Package org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop

Examples of org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.DistributedRowMatrix$MatrixEntryWritable


  private LanczosState doTestDistributedLanczosSolver(boolean symmetric,
      int desiredRank, boolean hdfsBackedState)
      throws IOException {
    DistributedRowMatrix corpus = getCorpus(symmetric);
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    DistributedLanczosSolver solver = new DistributedLanczosSolver();
    Vector intitialVector = solver.getInitialVector(corpus);
    LanczosState state;
    if(hdfsBackedState) {
      HdfsBackedLanczosState hState = new HdfsBackedLanczosState(corpus, corpus.numCols(),
          desiredRank, intitialVector, new Path(getTestTempDirPath(),
              "lanczosStateDir" + suf(symmetric) + counter));
      state = hState;
    } else {
      state = new LanczosState(corpus, corpus.numCols(), desiredRank, intitialVector);
    solver.solve(state, desiredRank, symmetric);
    for(int i = 0; i < desiredRank/2; i++) {
      assertEigen(i, state.getRightSingularVector(i), corpus, 0.1, symmetric);
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    return state;

  public void doTestResumeIteration(boolean symmetric) throws IOException {
    DistributedRowMatrix corpus = getCorpus(symmetric);
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    DistributedLanczosSolver solver = new DistributedLanczosSolver();
    int rank = 10;
    Vector intitialVector = solver.getInitialVector(corpus);
    HdfsBackedLanczosState state = new HdfsBackedLanczosState(corpus, corpus.numCols(), rank,
        intitialVector, new Path(getTestTempDirPath(), "lanczosStateDir" + suf(symmetric) + counter));
    solver.solve(state, rank, symmetric);

    rank *= 2;
    state = new HdfsBackedLanczosState(corpus, corpus.numCols(), rank,
        intitialVector, new Path(getTestTempDirPath(), "lanczosStateDir" + suf(symmetric) + counter));
    solver = new DistributedLanczosSolver();
    solver.solve(state, rank, symmetric);

    LanczosState allAtOnceState = doTestDistributedLanczosSolver(symmetric, rank, false);
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    this.minEigenValue = minEigenValue;

    if (eigenInput != null && eigensToVerify == null) {
      prepareEigens(conf, eigenInput, inMemory);
    DistributedRowMatrix c = new DistributedRowMatrix(corpusInput, tempOut, 1, 1);
    corpus = c;

    // set up eigenverifier and orthoverifier TODO: allow multithreaded execution

    eigenVerifier = new SimpleEigenVerifier();
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    return eigenMetaData;

  private void prepareEigens(Configuration conf, Path eigenInput, boolean inMemory) {
    DistributedRowMatrix eigens = new DistributedRowMatrix(eigenInput, tmpOut, 1, 1);
    if (inMemory) {
      List<Vector> eigenVectors = new ArrayList<Vector>();
      for (MatrixSlice slice : eigens) {
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    this.maxError = maxError;
    if (eigenInput != null && eigensToVerify == null) {
      prepareEigens(new Configuration(conf), eigenInput, inMemory);

    DistributedRowMatrix c = new DistributedRowMatrix(corpusInput, tmpOut, 1, 1);
    c.setConf(new Configuration(conf));
    corpus = c;

    eigenVerifier = new SimpleEigenVerifier();
    //OrthonormalityVerifier orthoVerifier = new OrthonormalityVerifier();
    //VectorIterable pairwiseInnerProducts = computePairwiseInnerProducts();
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    FileInputFormat.addInputPath(job, markovPath);
    FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, outputPath);
    // build the resulting DRM from the results
    return new DistributedRowMatrix(outputPath, new Path(outputPath, "tmp"),
        diag.size(), diag.size());
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    Path affSeqFiles = new Path(outputCalc, "seqfile-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF));
    AffinityMatrixInputJob.runJob(input, affSeqFiles, numDims, numDims);

    // Next step: construct the affinity matrix using the newly-created
    // sequence files
    DistributedRowMatrix A = new DistributedRowMatrix(affSeqFiles,
                                                      new Path(outputTmp, "afftmp-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF)),
    Configuration depConf = new Configuration(conf);

    // Next step: construct the diagonal matrix D (represented as a vector)
    // and calculate the normalized Laplacian of the form:
    // L = D^(-0.5)AD^(-0.5)
    Vector D = MatrixDiagonalizeJob.runJob(affSeqFiles, numDims);
    DistributedRowMatrix L =
        VectorMatrixMultiplicationJob.runJob(affSeqFiles, D,
            new Path(outputCalc, "laplacian-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF)));

    // Next step: perform eigen-decomposition using LanczosSolver
    // since some of the eigen-output is spurious and will be eliminated
    // upon verification, we have to aim to overshoot and then discard
    // unnecessary vectors later
    int overshoot = (int) ((double) clusters * OVERSHOOT_MULTIPLIER);
    DistributedLanczosSolver solver = new DistributedLanczosSolver();
    LanczosState state = new LanczosState(L, overshoot, numDims, solver.getInitialVector(L));
    Path lanczosSeqFiles = new Path(outputCalc, "eigenvectors-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF));

