* @return sorted list of the suggested words according to the comparator
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public SuggestWord[] suggestSimilar(Term term, int numSug, IndexReader ir,
SuggestMode suggestMode, float accuracy) throws IOException {
final CharsRef spare = new CharsRef();
String text = term.text();
if (minQueryLength > 0 && text.codePointCount(0, text.length()) < minQueryLength)
return new SuggestWord[0];
if (lowerCaseTerms) {
term = new Term(term.field(), text.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
int docfreq = ir.docFreq(term);
if (suggestMode==SuggestMode.SUGGEST_WHEN_NOT_IN_INDEX && docfreq > 0) {
return new SuggestWord[0];
int maxDoc = ir.maxDoc();
if (maxQueryFrequency >= 1f && docfreq > maxQueryFrequency) {
return new SuggestWord[0];
} else if (docfreq > (int) Math.ceil(maxQueryFrequency * (float)maxDoc)) {
return new SuggestWord[0];
if (suggestMode!=SuggestMode.SUGGEST_MORE_POPULAR) docfreq = 0;
if (thresholdFrequency >= 1f) {
docfreq = Math.max(docfreq, (int) thresholdFrequency);
} else if (thresholdFrequency > 0f) {
docfreq = Math.max(docfreq, (int)(thresholdFrequency * (float)maxDoc)-1);
Collection<ScoreTerm> terms = null;
int inspections = numSug * maxInspections;
// try ed=1 first, in case we get lucky
terms = suggestSimilar(term, inspections, ir, docfreq, 1, accuracy, spare);
if (maxEdits > 1 && terms.size() < inspections) {
HashSet<ScoreTerm> moreTerms = new HashSet<ScoreTerm>();
moreTerms.addAll(suggestSimilar(term, inspections, ir, docfreq, maxEdits, accuracy, spare));
terms = moreTerms;
// create the suggestword response, sort it, and trim it to size.
SuggestWord suggestions[] = new SuggestWord[terms.size()];
int index = suggestions.length - 1;
for (ScoreTerm s : terms) {
SuggestWord suggestion = new SuggestWord();
if (s.termAsString == null) {
UnicodeUtil.UTF8toUTF16(s.term, spare);
s.termAsString = spare.toString();
suggestion.string = s.termAsString;
suggestion.score = s.score;
suggestion.freq = s.docfreq;
suggestions[index--] = suggestion;