void createSnapshot(final IndexCommit indexCommit, ReplicationHandler replicationHandler) {
NamedList details = new NamedList();
details.add("startTime", new Date().toString());
File snapShotDir = null;
String directoryName = null;
Lock lock = null;
try {
SimpleDateFormat fmt = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FMT);
directoryName = "snapshot." + fmt.format(new Date());
lock = lockFactory.makeLock(directoryName + ".lock");
if (lock.isLocked()) return;
snapShotDir = new File(snapDir, directoryName);
if (!snapShotDir.mkdir()) {
LOG.warn("Unable to create snapshot directory: " + snapShotDir.getAbsolutePath());
Collection<String> files = indexCommit.getFileNames();
FileCopier fileCopier = new FileCopier(solrCore.getDeletionPolicy(), indexCommit);
fileCopier.copyFiles(files, snapShotDir);
details.add("fileCount", files.size());
details.add("status", "success");
details.add("snapshotCompletedAt", new Date().toString());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception while creating snapshot", e);
details.add("snapShootException", e.getMessage());
} finally {
replicationHandler.snapShootDetails = details;
if (lock != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error("Unable to release snapshoot lock: " + directoryName + ".lock");