* @lucene.experimental
public static Status.TermVectorStatus testTermVectors(AtomicReader reader, PrintStream infoStream, boolean verbose, boolean crossCheckTermVectors) {
final Status.TermVectorStatus status = new Status.TermVectorStatus();
final FieldInfos fieldInfos = reader.getFieldInfos();
final Bits onlyDocIsDeleted = new FixedBitSet(1);
try {
if (infoStream != null) {
infoStream.print(" test: term vectors........");
DocsEnum docs = null;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postings = null;
// Only used if crossCheckTermVectors is true:
DocsEnum postingsDocs = null;
DocsAndPositionsEnum postingsPostings = null;
final Bits liveDocs = reader.getLiveDocs();
final Fields postingsFields;
// TODO: testTermsIndex
if (crossCheckTermVectors) {
postingsFields = reader.fields();
} else {
postingsFields = null;
TermsEnum termsEnum = null;
TermsEnum postingsTermsEnum = null;
for (int j = 0; j < reader.maxDoc(); ++j) {
// Intentionally pull/visit (but don't count in
// stats) deleted documents to make sure they too
// are not corrupt:
Fields tfv = reader.getTermVectors(j);
// TODO: can we make a IS(FIR) that searches just
// this term vector... to pass for searcher?
if (tfv != null) {
// First run with no deletions:
checkFields(tfv, null, 1, fieldInfos, false, true, infoStream, verbose);
// Again, with the one doc deleted:
checkFields(tfv, onlyDocIsDeleted, 1, fieldInfos, false, true, infoStream, verbose);
// Only agg stats if the doc is live:
final boolean doStats = liveDocs == null || liveDocs.get(j);
if (doStats) {
for(String field : tfv) {