Implements vector that only stores non-zero doubles as a pair of parallel arrays (OrderedIntDoubleMapping), one int[], one double[]. If there are k non-zero elements in the vector, this implementation has O(log(k)) random-access read performance, and O(k) random-access write performance, which is far below that of the hashmap based {@link org.apache.mahout.math.RandomAccessSparseVector RandomAccessSparseVector}. This class is primarily used for operations where the all the elements will be accessed in a read-only fashion sequentially: methods which operate not via get() or set(), but via iterateNonZero(), such as (but not limited to) :
- dot(Vector)
- addTo(Vector)
Note that the Vector passed to these above methods may (and currently, are) be used in a random access fashion, so for example, calling is slow. TODO: this need not be the case - both are ordered, so this should be very fast if implmented in this class
{@see OrderedIntDoubleMapping}