// NOTE: not great that we ask the suggester to give
// us the "answer key" (ie maybe we have a bug in
// suggester.toLevA ...) ... but testRandom2() fixes
// this:
Automaton automaton = suggester.convertAutomaton(suggester.toLevenshteinAutomata(suggester.toLookupAutomaton(analyzedKey)));
// TODO: could be faster... but its slowCompletor for a reason
BytesRef spare = new BytesRef();
for (TermFreq2 e : slowCompletor) {
Set<IntsRef> finiteStrings = suggester.toFiniteStrings(spare, tokenStreamToAutomaton);
for (IntsRef intsRef : finiteStrings) {
State p = automaton.getInitialState();
BytesRef ref = Util.toBytesRef(intsRef, spare);
boolean added = false;
for (int i = ref.offset; i < ref.length; i++) {
State q = p.step(ref.bytes[i] & 0xff);
if (q == null) {