protected ThreadState findLargestNonPendingWriter(
DocumentsWriterFlushControl control, ThreadState perThreadState) {
assert perThreadState.dwpt.getNumDocsInRAM() > 0;
long maxRamSoFar = perThreadState.bytesUsed;
// the dwpt which needs to be flushed eventually
ThreadState maxRamUsingThreadState = perThreadState;
assert !perThreadState.flushPending : "DWPT should have flushed";
Iterator<ThreadState> activePerThreadsIterator = control.allActiveThreadStates();
int count = 0;
while (activePerThreadsIterator.hasNext()) {
ThreadState next =;
if (!next.flushPending) {
final long nextRam = next.bytesUsed;
if (nextRam > 0 && next.dwpt.getNumDocsInRAM() > 0) {
if (infoStream.isEnabled("FP")) {
infoStream.message("FP", "thread state has " + nextRam + " bytes; docInRAM=" + next.dwpt.getNumDocsInRAM());