boolean crossProduct = args[2].equals("Y");
int numLines = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
affixData = ArrayUtil.grow(affixData, (currentAffix << 3) + (numLines << 3));
ByteArrayDataOutput affixWriter = new ByteArrayDataOutput(affixData, currentAffix << 3, numLines << 3);
for (int i = 0; i < numLines; i++) {
assert affixWriter.getPosition() == currentAffix << 3;
String line = reader.readLine();
String ruleArgs[] = line.split("\\s+");
// from the manpage: PFX flag stripping prefix [condition [morphological_fields...]]
// condition is optional
if (ruleArgs.length < 4) {
throw new ParseException("The affix file contains a rule with less than four elements: " + line, reader.getLineNumber());
char flag = flagParsingStrategy.parseFlag(ruleArgs[1]);
String strip = ruleArgs[2].equals("0") ? "" : ruleArgs[2];
String affixArg = ruleArgs[3];
char appendFlags[] = null;
int flagSep = affixArg.lastIndexOf('/');
if (flagSep != -1) {
String flagPart = affixArg.substring(flagSep + 1);
affixArg = affixArg.substring(0, flagSep);
if (aliasCount > 0) {
flagPart = getAliasValue(Integer.parseInt(flagPart));
appendFlags = flagParsingStrategy.parseFlags(flagPart);
twoStageAffix = true;
// TODO: add test and fix zero-affix handling!
String condition = ruleArgs.length > 4 ? ruleArgs[4] : ".";
// at least the gascon affix file has this issue
if (condition.startsWith("[") && !condition.endsWith("]")) {
condition = condition + "]";
// "dash hasn't got special meaning" (we must escape it)
if (condition.indexOf('-') >= 0) {
condition = condition.replace("-", "\\-");
final String regex;
if (".".equals(condition)) {
regex = ".*"; // Zero condition is indicated by dot
} else if (condition.equals(strip)) {
regex = ".*"; // TODO: optimize this better:
// if we remove 'strip' from condition, we don't have to append 'strip' to check it...!
// but this is complicated...
} else {
regex = String.format(Locale.ROOT, conditionPattern, condition);
// deduplicate patterns
Integer patternIndex = seenPatterns.get(regex);
if (patternIndex == null) {
patternIndex = patterns.size();
if (patternIndex > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Too many patterns, please report this to");
seenPatterns.put(regex, patternIndex);
CharacterRunAutomaton pattern = new CharacterRunAutomaton(new RegExp(regex, RegExp.NONE).toAutomaton());
Integer stripOrd = seenStrips.get(strip);
if (stripOrd == null) {
stripOrd = seenStrips.size();
seenStrips.put(strip, stripOrd);
if (stripOrd > Character.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Too many unique strips, please report this to");
if (appendFlags == null) {
appendFlags = NOFLAGS;
encodeFlags(scratch, appendFlags);
int appendFlagsOrd = flagLookup.add(scratch);
if (appendFlagsOrd < 0) {
// already exists in our hash
appendFlagsOrd = (-appendFlagsOrd)-1;
} else if (appendFlagsOrd > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
// this limit is probably flexible, but its a good sanity check too
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Too many unique append flags, please report this to");
// encode crossProduct into patternIndex
int patternOrd = patternIndex.intValue() << 1 | (crossProduct ? 1 : 0);
if (needsInputCleaning) {
CharSequence cleaned = cleanInput(affixArg, sb);
affixArg = cleaned.toString();