public SpanQuery makeSpanNearClause() {
SpanQuery [] spanQueries = new SpanQuery[size()];
Iterator sqi = weightBySpanQuery.keySet().iterator();
int i = 0;
while (sqi.hasNext()) {
SpanQuery sq = (SpanQuery);
spanQueries[i++] = sq;
/* CHECKME: Does the underlying implementation of SpanQuery need sorting? */
if (false) /* true when sorting needed */
Arrays.sort(spanQueries, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
SpanQuery sq1 = (SpanQuery) o1;
SpanQuery sq2 = (SpanQuery) o2;
/* compare the text of the first term of each SpanQuery */
return ((Term)sq1.getTerms().iterator().next()).text().compareTo(
public boolean equals(Object o) {return false;}
if (spanQueries.length == 1)