assert this.compareToLastTerm(null);
// lazy init the initial ScoreTerm because comparator is not known on ctor:
if (st == null)
st = new ScoreTerm(this.termComp, new TermContext(topReaderContext));
boostAtt = termsEnum.attributes().addAttribute(BoostAttribute.class);
// for assert:
private BytesRef lastTerm;
private boolean compareToLastTerm(final BytesRef t) throws IOException {
if (lastTerm == null && t != null) {
lastTerm = BytesRef.deepCopyOf(t);
} else if (t == null) {
lastTerm = null;
} else {
assert termsEnum.getComparator().compare(lastTerm, t) < 0: "lastTerm=" + lastTerm + " t=" + t;
return true;
public boolean collect(final BytesRef bytes) throws IOException {
final float boost = boostAtt.getBoost();
// make sure within a single seg we always collect
// terms in order
assert this.compareToLastTerm(bytes);
//System.out.println("TTR.collect term=" + bytes.utf8ToString() + " boost=" + boost + " ord=" + readerContext.ord);
// ignore uncompetitive hits
if (stQueue.size() == maxSize) {
final ScoreTerm t = stQueue.peek();
if (boost < t.boost)
return true;
if (boost == t.boost &&, t.bytes) > 0)
return true;
ScoreTerm t = visitedTerms.get(bytes);
final TermState state = termsEnum.termState();
assert state != null;
if (t != null) {
// if the term is already in the PQ, only update docFreq of term in PQ
assert t.boost == boost : "boost should be equal in all segment TermsEnums";
t.termState.register(state, readerContext.ord, termsEnum.docFreq(), termsEnum.totalTermFreq());
} else {
// add new entry in PQ, we must clone the term, else it may get overwritten!
st.boost = boost;
visitedTerms.put(st.bytes, st);
assert st.termState.docFreq() == 0;
st.termState.register(state, readerContext.ord, termsEnum.docFreq(), termsEnum.totalTermFreq());
// possibly drop entries from queue
if (stQueue.size() > maxSize) {
st = stQueue.poll();
st.termState.clear(); // reset the termstate!
} else {
st = new ScoreTerm(termComp, new TermContext(topReaderContext));
assert stQueue.size() <= maxSize : "the PQ size must be limited to maxSize";
// set maxBoostAtt with values to help FuzzyTermsEnum to optimize
if (stQueue.size() == maxSize) {
t = stQueue.peek();