// any keys that we know result in more then one valId
final Set<ReaderField> valMismatchKeys = new HashSet<ReaderField>();
// iterate over all the cacheEntries to get the mappings we'll need
for (int i = 0; i < cacheEntries.length; i++) {
final CacheEntry item = cacheEntries[i];
final Object val = item.getValue();
// It's OK to have dup entries, where one is eg
// float[] and the other is the Bits (from
// getDocWithField())
if (val instanceof Bits) {
if (val instanceof FieldCache.CreationPlaceholder)
final ReaderField rf = new ReaderField(item.getReaderKey(),
final Integer valId = Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(val));
// indirect mapping, so the MapOfSet will dedup identical valIds for us
valIdToItems.put(valId, item);