assert a.isDeterministic();
final List<Path<T>> queue = new ArrayList<Path<T>>();
final List<Path<T>> endNodes = new ArrayList<Path<T>>();
queue.add(new Path<T>(a.getInitialState(), fst
.getFirstArc(new FST.Arc<T>()), fst.outputs.getNoOutput(),
new IntsRef()));
final FST.Arc<T> scratchArc = new FST.Arc<T>();
final FST.BytesReader fstReader = fst.getBytesReader();
while (queue.size() != 0) {
final Path<T> path = queue.remove(queue.size() - 1);
if (path.state.isAccept()) {
// we can stop here if we accept this path,
// we accept all further paths too
IntsRef currentInput = path.input;
for (Transition t : path.state.getTransitions()) {
final int min = t.getMin();
final int max = t.getMax();
if (min == max) {
final FST.Arc<T> nextArc = fst.findTargetArc(t.getMin(),
path.fstNode, scratchArc, fstReader);
if (nextArc != null) {
final IntsRef newInput = new IntsRef(currentInput.length + 1);
newInput.ints[currentInput.length] = t.getMin();
newInput.length = currentInput.length + 1;
queue.add(new Path<T>(t.getDest(), new FST.Arc<T>()
.copyFrom(nextArc), fst.outputs
.add(path.output, nextArc.output), newInput));
} else {
// TODO: if this transition's TO state is accepting, and
// it accepts the entire range possible in the FST (ie. 0 to 255),
// we can simply use the prefix as the accepted state instead of
// looking up all the ranges and terminate early
// here. This just shifts the work from one queue
// (this one) to another (the completion search
// done in AnalyzingSuggester).
FST.Arc<T> nextArc = Util.readCeilArc(min, fst, path.fstNode,
scratchArc, fstReader);
while (nextArc != null && nextArc.label <= max) {
assert nextArc.label <= max;
assert nextArc.label >= min : nextArc.label + " "
+ min;
final IntsRef newInput = new IntsRef(currentInput.length + 1);
newInput.ints[currentInput.length] = nextArc.label;
newInput.length = currentInput.length + 1;
queue.add(new Path<T>(t.getDest(), new FST.Arc<T>()
.copyFrom(nextArc), fst.outputs
.add(path.output, nextArc.output), newInput));