loading settings", sqle);
        } finally {
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                            .append(" requested for processing of ")
                    String exceptionMessage = exceptionMessageBuffer.toString();
                    throw new MailetException(exceptionMessage);
                StringBuffer logMessageBuffer = null;
                if (getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
                    logMessageBuffer =
                        new StringBuffer(64)
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            //Send the message to the list members
            //We set the list owner as the sender for now so bounces go to him/her
            getMailetContext().sendMail(listOwner, members, message);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new MailetException("Error creating listserv message", ioe);
        } finally {
            //Kill the old message
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Related Classes of org.apache.mailet.MailetException

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