public void test() {
BayesClassifier classifier = new BayesClassifier();
String[] document = {"aa", "ff"};
ClassifierResult result = classifier.classify(model, document, "unknown");
assertNotNull("category is null and it shouldn't be", result);
assertEquals(result + " is not equal to e", "e", result.getLabel());
document = new String[]{"ff"};
result = classifier.classify(model, document, "unknown");
assertNotNull("category is null and it shouldn't be", result);
assertEquals(result + " is not equal to d", "d", result.getLabel());//GSI: was unknown, but we now just pick the first cat
document = new String[]{"cc"};
result = classifier.classify(model, document, "unknown");
assertNotNull("category is null and it shouldn't be", result);
assertEquals(result + " is not equal to d", "d", result.getLabel());