public class TestUnoptimizedReaderOnConstructor extends LuceneTestCase {
public void test() throws Exception {
Directory dir = newDirectory();
IndexWriter iw = new IndexWriter(dir, new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)));
addDocument(iw, "Hello, world!");
addDocument(iw, "All work and no play makes jack a dull boy");
iw = new IndexWriter(dir, new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)).setOpenMode(OpenMode.APPEND));
addDocument(iw, "Hello, tellus!");
addDocument(iw, "All work and no play makes danny a dull boy");
iw = new IndexWriter(dir, new IndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(random)).setOpenMode(OpenMode.APPEND));
addDocument(iw, "Hello, earth!");
addDocument(iw, "All work and no play makes wendy a dull girl");
IndexReader unoptimizedReader = IndexReader.open(dir, false);