* to reduce memory allocation.
private void copyFile(FileEntry source, OutputStream os, byte buffer[])
throws IOException
InputStream is = null;
try {
long startPtr = os.getFilePointer();
is = directory.openFile(source.file);
long length = is.length();
long remainder = length;
int chunk = buffer.length;
while(remainder > 0) {
int len = (int) Math.min(chunk, remainder);
is.readBytes(buffer, 0, len);
os.writeBytes(buffer, len);
remainder -= len;
// Verify that remainder is 0
if (remainder != 0)
throw new IOException(
"Non-zero remainder length after copying: " + remainder
+ " (id: " + source.file + ", length: " + length
+ ", buffer size: " + chunk + ")");
// Verify that the output length diff is equal to original file
long endPtr = os.getFilePointer();
long diff = endPtr - startPtr;
if (diff != length)
throw new IOException(
"Difference in the output file offsets " + diff
+ " does not match the original file length " + length);
} finally {
if (is != null) is.close();