    // perform a verification
    EigenVerificationJob verifier = new EigenVerificationJob();
    Path verifiedEigensPath = new Path(outputCalc, "eigenverifier");
    verifier.runJob(conf, lanczosSeqFiles, L.getRowPath(), verifiedEigensPath, true, 1.0, 0.0, clusters);
    Path cleanedEigens = verifier.getCleanedEigensPath();
    DistributedRowMatrix W = new DistributedRowMatrix(cleanedEigens, new Path(cleanedEigens, "tmp"), clusters, numDims);
    DistributedRowMatrix Wtrans = W.transpose();
    //    DistributedRowMatrix Wt = W.transpose();

    // next step: normalize the rows of Wt to unit length
    Path unitVectors = new Path(outputCalc, "unitvectors-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF));
    UnitVectorizerJob.runJob(Wtrans.getRowPath(), unitVectors);
    DistributedRowMatrix Wt = new DistributedRowMatrix(unitVectors, new Path(unitVectors, "tmp"), clusters, numDims);

    // Finally, perform k-means clustering on the rows of L (or W)
    // generate random initial clusters
    Path initialclusters = RandomSeedGenerator.buildRandom(conf,
                                                           new Path(output, Cluster.INITIAL_CLUSTERS_DIR),
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  public static DistributedRowMatrix runJob(Path input, Path output, int dimensions)
    throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Path seqFiles = new Path(output, "seqfiles-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF));
    runJob(input, seqFiles, dimensions, dimensions);
    DistributedRowMatrix a = new DistributedRowMatrix(seqFiles,
        new Path(seqFiles, "seqtmp-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF)),
        dimensions, dimensions);
    a.setConf(new Configuration());
    return a;
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    // set the instance variables
    // create a few new Paths for temp files and transformations
    Path outputCalc = new Path(output, "calculations");
    Path outputTmp = new Path(output, "temporary");

    DistributedRowMatrix A = AffinityMatrixInputJob.runJob(input, outputCalc, dimensions);
    Vector D = MatrixDiagonalizeJob.runJob(A.getRowPath(), dimensions);

    long numCuts;
    do {
      // first three steps are the same as spectral k-means:
      // 1) calculate D from A
      // 2) calculate L = D^-0.5 * A * D^-0.5
      // 3) calculate eigenvectors of L

      DistributedRowMatrix L =
          VectorMatrixMultiplicationJob.runJob(A.getRowPath(), D,
              new Path(outputCalc, "laplacian-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF)));
      L.setConf(new Configuration(conf));

      // eigendecomposition (step 3)
      int overshoot = (int) ((double) eigenrank * OVERSHOOT_MULTIPLIER);
      LanczosState state = new LanczosState(L, overshoot, eigenrank,
          new DistributedLanczosSolver().getInitialVector(L));

      DistributedRowMatrix U = performEigenDecomposition(conf, L, state, eigenrank, overshoot, outputCalc);
      U.setConf(new Configuration(conf));
      List<Double> eigenValues = new ArrayList<Double>();
      for(int i=0; i<eigenrank; i++) {
        eigenValues.set(i, state.getSingularValue(i));

      // here's where things get interesting: steps 4, 5, and 6 are unique
      // to this algorithm, and depending on the final output, steps 1-3
      // may be repeated as well

      // helper method, since apparently List and Vector objects don't play nicely
      Vector evs = listToVector(eigenValues);

      // calculate sensitivities (step 4 and step 5)
      Path sensitivities = new Path(outputCalc, "sensitivities-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF));
      EigencutsSensitivityJob.runJob(evs, D, U.getRowPath(), halflife, tau, median(D), epsilon, sensitivities);

      // perform the cuts (step 6)
      input = new Path(outputTmp, "nextAff-" + (System.nanoTime() & 0xFF));
      numCuts = EigencutsAffinityCutsJob.runjob(A.getRowPath(), sensitivities, input, conf);

      // how many cuts were made?
      if (numCuts > 0) {
        // recalculate A
        A = new DistributedRowMatrix(input,
                                     new Path(outputTmp, Long.toString(System.nanoTime())), dimensions, dimensions);
        A.setConf(new Configuration());
    } while (numCuts > 0);

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    // now run the verifier to trim down the number of eigenvectors
    EigenVerificationJob verifier = new EigenVerificationJob();
    Path verifiedEigens = new Path(tmp, "verifiedeigens");
    verifier.runJob(conf, seqFiles, input.getRowPath(), verifiedEigens, false, 1.0, 0.0, numEigenVectors);
    Path cleanedEigens = verifier.getCleanedEigensPath();
    return new DistributedRowMatrix(cleanedEigens, new Path(cleanedEigens, "tmp"), numEigenVectors, input.numRows());
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Related Classes of org.apache.mahout.math.hadoop.DistributedRowMatrix$MatrixEntryWritable

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